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February 15, 1965
Mrs. Irene" V
Village of NO';
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Subject:. Property for Municipal Building
,D,~r,;~~,::,~~~poel :
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"'.: ',' ~~elr-,;,~ims the 'agreement'between Silver Creek
. "," ,do"", ~n, the North Or:tando Company, and the
;' :..."'~ t,at:e ';j,l\."~. ,0f.Nor~ Or1anch>,on the matter of yOur
~'V'ing. prop~,~'.for a Mun1cipa1;bui1ding.
We agree.to give and deed to the Village of NorthOr1ando~
for the purpose of erecting a municipal building, a piece of
property: having 100'.. frontage on the Longwood/Oviedo Road by
300~ on Noss.Road, for and in consideration of the sum of
YOtLagree that plans and specifications for the structure
,in..:quesd:on will be subject to our approval :in ,so far- as general
, appearance is concerned, and to. aSsure an adequate structure from
the. construction point of view. You also agree to complete th:1s."
building within one year from the date of the deed.
To accomplish this transaction we will require a legal
deseription by a surveyor of the.,property in question. We would
recommend M:f:l. Marian Gordon, Sanford, Florida, toperfonn this,
service in as much as he is familiar with this area. The cost for
his service in this instance is the responsibility of the Village.
For your informat*on,' we, do not have anywhere in our records
adequate}nformation to serve the purpose in question.
Immediately upon receipt of the aforementioned legal des-
criptien, we will have the necessary documents prepared to con-
summate this transaction. This letter should not be construed as
limiting conditilOnB pertaining.to this grant of property which,
in the opinion of our Legal counsel, are necessary to the document.
This statement is not intended to compromise or qualify our
commitment, but rather only to act in accordance with our obli-
gatiOns as a Corporate Officer.
Yours very ~~~,
F.'Wi1liam Gre~
Executive Vice President
.cc: Johnson, Ottman, Saperston
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FEBRUARY 15, 1965
Mrs. Irene Van Epoe1, Mayor
Village of North Orlando
North Orlando, Florida
Subject: Property for Municipal Building
Dear Mrs. Van Epoel:
This letter confirms the agreement between Silver Creek
Precision Corporation, the North Orlando Company, and the
Incorporated Village of North Orlando, on the matter of your
receiving property fora Municipal buildirig.
We agree to give and deed to the Village of North Orlando,.
for the purpose of erecting a municipal building, a piece of
property having 100' frontage on the Longwood/Oviedo Road by
300' on Moss Road, for and in consideration of the sum of $1.00.
You agree that plans and specifications for the structure
in question will be subject to our approval in so far as general
appearance is concerned and to assure an adequate structure from
the construction point of view.. You also agree to complete this
building within one year from the date of the deed.
To accomplish this transaction we will require a legal
description by a surveyor of the property in question.. We would
recommend Mr. Marian Gordon, Sanford, Florida, to perform this
service in as much as he is familiar with this area. The cost for
his service in this instance is the responsibility of the Village.
For your information, we do not have anywt~re in our records
adequate information to serve the purpose in question.
Immediately upon receipt of the aforementioned legal description,
we will have the necessary docUm3nts prepared to consummate this trans-
action. This letter should not re constued as limiting conditions
pertaining to this grant of property which, in the opinion of our Isgal
Counsel, are necessB,ry to the document. This statement is not intended to com-
promise or qualify our commitment, but rather only to act in accordance
with our obligations as a Corporate Officer.
Yours Very Truly,
F. William Gre gory
Executive Vice President