HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966 12 05 Village Council Regular Minutes
RE']UlA1.1 t'.fEETr~G
':TIlliClE CF ";-CJ.TH GtA!mC',"'v..
D~';':]<13SJ. S, 1966
The Village Council of the Village of North Orlando, Fla. met in Regular
Session on December 5, 1966. The meeting was called to order by Hayor George
Fuller at 7:30 P.M.
The Pledge of Allegia"1ce to the Flag 'was led b;l Lloyd E3rown.
On Roll Call the follovring were r'resent:
Hayor George Fuller
Vice-Mayor Lloyd 3ro,vn
Attorney Orville Johnson
CounciL~en: Jay wetz
Charles Rowell
Granville Brown
Ch:? des Eclntosh was absent.
The minutes of the last 11.egular Heeting of November 7, 1966 were read
and ap~roved as read.
The Treasurer's Report:
Balance General Fund 11/1/66
Checks Drawn
Balance 11/30/66
Balance Road and Bridge Fund 11/1/66
Checks Drawn
Ba12nce 11/3D/66
Bills presented f(F Ap~roval:
North Orlando Company (Repair on Sprayer) 13.5L
Robert LaFollette (wages 87. SO/gas 2.00/Anti-Fr./ 91.29
Judah's American Service 24.77
Slanton's Esso 3.39
Fla. League of Hunidpalities 40.00
Helen Green (Tax Rolls) 10.00
Notion Wac: made by Hr. L. Ermm and seconded b-- Yr. G. Brown that these
bills bt" paid. Discussion was held. Unanimously arproved by Council.
Road and Bridge Report, Hr. L. Brmm reporting:
A map of the roads worked on for the past year ,,,as sent in to Tallahasse.
A call was received from rir. Jolm Alexander, Chairman of the County
Commissioners, saying t.hat the Village can no longer have "Ghe draglinc; on the
week-ends. It is unlawful for "\:.he drai;:,line to be rrloved on the week-ends. The
County is over-loaded with "/C.rk and can not let it out at any other time. A
discussion was held on the .rtace Track going in on Seminole blvd. and the l)<:!ving
of South Edgemon.
Health, I'leli'sre and Recreation: Hr. Rowell repcrtLng.
A batter~T \.,as donated by Mr. Ed. Smart and it vIaS turnea in on a Heavy
Duty re builti battery Hi th no cost to the Village. 2 Barrels ",ere replaced a t
the Bus Stops. A copy of a letter y~. Macek sent to Mr. Davis was read. The
neVl" clays v,ill again be Tuesdays and Fridays.
:J:>~':~'~B:;J. 5, 1966
Police and Fire Report, ~IT. Wetz reporting.
Fire DeJ?artment, 2 fires, 1 in ~Tillabe and lout, 18 Hrs. 2 drills, 12~ Hrs.
1 Mee-cing 3 hours, COJ::munity Projects, 1;;; hours, Turl{ey Shoot, 96 hours,
Hainte.aance, ~ l),plilr j 'l'otal of 143 lrlan hours. 16 active members.
Police Department, Complaints, 5; Traffic Violations; Oral Piarnings, 25,
Arrest w'!'itten, 3 and r~curtesy Ticket, 3. Hours spent on School Bus Patrol
b;y LaFollette, 1 3/4 ho~rs, Total hours on the School Bu:::, 6~. Hours patroled
by Hr. "f,Jetz 14 3/4. I>Iiles travelod in Police Cruiser, 453 miles. Gas
purchased 67 gals at 26.07 plus 2.00 cash ticket for cas, 1.79 fer anti-freeze,
and 60 cents for batteries.
Hr. Charles rx~cIntosh Has ill so there l'laS no Finance Report :Cor this month.
There was a meeting o.f the Zoning :::--1oard on Uovember 17th.
did not attend and Hr. Green was not notified that there was a
only two attending were I<1rs. Brandeburg and Er. Gerrie Brmm.
is needed for the Zcnin.>' 3oard.
Hr. Ferguson
meeting. The
One other member
A application for the position of ~)olicc 8hlpf was read from a Mr. Jim
Hatts. Hotion was T:,ade by Hr.VJetz, that a letter be sent to Mr.rilatts
thanking him for sending in the ?pplication and informing him th~t the
Council has de~ided not to hire at this time. Seconded by Mr. Gerrie BrOlffi
and unanimously approved by Council.
Mr. Charles Harasrnaz, a Sgt in the Air Force, is to be~ontacted. Nr.
Harasmaz is to be intervieded at a Special :tvIeeting, at 7:30 P.Yl. on IIonday.
Notion waS made by Hr. l1m-lell that 'iP2;,.OO be d0nated to the North Orlando
Garden Club for the Cr~istmas Lishting Contest. Seconded by }~. Gerrie Brown
illld lli~anllaously approved by Council.
Correspondence read: A letter froIn. the North Orlando Garden Club, a copy
of a letter Nr. Nacek, of C and N Refuse had sent to some of the residents of
the Village, a copy of a letter that Hr. Johnson haQ. received from Er.
Gregory 0' the North Orlando Company, a copy of a letter that Hr. Johnson
had sent to :i-1r. Ken McIntosh, attorney for Casselberry, a copy of a letter
that Nr. Johnson had sent to I.~. Nacek, (Nov. 14th, 1966) pertaining to
Insurance Policies and a performance bond.
Realtors 'Occupat::onal Licenses were discu,"sed. Hotion was made by }JTr.
Lloyd Brown to ha\e I'~. Johnson make up a Resolution amending Ordinance 40,
Section 10 to provide that same shall be applicable only to Brokers or
Salesmen operating and maintaining an office 10rithin the Umits of the Village
of North Orlando. Seconded by fIr. Gerrie Bro"m and unanimously approved
by Council.
The name chcmge was discussed. There were just as '"any l'lfanted
as those that did not, but not enougb concentrated on anyone name.
the name of Nerth Orlando will stay the same.
the change
vie will not have the use of the Casselberry Jail, at least not for some time.
The Shell Credit Card has not oeen received as :;rete
PF..GE 3
1):: CB!.:BER :>, 1566
A new Cruiser is desrerately needed by the Police Department. Motion was
made by FIr. lietz asking authorization of the Council to go for bids on a
Police Car. Seconded by l'Tr. L. Brown. Discussion. Roll Call Vote: Aye; Wetz
and L. Brown, Nay, Rowell and G. Brown. Since there was a tie vote Hr. Fuller
voted IlA YEll to break the tie and majority carried.
The Gouncil was inforl"'1ed that the Nurserv run by Hrs. Singleton did have
an Occupational Lincense. }'r.r~ . Sinf:'le ton ljJOule like the license 10~vered from
12.00 a year, but the Courcil feels that 1.00 a month is a fair price for
the license.
T he Road Grader has been moved to the ba8k of 11r. R olfe 11 's house. It is
in need of some repairs and }ir. L. BrCivll is to contact "Vir. DeVoe to see
about having it repaired.
Ivlotion was made by Hr. ~~etz and seconded by Mr. L. brmm that the
meeting acijcurn at 10:0, P.li. Unanimously alJproveci by Council.
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Helen F. Green, Village Clerk
Village of North Orlando, Fla.
George T. Fuller, Mayor