HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966 09 12 Village Council Regular Minutes
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;lILIil.GE QT' rrC'"1:::'H C:':::':"i\:CC, T'LC-:\IDA
SZl:01'=~!{3=R 12, 1966
The Regular Session of the Village Council of the Village of North
Orlando was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by l1ayor George Fuller.
Vice-Hayor Lloyd Brown led the group in a pledge of Allegiance to
the Flag.
On Roll Call the following were present:
Mayor C~orge Fuller
Vice-Mayor Lloyd Brown
Attorney Johnson was absent.
Councilmen: Jay A. Ttletz
Charles Rowell and Charles
The minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 1, 1966 were read and
approved. The rrD..nutes of the Special Meeting of August 19th were approved.
Resolution hi73 was read, appointing Mr. Granville BrmVrl as Councilman
in Group 2, filling the unexpired term of Hr. Jack Hi~~ps.
Due to the absence of Attorney Johnson, the Oath of Office was
given to 1~. Brown by the Village Clerk.
Treasurer's Report:
Balance General Fund 8/1/66
Checks Drawn
Balance General Fund 8/31/66
.).;3192 .18
. 1154.47
Road and Bridge Fund
Balance Road and Bridge Fund 8/1/66
Checks Drawn
Balance Road and Bridge Fund 8/31/66
Bills Presented for Approval:
Judah's American Service
Clanton's Esso
Gobbell Machine Shop
Sentinel Star
Sun Herald
Lang Hardware
Robert LaFollette (Auxiliary Police)
Motion was made by Hr. ~'ietz and seconded by Hr.
bills be paid. Unanimously approved by Council.
Rowell that these
Road ~~d Bridge Report- }~. Lloyd Brown reporting.
1. Signs were received on AUGust 5th from SarGent and Sowell.
was '229.75 and check was sent for same.
lA. On the 20th, 15 Yield Signs were put up
2. On the 20th and 27th the rightaways were
within the Village with the Village tractor
The Bill
wi thin the Village C3 man Hrs.)
cut on all the paved roads
(8 man Hrs.)
~ "--""
fAGE 2
SEfTEHBEI1. 12, 1966
3. On the 27th, North Edgemon, South ~dgemon, Tradewinds, Moss Road
and Hayes between Bahama and Tradewinds was graded by the County Road
Grader at a cost of ~25.oo. ~5.00 for the rental of the grader and ~20.00
for the operator.
4. On the 27th, I graded the corner of Moss road and Lombardy as well as
the recreation ar,.a entrance (5 man Hrs.) If the recreation area entrance
is not sand bagged soon it will be washed out again.
5. On the 30th and 31st I started painting the street signs at the corners
of Sherry Ave and Longwood-Oviedo road, Sherry and David. (2 man Iirs.)
6. On the 30th, l'Ir. Nemory of the North Orlando Co. put quite a few loads
of dirt at the corner of 110ss road and Lombardy \nth the North Odando
Company front end loader. (No charge to the Village)
Police and Fire Report- Hr. lietz reporting.
July Fire Report: 2 fires, 3 drills, 1 meeting and 3 community projects,
total of 72 man hours.
August fire report: 2 drills &~d 1 truck maintenance, total 15 rnail hours.
A truck has been added to the Fire Department. It is the process of
being prepared for use. It has been scraped and sanded and the cab has
been painted. A radio has been installed in the Assistant Fire Chief's
house(Chuck Holzman) and one Idll be installed in the truck soon.
Police Report: Ads were placed in the Sentinel and Sun Herald for
a Police Chief. Letters were sent in answer to the applications received.
There were 9 complaints, and in Traffic Violations, there were 9 oral
warnings, 3 arrests and 3 courtesy tickets, actual hours in service alone,
47! hours, actual time spent with Chief, 13, total hours on patrol, 60t,
miles traveled in Cruiser after resignation of Chief, 306 rdles, gasoline
purchased, 33.7 gals, 11.95.
Two letters were read from the Legislative COQ~cil and a Rough working
c.lraft i-iaS presented with a tentative bill entitled" "An act creating a
police standards council: Providing qualifications for the selection and
permanent appointment of police officers; providing for the education and
training 01' police officers; and providing an e:.'fective date."
Finance Committee: l'Ir. McIntosh reporting:
Mr. McIntosh did not have a report at this time. He will not be able
to make a report until the Revenue starts coming in from the Utility taxes.
The checks have not been received since the raise in utility taxes.
Health, Welfare, and Recreation: Mr. Rowell reporting.
Bus Shelters were all cleaned out before the beginning of school.
The grass was mowed in the Recreation Area. The tractor is working pretty
good since the over-hauling but it still gets hot.
A Citation to Robert and Narlow LaFollette was read by Jay ~-Jetz.
Copy enclosed.
A letter of Commendation to Forrest Stratton by Charles Rowell.
Copy enclosed.
::'J~G: 3
Si-::rTElffi:zR. 12, 1966
A J:flr .~iayne l-liller has purchased land running from Tradewinds through
to Panama (7 acres). Hr. Hiller "muld like permission to put a trailer on
the property for a :/ear, until he could get his house built. Hr. Hiller
wculd have to put in the well and a Septic tank first and according to the
State Plumbing Code it should be a minimum 750 gal tm1k. The Clerk was
advised to get all of the particulars from the I:illers. This matter is to
be tabled until more information may be obtained.
A letter from l1r. Johnson with a copy of a letter from the State Board
of Architecture and a copy of an amendment to Section 467.09, Florida Statues.
A note from :Mr. Johnson with a copy of a letter from l1r. Bill Gregory,
giving the Village permission to close the dump if they so wish.
Hotion was made by Mr. Lloyd Bro"V>m that a letter be written to Mr. Hacek
of C and M Refuse telling him that if the Garbage Agrenment isn't settled
by the 19th of September that the Village would be looking for another
garbage service. Seconded by 11r. Rcwel1. Discussion. Hotion defeated.
Motion was made by Hr. Gerry Brown to get Hr. Hacek, along with his
Attorney, 11r. Mack Cleveland, Jr. and !'~. Johnson for a Special Meeting on
Monday night, the 19th, at 7:30. Seconded by Mr. Wetz and unanimously
approved by Council.
Motion was made by lfIT'. Uoyd Brown to submit a bid to the North Orlando
Company for the used Road Grader for ~450.00 and not to exceed $500.00.
Seconded by Hr. Gerry Brown. Discussion. l1otion dropped.
Hr. Johnson sent word that he had written to Hr. Gregory in regards
to the two bay gar~ge and asking if it would be considered a permanent
Bldg. }rr. Jorillson had also written to Casselberry in regards to the
Village using their Jail. It was to be brought up at their Council
meeting, tonight, the 12th.
lIr. Frank Fasula, and !-Irs. Nary viatson, former members of the Zoning
Board are to be contacted and have them return any material they might have
pertaining to the Zoning Board. Hr. Edward Ferguson was appointed temporary
chairman until a permanent one may be appointed. Another member must be
appointed to take Hr. Fasula's place and it WaS suggeste,j that someone
was really needed that was connected 1uth the North Orlando Company and
Mr. Clarence Memory was suggested since he is familiar with the Village.
}~. Gerry Brown read the new rulings of the :oning Board.
Que~.tions were asked by }1r. HlL"rJ.day in regards to Real Estate Licenses,
the hiring of Mr. Phillips, thp use of the sprayer belonging to the North
Orlando Company, and the lagality of whether a government employee could
serve on the Council.
1'Jl'. \'letz reported on the meetings he has been attending Hith the County
Commissioners, and Councilmen and o'ficers from other Municipalities.
These Governing Bodies will be meeting quarterly. They would like the
attendance of the complete CCill1cil from all Municipalities. Each quarter
different subjects will be discussed.
12, 1966
Mr. Lloyd Brown made a motion to purchase at least 300 sandbags at a
cost of about $50.00. Clerk was advised to get bids from the different
Cement Companies on the price of 26 bags of cement. Seconded by }~. Wetz.
Discussion was held. Unanimously approved by Council.
On South Edgemon from the Gurve going into Casselberry the road has
wached almost completely away until ther is just about half a road. The
road is in the Village of North Orlando and the Village is responsible.
It will take at least 30 loads of fill. The road is 22 feet wide and it
~iill take 18 inch pipe at 6.00 a foot. Estimated cost for all $250.00.
l1otion was made by Hr. vletz to have }I'll'. LaFollette removed as an
Auxiliary Policemand and made a patrolman. Seconded by Mr. Lloyd BrmVrl
and unanimously approved by Co~~cil.
Notion was made by Hr. ~~etz and seconded by YJX. McIntosh to pay
Marlow LaFollette ~5.00 per week for taking care of the bus stops.
Unanimously approved by Council.
Hr. Henry \fard suggested that the Ball Diamond be named "Edvmrd F.
Connelly, Jr. Hemorial Field.i in memory of EdHard F. Connelly, Jr.,
who did so much to help the Little League and who WaS so vrell liked.
Notion ~iaS made by Hr. Lloyd Brown and seconded lrJ 1-1r. Rowell that the
Ball Field be named the liThe Edvlard F. Con..l1elly, Jr. Memorial Field.1t
Majority carried.
Renewal time for Dog Licenses will begin in October.
~~. Rowell advised the Clerk to find out when Mr. Gregory of Silver
Creek would be coming to North Orlando so the Council could plan a
meeting with him.
}IT. Jo~son is to be advised to find out the aspects of changing the
name of ltNorth Orlandoll, and have it ready b'" the Special Heeting of Sept. 19th.
The Fire Chief recommended that a Fire Extinguisher be purchased for
the office since the office is considered a public place and fire extinguishers
are required for all public places.
Mr. Fuller expressed his pleasure at being back ,dth the Council
once more and. thanke 0. them for doing a good job during the SUiill1ler.
Motion was made by }~. Lloyd Brown and seconded by Hr. vletz to
adjourn at 10:25 P.M. Unanimously approved by Council.
Helen F. Green, VillaGe Clerk
Village of North Orlando, Fla.