HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966 11 07 Village Council Regular Minutes
NCVENBER 7, 1966
The Village Council of the Village of North Orlando, Fla. met in regular
session on Monday night, November 7th, 1966. The meeting w~s called to order
at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor George Fuller.
The Group joined in a Pledge of Allesiance to the Flag.
On Roll Call the f.ollowing were present:
P.ayor George Fuller
Vice~!ayor Lloyd Brown
Attorney Orville Johnson, absent
Councilmen: Jay ~etz
Charles Ro..1ell
Granville Brown
Charles Hclntosh
The minutes of the Regular meeting of October 3rd were read and approved
as read. The minutes of the Special meeting of October 10th were approved
as read.
Treasurer's Report:
Balance General Fund 10/1/66
Checks Drawn
BalaIlce 10/31/66
Balance Road and Bridge Fund 10/1/66
Che cks Drm-m
Balance Road and Bridge Fund 10/31/66
Bills presented for approval:
(Bill for repairing Sprayer) 19.06
North Orlando Co.
Dr. J. B. 1'lurphy
Robert LaFollette (salary, gas and L.D. Calls)
Nationwide Insurance (Workmen's Compensation)
Judah's American
ABC Fire Eauipment Co.
G.. Troy Ray,'Jr: (Taxes, Fisher Road & Rec.
Motion was made by Hr. Rowell and seconded by Hr. L. Brown to pay these
bills. Discussion. It was decided that the bill to the North Orlando Co.
be with-held for a while Q'ltil the Sprayer is chocked to be sure it is in
running order. Unanimously approved by Council.
Road and Bridge Report: Mr. L. Brown reporting.
On the 15th frr. Prescott hauled 1, loads of Clay. 13 on South Edgemon
and 2 at the culvert on HaYBS Road for wo7.50. 2 hours hauling clay and 2.5
hours spreading an.::. leveling clay. Total of 4.5 man hours.
An attempt was made to get the County Road Grader three times during
the month but it WaS not available. Hr. Brawn was told that the drivers did
not i.ush to Hork on the week-ends.
T l~GE 2
N':: vam::a 7, 1966
A bill of sale was read from the North Orlando Co, for the the Road Grader.
Notion WaS made by Hr. L. Brovm to have Hr. Rovlell check on a heavy duty
battery for the grader, get tlrree prices and pick the lowest. Seconded by
Hr. 'v'ietz and unanimously approved by Council.
Financial Report: Hr. Hclntosh reporting.
}~. }lclntosh reported th2t after studying figures from the Village
Financial sheet that he felt that the Village could go as far as $250.00 per
month for a police Officer. However, the only way that the Village would be
able to make any kind of a Capital investment would be to have a property tax.
Fire Report: }~. Wetz reporting.
The Fire Department had 173 man hours for the month of October, which
included 1 Fire Lor 7~- man hours, 4 Drills .for a total of 57~ hours, 1 meeting
for 14 hours and 45 man hours on Community Projects (Fire Prevention Week,
Halloween, and English Estates School.)
Police Report- }~. Wetz reporting.
Complaints 7: Traffic Violations: Oral Warnings 18: Arrest (Written) 1;
Courtesy ti "-kets 5. Bus Patrol Hours, 25 3/4 hours. Total hours on patrol 70,
hours on patrol by }~. Wetz 274 ho..:.rs, miles traveled in Police Cruiser 470.
l'Ir. Wetz reported, that since \ve did not have a Police Officer yet he
would not ask for the new cruiser as he had planned to do. A letter is to be
mailed to }~. Charles J. Rector, an applicant for the Police Department,
offering him the position for a starting salar;'l of ,w250.00 per month. An ad
is to be put in the Orlando Sentinel for a Police Chief, givi..'1g the prihce
Health, Welfare and Recreation: l1r. Rowell reporting.
Dr. Bass was in the Village the 14th of October, but only 7 residents
responded and the shots and dog tags.
The Sprayer was checked and found to have a crack in the pwnp. Recreation
Area was mOl~d. People are still thro.nng trash in the Recreation Area at
Third and Edgemon.
Zoning Board: Mr. G. Brown reporting.
A letter of resignation was read from Nary 'tlatson. }~s. \latson has
moved from the Village, and can no longer serve on the Zoning Board, but a
voteof than.ks goes to her for all the typing and research she has done for the
Board. }Ir. Brown explained the classifications Rl ancJ R 1A of the Zoning
Ordinance. Motion was made by !1r. Wetz and seconded by !1r. McIntosh to appoint
Mr. Floyd Green to the Zoning Board. Unanimously approved by Council.
Instructions are to be given to !1r. Johnson to write to 11r. Macek to
bring in his Insurance papers and the performance bond. Also that he is
responsible for the pick-up of the whole Village and if Davis does not pick up
then }~cek is liable for having the garbage picked up. If Macek does not abide
by this the Village will be forced to get another Garbage Service.,
NC\JEi<BSR 7, 1966
l1r. vletz reported on his trip to the Florida League of Ic1unicipalities
Convention in Clearwater. (Copy enclosed). r1otion was made by Hr. L. Brown and
seconded by ~~. ROlrell that this report be accepted. Unanimously approved
by Council. Motion was made by }~. G. Bro~n and seconded by Mr. McIntosh to
subscribe to the book lIFederal Aid to Local Government!!, 20.00 per year.
Unanimously approved by Council.
Motion waS made by ~~. L. Brown to send cards to all of the residents for
a Vote on the four top names (Ranch City, Semino, Casanolo and Norlando) and
one box North Orlando (if there is to be no change). The people are to vote
on one of these names and return to the Council for their vote. Seconded by
Mr. G. Brown. ~~ith 1 IINOll and 4 lIYEA" the Majority carried.
Correspondence was read from the St. Petersburg Chamber of Comn~rce and
Montgomery Ward and Co.
Occupational Licenses were discussed in regards to Real Estate Brokers.
Mayor Fuller and Cowlcilmen G. Brown and McIntosh were to rreet on ~ednesday
to discuss this matter.
Notion was made by }'Ir. Wetz and se conded by Mr. G. Brown to have some
Arrest Reports and Parking Tickets printed at Cullum Printers in SanSord.
Unanimously approved by Council.
Motion vIas made by lIr. G. Brown and seconded by Hr. L. Brown that the
meeting adjourn at 10:05 P.M.
Re~;.,."ec.~fu~,~y SUbmit~d., '1./ ,
Helen F. Green, Village Clerk
Village of North Orlando, Fla.
George T. Fuller, :Hayor