HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966 06 06 Village Council Regular Minutes
JUNE 6, 1966
The Regular Session of the Village Council of the Village of North Orlando,
Florida was called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Mayor George Fuller.
On Roll Call the following were present:
Mayor George Fuller
At torne y Orville Johnson
Vice Mayor Lloyd Brown absent.
~~. Robert Peck of the North Orlando
Company was also present.
Councilmen: Jay A. Wetz
Charles Rowell
Charles McIntosh
Jack Hipps
Treasurer's Report:
General Fund 5/1/66
Checks Drawn
Balance General Fund 5/31/66
Road and Bridge Fund 5/1/66
Checks Drawn
Balance Road and Bridge Fund 5/31/66
Minutes of the Special Meeting of May 31, 1966 were read and approved
as read.
Bills read for approval:
Clanton's Esso $6.94
Sanford Herald 12.35
Orlando Sentinel 37.10
Arthur DeVoe (24 Hrs. S.B.) 24.00
Robert LaFollette (6Hrs.DV) 6.00
Dr. J. Brannon Murphy 22.50
A-S-E--M& R. (Zoning Board) 32.00
Judah's American $40.87
Nationwide Insurance 7.06
Arthur DeVoe (~phone) 4.88
Robert LaFollette(alone~3.00
George Sommers(Rec. exp25.00
Motion was made by Mr. Wetz and seconded by Mr. Rowell that these bills be
paid. Majority carried.
Road and Bridge Report: (Read by Mr. Wetz in the absence of Mr. Brown.)
On May 6th, I received permission from the state Road Department to erect
a "NO PARKING WITHIN 20FT. OF HYDRANT" sign by the hydrant at the corner of
Hiway 434 and North Fairfax.
On the 13th and 28th, the rightaways were cut on all the paved streets
within the Village (5~ hours with the Village tractor. On the 28th we had
one small accident while cutting grass on Flamingo Ave. The mower hit a
stack of concrete blocks that some one had put on the parkway and threw
small pieces into the street, and possibly hitting a car owned by ~~.
Thomas Munday. This has been reported to the insurance company and they
will look into the matter.
Out of six companys that I wrote to about additional street signs and
material, I received five replys back:
J'(Jl..\'E 6, 1966
Dave Caldwell Winter Park quotated $292.30 less the sign, paint and stencil.
John Warren, Mobile, Alabama -------$265.25 complete.
Sargent and Sowell, Inc.-------------21.5.00 less the IINo Parking Sign". I
had left this item off the list to them because I had not received word from
the State Road Department at the time. This sign should not cost over $14.00,
so I would like to recommend we order from this company.
Municipal Supply & Sign Corp, Naples, Fla. quotated $377.54 less the
stencil kit and I believe the paint they quotated us is not what we want.
Leonard Saine of Orlando quotated $237.50 less the sign paint and
stencil kit.
All dirt roads are in very bad shape and need grading. We have written
a letter to Mr. John Alexander of the County Commission to see what the
misunderstanding is about the use of the road grader in the small Villages
on week-ends. I have asked Mr. Wetz to follow-up on this for me while I am
in North Carolina.
In a report from Mr. John llexander, Chairman of the Board of County
Commissioners of Seminole County, Mr. Alexander reported that it wasn't the
Village alone that had been denied the use of the County Equipmer:t. The .
County Auditor said that a tighter rein had to be put on the equ~pment and ~t
would be at least a couple of weeks before it could be released. The roads
are in sad shape after all the hard rain, but the roads will have to wait
until we get the use of the county equipment.
In answer to a question about the loggers tearing up the roads, Mr.
Brown has requested the town clerk to find out the name of the logging Company
and send them a letter asking them to please grade the roads after they
have finished.
Fire Department Report: }~. Wetz reporting.
40 Hours of schooling, 40 Hours of Drill and 40 Hours of Business with
a total of 122 man hours. There are 2.5 members on the force.
Police Department Reports: Mr. Wetz reporting.
Mr. DeVoe's report- 23 complaints, 1 traffic
Approximate time spent on school bus traffic
Robert LaFollette accompanied me on patrol
Miles traveled with Police ~ruiser
Gasoline purchased plus 1 qt of oil
warning, 2 arrests.
33 3/4 hours
13.3/4 hours
610 miles
55.7 gals $22.21
Notice of Resignation to take another position was submitted May 5, 1966,
to become effective May 15th~ 1966.
Mr. LaFollette I s report: May 15, 1966 through May 31, 1966. Complaints, 9,
Traffic Warnings 8, approximate time spent on school bus traffic, 4 hours, my
hours in actual service 53, miles traveled with Police Cruiser 410.8 miles,
gasoline purchased plus 1 quart of oil. 32.2 for 12.48.
r Finance Committee: Mr. McIntosh, Chairman of the Finance Committee, requested
that instead of the three man committee making any plans in regards to finances,
that the whole council sit in on the planning.
Health, Welfare and Recreation: Mr. Rowell reporting:
JUNE 6, 1966
The grass has been mowed at the Recreation Area. There was 1 complaint
on Garbage. Mr. Rowell will have an older (te8Il-ager) issue the equipment
for the sunnner.
Motion was made by Mr. Rowell to accept the Garbage Franchise from ROSAR
GAR.BAGE SERVICE. The Village will accept Paragraph 6 of the Franchise ($6.00
per quarter, paid in advance for back door garbage pick up, all trash to, be
put by curlo.C.M. Refuse Service was selecjed as the Second Alternate. Seconded
by Mr. McIntosh. Discussion was held. Mr. Don Schyberg, Area Supervisor of
Rosar's, believed it could be worked out to keep the same pick-up days of
Mondays and Thursdays, instead of Wednesdays and Saturdays as proposed by
Rosar's. Majority carried.
Motion was made by Mr. Rowell tih place on the Agenda, Amended Ordinance
#38. Seconded by Mr. Wetz. A discussion was held. Mr. Tom Mundy was
spokesman for a group of citizens gathered for the meeting. It was stated
that 143 tamilies had signed a petition against the taxes. A copy of said
petition had been presented to the Council after the close of the Special
meeting of May 31. The original petition was not produced. In the discussion,
conunents were both pro and con in regards to taxes. COmIllents were made by
Mr. Trletz, Mr. McIntosh, Mr. Jerry Brown, Mrs. Peterson, Mr. Rumble, Mr. Van
Eepoel and Mrs. Fairburn.
Mrs. Mally Salter read a letter from she and Mr. Salter and requested
that it be entered into the minutes. Original is attached to minutes.
The original motion by Mr. Rowell, placing Amended Ordinance #38 on the
Agenda was with-drawn by Mr. Rowell. The second by Mr. li9ts c~ :;o3.s with-
drawn by Mr. .t~
Motion was made by Mr. Hipps to table this Ordinance for 30 days and a
Special workshop will be held betore the next regular meeting to break-down
the Revenue percentage wise for a budget. Seconded by Mr. Wetz. Majority carried.
The next Regular meeting will be held July 11 since the first Monday falls
on a holiday. It was suggested that Council tind a larger place for this meeting,
so that the people can get inside.
Mr. Hipps requested that everyone come to all the meetings instead of
just coming once in a while and for everyone to be congenial.
Mrs. Mary Watson, Chairman of the Zoning Board, reported that Mr. iTwrightson
Harville had resigned as Secretary of the Zoning Board and a new Secretary was
needed. Mrs. Fran Brandeburg volunteered and a Resolution will be drawn up
appointing Mrs. Brandeburg. Mrs. Watson pointed out that according to the
Charter 5 members are to be on the Zoning Board. It was suggested that uilless
Mr. Frank Fasula become more active that he be replaced. The Zoning Board would
like to have a large map of the Village showing the streets and plot book. A
bill was presented .from the Zoning Board .for $32.00 for photostats of Zoning
Ordinances. 320 at lO~. Motion was made by Mr. Wetz and seconded by Mr.
McIntosh to pay this bill. Majority carried.
~ Motion was made by Mr. Wetz and seconded by Mr. Hipps to adjourn at 9:45 P.M.
~~~een, Village Clerk