HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966 10 03 Village Council Regular Minutes
vTU AC'rS CF Ht:nTIi t'~t.4JmC; 'FtA.
OCTOBER 3, 1966
The Village Council of the Village of North Orlando, Fla. met in
Regular Session on October 3, 1966.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.1-I. by Mayor George Fuller.
The Group joined in a Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
On Roll Call the following were present:
Mayor George Fuller
Vice-l{ayor IJ.oyd Brown
Attorney Orville Johnson
Councilmen: Jay Wetz
Char les Rowell
Granville Brown
Charles McIntosh
The minutes of the September 12th meeting were read and with exception
of the change "Captaintt instead of Assistant Chief they were approved as read.
The minutes of the Special Meeting of September 19th were read. The paragraph
relating to the Florida League Convention, should have read 130.00 registration
fee plus instead of ~ motel cost.1t Otherwise they were approved as read.
The Treasurer t s Report:
General Fund
Balance General Fund 9/1/66
Checks Drawn
Balance General Fund 9/30/66
Road and Bridge Fund
Balance 9/1/66
Checks Drawn
Balance Road and Bridge 9/30/66
Billa presented for Approval:
Clantonts Esso
W.W. Prescott (From Road and Bridge Fund)
Judah's American
Jay Wetz
Robert LaFollette
!-1:otion was made by Mr. Rowell and seconded by Mr.
these bills be paid. Unanimously approved by Council.
Gerry Brown that
Road and Bridge Report: Mr. Lloyd Brom. reporting;
On the 11th, North Edgemon, Moss Road, Tradewinds from South Edgemon
to Hayes Road and Bahama from Hayes Road to }1oss Road was graded with County
Road Grader at a cost of $5.00 for the rental of the grader and $25.00 for
the Operator. (8 man hours)
On the 24th, the culvert at the entrance to the recreation area was
fixed with a twenty foot 12" culvert pipe and sand bagged at a cost of $42.00
Page 2
October 3, 1966
for 300 sand bags, $39.00 for 26 bags of cement and $87.00 for Mr. Prescott
for moving the culvert pipe from the ranch lands and filling in Sunrise
Road between Herrell Road and Williams Road. Two loads dr till at the corner
of Moss Road and Lombardy" one load of cement slag on North Edgemon and
cleaning out culvert and back filling the entrance to the recreation area.
$25.00 for two laborers to fill and place the sand bags.. Total cost to repair
culvert on North Edgemon $193.00 (22 man hours)
On the 28th, I cleaned off all storm sewer inlets on the North Side
except on Bombay Ave. (Ii man hours).
Fire Report: Mr. Wets reporting;
1 Fire, 2 drills, 1 school and 1 meeting for a total of 105 man hours.
Police Report: Mr. Wetz reporting;
Robert LaFollette, patrolman:: Complaints answered, 12, Traffic Violations,
15 Oral Warnings, 3 written arrests, 8 Courtesy Tickets, Total hours on
School Bus Patrol by Mrs. LaFollette 54. Total hours on Patrol, 77, Hours
on Patrol by Jay Wetz, 21. Miles traveled in Police Cruiser 462. Gas
purchased 53.6 Gallons at a cost of $20.80. 1 bulb, 20; and 1 qt. of
oU, 60;.
Health, Welfare and Recreation: Mr. Rowll reporting;
The dump has been cleaned up by Mr. Prescott for the North Orlando
Co_ The Recreation Area has been mowed.
Finance Report: Mr. McIntosh reporting;
Mr. HcIntosh reported that we only partially mow the results of the
Revenue received, since the results have not come in from the Water Co.
11700.00 is the amount lie hoped we would reach and we have come pretty close.
Correspondence received: A copy of a letter that the Commanding
Officer of Forrest Stratton had entered in his records. A. copy of a letter
that Mr. Johnson had sent to Mr. Kenneth McIntosh, attorney for aasselberry,
in regards to the drainage coming from Casselberry's land and flooding S.
Edgemon near Seminole Blvd. A letter From a Mr. James Russell, supposedly
a resident of North Orlando, but who does not liTe here, protesting the
change of the name "North Orlando".
The Garbage Agreement with C and M Refuse was read and then signed
by Mr. Chet Macek.
Letters haTe been sent concerning the drainage on S. Edgemon and
this matter will be taken up at the next meeting of the Council of
Casselberry on October 12th.
A letter form. 'Was read in regards to the changing ot the name of
North Orlando. Four suggested names lIere given and anyor.e may add a
suggestion of their own. There will, also,be a block to check if you
do not want the name of North Orlando changed. A form will be sent to
each resident in the very near future.
OCTO:eER 3, 1966
A letter was read from Charles J. Rector, an applicant for the position.
of Chief ot Police. He asked for $275.00 per month, but he was to be
advised that at this ;ime the salary could not go over $200.00 per month.
Letters tlere reael troll S.B. Noe, another applicant who has already been
interne_d. A letter was to be sent to Mr. Noe asking him to please
meet with the complete Council on Monday night, October 10th.. 7:30 P.M.
Letters wre to be sent to all of the people that Mr. Noe had listed as
references in his application.
There v1.U be a Special Meeting on Monday night.. October 10th at 7:30 P.M.
Mr. Eel Smart had checked the Road Grader oftered for sale by the
North Orlando CQmpaI\Y' and he said that the engine needed over-hauling and
the estimated cost for fixing it up would be from 100.00 to 150.00. '!'he
COUllcil feels that with the Road Grader the roads in the Ranch Lands could
be kept in better condition. Motion was made by Mr. IJ.oJd Brown that 500.00
should be the bid for the Grader with $450.00 coming out.'of the Roael and
Bridge Fund and $50.00 trom the General Fund. .lll repairs needed for the
Grader to come out of the General Fund in an amount not to exceed 1250.00.
Seconded by Mr. Wets and then a discussion was held. Majority carried.
Mr. Jomson is to contact Mr. Kenneth McIntosh, Attorney for Casselberry,
atter their Council Meeting of October 12th, to see it Casselberry will give
the Village of North Orlando permission to use the Casselberry Jail.
Mr. Lawrence Phillips has not paid the $12.35 owed for his share of
the Police Telephone bill. Two dollars a month was to be allowed tor
electricity so 14.00 will be deducted from the $12.35. A letter 'is to
be sent to Mr. Phillips requesting the $8.35.
Hotion was made by Mr. McIntosh that Jay Wets be sent to the Florida
League of Municipalities Convention in Clearwater on October 23, 24, 25.
That he be authorilled an amount not to exceed 10.00 per day tor 2 days
and that the clerk torward to the Florida League ot Municipalities a
check in the amount ot $30.00 to cover Registration Fee allo_el with
necessary Registration Form. Seconded by Mr. I.1oyd BrOlm and un.a.nimously
approved by-Council.
Mr. Gerrie Brown reported that two more members are needed tor the
Zoning Board.. Mrs. Mary Watson attended the past meeting ot the Zoning
Board and consented to do some more typing tor them. The next meeting
ot the Zoning Board will be on October 27th.
Mr. Rovell contacted Mrs. Edward F. Connelly, Sr. and she has couented
to having the Ball Diamond named after her son, Edward F. Connelly.. Jr.
. letter was read from the North Orlando Fire Department requesting
the use ot the Recreation Area for a Turkey Shoot. The dates are October
29 Be 30 and November 5 Be 6. In case itrabB'. on those dates, the days
will be changeel to November 12 Be 13 and November 19 &: 20., Seconded by
Mr. McIntosh and unanimously' approved by COlmcil.
Police Officer LaFollette has been receiving 1.00 per hour. Motion
was made by Mr. Wets and seconded by Mr. MeIntosh that Mr. LaFollette's
pay be increased to 1.25 per hour, effective October 1st. Unanimously
approved by Couneil.
OOTOBER 3, 1966
Fire Prevention Week will begin on Sunday, October 9th. The Volunteer
Fire Department of Borth Orlando will give a demonstration in the field
across :from the Village Hall at 3:00 P.M. Those desiring may have a tour
of the Village prior to the demonstration. On Thursday, the 13th, the North
Orlando Fire Department has been chosen to check the English Estates School
and give a short talk on Fire Prevention to the students.
Longwood is now on Channel 1 and many times they are able to help out
the North Orlando Police Department. Motion was made by Mr. Wetz to
authorize him to purchase 2 sets of crystals for Channell for the base and
cruiser at a cost of $5.00 per set, total cost 10.OO~ Seconded by Mr.G.
Brown and unanimously approved by Council.
Mr. Wetz asked Mr. ~obuon if some kind of an Ordinance or Resolution
could be formed to keep people from leaving cars and cycles unattended
and the motor running.
Mr. Wetz asked the Council to think over for a month the possibility
of buying a new Police Car.
This is the month to renew Dog Licenses. A Vet will be contacted
and a clinic set up. Dates will be announced later..
The Council asked if the Clerk had found out if Mr. Gregory would
be in the Village any time soon. According to information no one knows
when Mr. Gregory will be down.
Hr. Wets is to get information and cost of a Fire Extinguisher
for the office.
The Dump is still in bad shape despite the fact that a dozer turned
it all under. People are still dumping along the road.
Mr. Andrew Ferrin expressed his feelings regarding the treatment of
his son, Brian, when he was picked up by the Police Department. The Officer
will be contacted and if he is wrong he will be told and if he is right he
will be told that he is right. Investigation will be made and brought to
next meeting, the Special Meeting of October 10th.
Motion vas made by Mr. Wetz and seconded by Mr. IJ.oyd Brown that
the meeting adjourn at 10:30 P.M. Unanimously approved by Council.
~.espe.c2: suboitted .bY;
. Helen F. Green, Village Clerk
Village of North Orlando, Fla.
George T. Fuller, Mayor
Village of North Orlando, Fla..