HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966 07 11 Village Council Regular Minutes
JULY 11, 1966
The Regular Session of the Village Council of the Village ot North Orlando,
Fla. was called to order by Vice Mayor IJ.oyd Brown at 1:35 P.M.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the !o'lag was given by all.
On Roll Call the following were present:
Vice Mayor IJ.oyd Brown
Attorney Orville Johnson
Councilmen: Jay Wetz
Charles Rowell
Charles McIntosh
Jack Hipps
Mayor George Fuller was absent.
Resolution #12, relating to the changing of the date of the regular meeting
from July 4th to July 11th, and the changing of the meeting place from the
Village Hall to the room adjacent to the North Orlando Store, was read.
The minutes of the last meeting, June 6, 1966, were read and approved as
read. The blank in the Fire Dept. report should read "business". Motion was
made by Mr. Wetz and seconded by Mr. Rowell that these minutes be accepted.
Unanimously approved by 'Council.
Treasurer's Report:
General Fund:
Balance 6/1/66
Checks Drawn
Balance 6/30/66
Road and Bridge Fund:
Balance 6/1/66
Checks Drawn
Balance 6/30/66
Motion was made by Mr. McIntosh and seconded by Mr. Wetz
report. Unanimously approved by Council.
to accept
Bills presented for approval were as follows:
Robert LaFollette, Auxiliary Police
Judah's American Service
Clanton's Esso Station
Johnny Bolton Ford, Inc.
Johnny Bolton Ford, Inc.
Motion was made by Mr.. Wetz and seconded by Mr. Rowell that
be paid. Unanimously approved by Council.
the above
Road and Bridge Report: Mr. Brown reporting;
No work was done on the roads and rightaways during the month of
June. We have been in constant contact with }1r. John Alexander, the Chairman
of the County Commissioners, and we hope to have a lease from the County for
JUt! 11, 1966
_ the use of the road grader or dragline some time this week. The lease will be
checked by our Attorney, Mr. Johnsom, before the Council can take action. This
equip:;1ent will only be available on week-ends, whever the County does not have
use for it.
The loggers have been notified about the roads, but have failed to answer
our letter. I suggest that the Council contact Mr. Fasula about this matter,
and if it continues, we have the loggers stop work.
Police and Fire Report: Mr. Wetz reporting;
Fire report: 36 hours of training, 12 hours of drill, 15 hours of fire,
and 12 hours of business, with a total of 15 hours.
Police Chief Larry Phillips' report: One complaint, 11 oral traffic
warnings, 1 written warning and no arrests. Hours in service---54.
Auxiliary Police, Robert LaFollette: 17 complaints, traffic warnings,
oral 8, written 1, time spent on school bus traffic, 4, time Chief spent. with
me in learning about the Village 8~; Actual hours spent in service alone, 40 3/4,
Miles traveled in Police Cruiser 220.1. Gasoline purchased, plus 1 qt of
transmission fluid, 22.6, $9.00.
Healthr Welfare and Recreation: Mr. Rowell reporting;
At the last meeting the bid for the Garbage Service was given to Rosarts.
Rosar's declined the agreement and the bid was given to C and M Refuse, the
second alternate. X1r. Macek is taking the agreement to his attorney and it
will also be rechecked by Mr. Jolmson. Mr. Hacek has signed a statement
that he will service the community while the agreement is being checked.
Tuesdays and Fridays will be the pick-up days for the North Side and Coronado.
Davis Garbage Service is sub-contracting from C and M for the South Side and
the Ranches. Their pick-up days will be Wednesdays and Saturdays.
The Recreation Area has been mowed, with the Village Tractor and two
mowers loaned by Mr. Pilioan. The Council wishes to thank Mr. Pilioan for
his help and for the use of these mowers.
Financial Report: }~. McIntosh asked that his report be delayed for
a while.
Motion was made by Mr. Wetz and seconded by Mr. Rowell to place Amended
Ordinance #38 on the Agenda. Unanimously approved by Council.
Motion was made by }~. Wetz and seconded by Hr. Rowell to read Amended
Ordinance #38, by title only, for third and final reading. Discussion.
Mr. McIntosh gave the Financial Report of the workshop on proposed
break-down of the finances. Mr. McIntosh had a chart showing just what is
needed in revenue for the coming year, a chart showing what can be expected
from the raise in taxes, and a ::::hart showing break down of expenses per week.
(Charts attached)
In discussion by the citizens, comments were given both pro and con by
}'f..r. Bigalow, Mr. Seifer, Mr. Shamblin, Mr. Rumble, Mr. Ferguson and Mr. Munday.
On Roll Call Vote for the third and final reading of Amended OrdiBBBce #38,
by title only: However, before the Council voted Mr. Hunday asked that the
Ordinance be read in its entirety for the benefit of those who had not heard it.
Hr. Brown then read Amended Ordinance #38 in its entirety.
JULY 11, 1966
Brown- Aye
Wetz- Aye
Unanimously approved by Council.
Hclntosh- Aye
Hipps- Aye
Mr. Brown then read, by title only, Amended Ordinance #38, for third and
final reading. Motion was made by Mr. Wetz and second by Mr. Rowell that
Amended Ordinance #38, read by title only, be accepted. Mr. Seifert protested
that all of the houses should be made to pay the taxes, Mr. Shamblin said that
all should be allowed to vote. Mr. Hahn pointed out that the County Commissioners
had just raised the taxes and the people wouldn't have any say no matter how
much they were raised and the commissioners were put into office by the people.
Mr. Munday asked if the Council would vote in spite of how the people felt.
Mrs. Holzman said that the petition had not been presented truthfully and
a lot of the people who had signed the petition would feel differently now.
On Roll Call Vote:-
Brown- Aye
i'letz - Aye
Rowell - Aye
McIntosh- Aye
Hipps- Nay
Majority carried 4 to 1.
Motion was made by Mr. Brown that the various street signs needed for
the Village be ordered from Sargent and Sowell at a cost not to exceed $230.00
plus the shipping charges. Seconded by Mr. Wetz and unanimously approved
by Council.
A letter was read from the North Orlando Company stating they would lend
the Microsol fogging machine to the Village and furnish the ingredients for
said machine if the Village would run it. A letter was read from the North
Orlando Company giving permission to install an antenna to the Village Hall.
It is to be in the ground, but brackets will hold it to the Building.
Terms have expired for Mrs. Mary Watson and Hr. Granville Brown of the
Zoning Board. Mr. Brown 'Will accept reappointment. Hotion was made by:Hr.
Rowell and seconded by Mr. Hipps that Hr. Granville Brown be reappointed to
the Zoning Board. Unanimously approved by Council.
Motion was made by :Mr. Wetz that the Clerk write a letter to Mrs. vlatson
asking her if she wishes to be reappointed to the Zoning Board. She will
be given two weeks to respond and if nothing is heard by then a new member
will be appointed by the next Council meeting. Seconded by Hr. HcIntosh and
unanimously approved by Council.
Mr. Rowell reported that there are 3 North Orlando teams that play at
the North Orlando field every Saturday and there is one game during the week,
usually on Wednesday. The boys ages range from 8 to 15. The boys are under
the Supervision of 'Hr. Stratton, Hr. B. Johnson, Mr. Blanton and Bo Smart.
Trash is still being thrO'Wl'l along the rightaways.
Mr. Fasula, resident mamager of the North Orlando Co. said that it
might be possible for the Village to buy the Road Grader belonging to the
North Orlando Company for a smaD "'11m. Hr. Fasula is writing to the North
Orlando Company to see if thElW will donate the grader or sell it for a
small surn. either
The vacant lots belonging to the North Orlando Company are to be mowed.
The Mortgage companies holding the mortgages on houses not yet returned to the
F.H.A. have requested to mow the la'Wl'ls at said houses. Someone is to be
JUt'! 11, 1966
contacted to have the yard cleaned up at the Carroll house on North Fairfax.
Carroll's will pay the bill.
l-1rs. Fairburn asked Hr. Rowell if he could contact the men that are mowing
the yards for F .H.A. and have them clean up the mess after they have mOv18d
the yards. They don I t clean up after they have mowed and it is in the
street and runs down the drain.
}"U's. Salter asked about the roads that the loggers were using, and why
a road was fixed that no one used. It was explained that a road fund was
received and all roads must be rr~intained. The Jne road was in very bad
shape and a pick-up truck had gone into the hate. Better the holes be fixed
than to have a law suit.
}1rs. Brandeburg suggesteq that the Seminole Garbage Service be forced
to rett~n the money that had been paid to them for the last week of service that
was not given and that the money be turned over to a Charity. }f.rs. Brandeburg
was informed that it was out of the hands of the Village and it was up to
the Citizens if they wished to collect it.
Mr. McIntosh gave a pledge to the people: lilt is \uth a great deal of
personal responcibility that I have supported and voted for this tax increase.
I feel that with the authority that I have, to vote in this matter, that I am
obligat~d to the prudent spending of the tax money. I pledge to the people
of North Orlando to watch every penny that is spent and that is a promise
that I intend to keep."
Motion was made by 1v1r. NcIntosh and seconded by Mr. ioJetz that the
meeting adjourn at 9:1$ P.M. Unanimously approved by Council.
Helen Green, Village Clerk