HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966 08 01 Village Council Regular Minutes
V'1'!tAcrE COUNr;It _
VIrlAGE O'f:' 1m11TR ClttAlm<,;' ptOnrnA.
AUGUST ], 1966
The Regular Session of the Village Council of the Village of North Orlando,
Florida, was called to order at 7:36 P.M. by Vice-Mayor Lloyd Brown.
A prayer was offered for the guidance of the Council by Mrs. Lucy Fairburn.
On Roll Call the following were present:
Vice~ayor Lloyd BroWl
Attorney Orville Johnson
Councilmen: Jay A.
Charles Rowell
Charles McIntosh
Jack Hipps were absent.
Mayor George Fuller and Councilman
The minutes of the Ju~ 11th meeting were read and approved as read.
The Treasurer's report:
Balance 7/1/66
Checks Drawn
Balance 7/31/66
General Fund
Road and Bridge Fund
Balance 7/1/66
Che cks Drawn
Balance 7/31/66
Bills presented for approval:
Judah's American (gas 89.22- repairs 93.13)
Nationwide Insurance (Public Bond)
Johnny Bolton
Gobbell V~chine Shop
Robert LaFollette (Auxiliary Police)
Motion was made by Mr. Wetz and seconded by Mr. Rowell that
Majority carried.
these bills
be paid.
Road a~d Bridge Report: Mr. Brown reporting;
1. On July 9th, the rightaways of the paved roads and some of the ranch
lands roads were cut with the use of two tractors loaned by 11r. Bill Pi10ian.
(5 man hours each fo*, two men, total of 10 ma..'1 hours)
2. On July lOth, the rightaways in the ranch lands were cut with the use
of the two tractors loaned by Mr. Piloian (4 man hours each for the two men
driving thr tractors, total of 8 man hours.)
3. On July 16th, Mr. Prescott put clay on the dirt roads as follows:
North Edgemon, Tradewinds, corner of Hoss road and Bahama and the cormer of
Noss Road and Lombardy. (18 loads with loader, $75.00)
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August 1, 1966
~ 4. On July 22nd, I replaced the Stop sign at the corner of the Longwood-Oviedo
Road and North Devond and painted the sign post, plus the post to the street
sign. (! man hours). The old sign ..,-ill be reinstalled when I get it refinished.
5. On July 23rd I put up a new 20 NPH sign on South Devon and painted the sign
post <! man hours).
6. On July 30th I refinished the stop sic;n and put it back up on North Deyon
and Hiway 434. Replaced stop sign at Hiw.':y 419 and North Edgemon. The sign that
was there was taken dOlm by some one and bent around the post and then thrown
into the weeds. The stop sign post at Hiway 434 and Bennett Ave. was replaced
because the original post was broken off some time ago. (I! man hours).
7. On July 30th, North Edgemen, South Edgemon, Tradewinds and Moss Road was
graded by the County Road Grader at a cost of $30.00, ~5.00 for the lease and
$25.00 for the operator.
Financial Report: Mr. McIntosh reporting;
Mr. McIntosh suggested that an agenda for the coming meeting be drawn up
ahead of time and a copy sent to each councilman so that the councilman will
know what is going to take place before the meeting. It was also suggested that
the Agenda be published before the meeting. Hr. HcIntosh plans an individual
workshop for the Finance Committee before the next regular meeting. A program
will be worked out for anything that is to be purchased. Several insurance
policies will be expiring and it was suggested that renewal bids be sent out.
Health, 1rfelfare and Recreation: Hr. Rowell reporting;
Recreation Area was cut on the 10th and 11th. Carroll's yard on North
Fairfax has been cut. The dump is still in very bad shape.
Mr. Orville Johnson reported on his talk to Hr. Cleveland concerning the
Garbage Agreement with C and 11 Refuse. J.1r. Macek wants a 2 year contract or a
1 year contract wi ~'1 an automatic renewal for one year. Pick-up has been
Tuesday and Friday but Mr. Macek does not .va.nt any set day for pick-up. Mr.
Macek wants the performance Bond deleted, but the Council feels that the bond
is needed for the protection of the Village. Paragraph 14, concerning a
return ror the Village was deleted entirely.
Sanford has refused the Village use of the City Jail. Mr. Johnson is
negotiating an agreement with Casselberry to see if the Village may use the
Casselberry Jail.
Mr. Gregory had written a letter to }1r. Johnson in regards to the Dump.
Mr. Peck will be t~(ing care of matters since }1r. Fasu1a has been laid off
from the North Orlando Company. }1'..r. Peck will inspect the dump and then
write a letter to Mr. Johnson.
Police and Fire Report: l1r. Wetz reporting;
.-.. There Wd,S no fire report for the month of July. The Fire Department has
raised ~03.61. With 20 cents alloted for each occupied house the Fire Dept.
has been alloted ~557.20 In order to match the funds the Fire Dept. will be
alloted ~46.41 more to bring the total alloted to $603.61.
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August 1, 1966
_ Thl?.Go-operative Equipment lease on the Fire Truck from the Forestry Service
was read. Copy enclosed.
Police Report:
Oral Warnings----------------------------------31
written Warnings-------------------------------5
Hours in actual service------------------------235
LaFolJette's hours alone-----------------------56
LaFollette's time with Chief-------------------24~
La}'ollett's hours on Patrol--------------------8o *
LaFollette's miles on Chief's Day off----------263.7
Gasoline purchased-----------------------------31.2
Actual miles traveled in cruiser---------------2,087
A resignation has not been received from }~a. }Utry Watson so, since her term
has expired someone will have to take her place. The was advised to write to
the board and have it reactivated by the next meeting and to have at lease
one member present at the Council meeting.
letters were read from Seminole Community Action, Inc., Mr. and Mrs. Fred Salter,
Winter Park Telephone Co. City of Sanford, state Beverage Dept. and Senator
Mack Cleveland, Jr. In reference to Senator Cleveland's letter a question was
asked, as to how many votes would be necessary for legislation to abolish the
Village of North Orl&~do. Mr. Johnson checked in the Florida Statues and found
that it would take 1/3 of the registered voters.
The Village Tractor is badly in need of repairs, in fact it is in no shape to
be run at all. Motion was made by Mr. Rowell that he be given permission to
have the tractor torn do,m and bring to the 60uncil the estimated cost of the
repairs for the tractor. Seconded b'- Mr. 1-lcIntosh and majority carried.
Mr. Wetz is to write a letter to Mr. and~~s. Robert LaFollette thanking them
for their help to the Police Department. The letter will be presented to them
at the next regular Council meeting.
Mrs. Fairburn asked Mr. Wetz if the Chief of Police was recelvlng ~200.00 per
month and Mrs. Fairburn was answered in the affirmative.
Mrs. Salter said that in the Police Report for June no fines had been liseed.
She said that she had brought in a fine for a neighbor the 27th of June. It
had been listed as an arrest and since the bond was paid in advance there was no
Court Action. The fines are not listed in the Patrolmen's report, but are listed
in the Court Log and credited to the Police Dept. in the deposits.
Motion was made by Hr. Wetz and seconded by Mr. HcIntosh to adjourn at 9:30 P.'H.
Respectfully submitted,
Helen F. Green, Village Clerk