HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966 09 19 Village Council Special Minutes
SEPTK.IBZR 19, 1966
The Special Meeting of the Village Council of the Village of North
Orlando was called to order b;y Ha;;ror George Fuller at 8:00 P.H. September 19, 1966.
The Group joined in a fledge of Allegi~~ce to the Flag.
On Roll Call the following were present:
Mayor George Fuller
Vice-Hayor Uoyd Brown
Attorney Orville Johnson absent
Couhcilmen: JayWetz
Charles RO\vell
Granville Brom
Charles Hclntosh
The minutes of the last regular meeting i'rere dispensed with until
the next regular meeting.
On the Garbase Agreement, l1r. Chet j~acek, Hr. Davis and a Hr. John
Ferris (Council representing Mr. Macek) were present. The agreement was
agreeable to }fr. Macek except for Article B, Section 4, referring to the
rene.val and Article A, Section 14, concerning the rebate. Article B, Section
4 shall read "Renewal of the Agreement shall be automatic 30 days prior to
termination of Contract if the Village COli..'1cil is satisfied with service
rendered." Only the rr.iddle paragraph of Article A, Section 14 shall remain,
thus: "The Collector further agrees that he idll maintain good and accurate
books of account reflecting the residences and businesses from wnich collections
are ~~de and the paJ~ents received therefrom and agrees that said books of
account as they pertain to the Village of North Orlando, Florida, shall be
oi)en to inspection b;; aLcthorized Village officials at any reasonable time.lI
The payment of a performance bond is to remain in the cont.ract, but no
rebate villI be given. The contract will run from Jul;;, 1, 1966 through
June 30, 1967.
A lease is to be drawn up for the rental of the Sprayer from the North
Orl~'1.do Company for ~l.OO per ;year. The Village of Nortll Oi"'lando accepts
all responsibility for Insurance, Naintemn ce, and the ingredients for Spra;yer.
The Insurance is due on the Road Grader and the North Orlando Co. does
not 1'Jant to keep it if grader is to be sold. :r-1r. Lloyd BrowTI was authorized
to get Ed. Smart to check Grader completely to see what the cost will be to
the grader in good run:ing condition.
A letter will be sent to each of the residents .dth a suggested name
for the Village, instead of }Torth Orlando. The People will vote and t'lis
petition will be turned over to 11r. Cleveland for the Legislature.
i1r. Ralph Johnson cannot serve on the Zoning Board so he must be
replaced. Mr. Richard Harter may be moving so if he leaves, t"\vO people
are still needed for the Zoning Board.
A letter was received from l1r. S.B. Noe, an applicant for the job of
Chief of Police stating that he is still interested. He will be here soon
for an interview.
A request was made from }1r. JayWetz for ~30.00 for registration fees
SJ:PTmmER 19, 1966
and motel bill, the cost of which would have to be determined later, for him to
attend the Florida League of Municipalities' Convention at Clearwater,
October 23, 24, 25. The following program is to be given:
1. Florida Tax Reform Commission
2. The 1967 Florida Legislature
3. Federal Aid
4. Financing Municipal Projects Under Revenue Ruling.
5. Hunicipal Powers as to CATV
6. Problems of Florida Cities.
7. "Vietnam: America's P oli tical and i;:ili tary Frustrations"
8. Constitutional Revision.
Hotion was TIlade by Hr. Nclntosh and seconded by :Hr. ~vetz that the
nseting adjourn at 9:30 P.M. Unanimously approved by Council.
Helen Green, VillaGe Clerk
Village of North Orlando, Fla.
Village of North Orlando, Fla.