HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966 05 02 Village Council Regular Minutes
HAY 2, 1966
The Regular session of the Village Council of the Tillage ot North Orlando
was calleci to ord.er by Mayor George Fuller at 7: 30 P.M.
On Roll Call the f'ollowin~ were present: Mayor Fuller, Vice-Mayor Brown,
Councilmen Rowell, Wetz, McIntosh and Attorney Johnson. Councillllan Harville
was absent.
The minutes ot the Special meetin~ ot AprU 18th were read and approved
as read. At a later date the request for the Garba~e SerTice bid.s was set
up to May 2nd. They will be opened at that time and an announceDlent will be
made at the June 6th meetin~.
Treasurer's report:
General Fund:
Balance General Fund 4/1/66
Checks Drawn
Balance 4/30/66
Road and Bridge Fund:
Balance 4/1/66
Checks Drawn
Balance 4/30/66
The following bills were presented for approval:
Robert L. Kramer
Arthur W. DeVoe (-! local telephone service)
Robert LaFollette
Judah's American Service
Clanton's Esso
Motion was made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr.. Wetz that these bills be
paid. Majority carried.
Road and Brid.ge Report by Mr. Brown:
1. Mr. Prescott has finished tilling Shore and Altoll roads plus tour
loads of clay at the recreation area. A break down of work is as follows:
20 loads ot fill on Shore road at the south culvert.
40 loais of fill on Shore road at the North culTert.
6 loads of rock tUl, two at the South culvert and tour at the North
culvert on Shore road. (No charge for this rock fill)
10 loads of fill in the smaller wash outs on Shore and Alton road..
4 loads of clay to the Recreation Area.
This work did not com to the estimated 4.50.00, which was approTed by
the Council, but was onl1' 400.00 with the use ot a Dozer and. front end loader.
May 2, 1966
2. On the 9th~ I refinished the STOP sign at the corner of Bombay and highway
434 and repainted the street sign poat. (2 man hours)
3. On the 16th, Mr. Bush of the County, graded North Idgemon, the road into
the Recreation Area, South Edgemon, Tradewinds, Moss Road and Hayes Road.
(8 man hours at 25.00). I
4. On the night of' the 16th or early Sunday morning of the 17th, some one
ran down the S'l'OP sign at the corner of North Edgemon and state Road 419.
The channel post was broken oft at the ground and the sign was crumpled like
a piece of paper. I straightened the sign on the 22nd and put it and a new
post back up. (i man hours).
5. On the 22nd I also erected a NO DUMPING sign on Moss road just off of
State road 434. (i man hours).
6. On the 23rd I cut all the right aways on the paved roads within the
Village. (51 man hours with the use of the Village Tractor)
7. I have filled out the form which the Florida league of Municipalities
have requested about our roads and have submittea the same to Jacisonvil1e.
This form is tor use to help the Jligis1ative Council with their study of the
highways, roads and streets in the State, Counties and the Municipalities.
8. I have mailed a letter to the State Road Department, asking tor permission
to erect a "NO PARKING wtTHIN . FT. OF HYDRANT" sign at the corner of
r North Fairfax and Highway 434. I have not received an answer as yet.
9. I have contacted a few other road paving contractors about the possibility
of doing something to North Edgemon, other than an asphalt job. They will
send their estimator out to look at the road and then give us some idea of
what can be dOBe to it and an estimate as to cost.
Police and Fire Report: Mr. Wetz
Fire Department:
17 hours of schooling, 25 hours of drill 24 hours for projects and
with a total of 177 man hours for the month of April. A request was made
that 100.00 be taken from the Fire Department Fund and sent to the ABC Fire
Equipment Co.
Police Department:
Traftic Warnings
Approximate time of S.B. traftic
Mr. Robert LaFollette accompanied me
My hours in actual service
R. LaFollette's time actual service
Total hours
Miles traveled with Police Cruiser
Gasoline Purchased + 1 qt of oil 148.3
1 new tire for Cruiser
59'i hours.
48 hours.
1,503 miles
Health, Welfare and Recreation: Mr. Rowell
~lay has been put on the Ball Field. The grass has been mowed. The
MAY 2, 1966
Recreation Bldg.. is complete except for the painting. Two tennis nets have
been inStalled. The bids for Garbage Service were sent out.
Uve shells have been found in the dump area. This is very dangerous.
A chUd could find them or if the firemen were burning in that area it might
turn out to be very tragic.
A letter of resignation was read from Mr. Ewrightson Harville, newly
elected Councilman of the Village of North Orlando. Motion was made by'
Mr. Rowell and seconded by Mr. Brow that Mr. Harville's resignation
be accepted.
Motion was made by Mr. Brown that a light be installed on the existing
light pole in front of Mr. Frank Fasula's hOUBe, 400 Moss Road. Mr. Fasula
will pay, rate of 2.25 per month, but this amount must be paid a year in
advance. The first year will be 27.00. If the rates go up Mr. Fasula
must pay according. Seconded by Mr. Weta and majority carried. There will
be no installation charges by the Power Company. If there is an existing
pole, anyone else wishing a light may have one on the same basis.
Motion was made by Mr. Wetz and seconded by Mr. Rowell that 5.00 be
paid to have the office room be painted. Majority carried.
Mr. Al Harris, the County Ranger, commeIJIed the Village Firemen on
the use of Fire Permits. Mr. Harris said that he wished the rest of the
,~ County and even the State would follow suit.
It was suggested that all of the fields be burned around Coronado Homes.
Garbage Service bids were received from Seminole Garbage Service, Logue
Garbage Service, Macek Garbage Service and Davis Garbage Service. The bids
were opened and read. The announcements will be made at the June 6th meeting.
Motion was made by Mr. Brown and seoonded by Mr. Wetzto place on the
Agenda, .Amended Ordinance #38. A discussion was held both pro and COIl. OpinioBs
were expressed by Mrs. Fairburn, Mrs. Salter, and Mr. VanEepoel, Mr. Dean and
Mr. Munday. Majority carried.
Motion was made by Mr. Wetz and seconded by Mr. Rowell for the second
reading of .Amended Ordinance 1138" by title onlyJ Majority carried.
Motion was made by Mr. Brown to get permission trom the Council to
contact 5 or 6 Sign Companies for bids on supplies tor the Streets and
Hiways. (45 channel post, 1 stop sign, 2 boxes of bolts, et.. approximate
price $320.00. Seconded by Mr. Rowell and majority carried.
Mr. Rowell reported that Mr. Rudd, of the Conservation Department will
be at the Lake in the Recreation Area at 9:30 Tuesday morning, May 3, to
stock the Lake with bass., The Dump is more of a disgrace than ever. It was
suggested that the North Orlando Co. cover the dump and close it entirely.
.r" The Minor and the Farm teams of the 11 t tIe league will play on the North
Orlando Field every Saturday. Mr. Forrest Stratton and a Mr. Johnson from
Coronado are building permanent bleacheBs behind home plate. They are using
old light poles and scraps of lumber. Property is still being. destroyed in
the Recreation Area. Ball Diamond was filled in by a truck and loader from
the Seminole Little League in Casselberry.
YAY 2, 1966
Motion was made by Mr. Rowell and seconded by Mr. Bro~ -to sponsor an
ad in the Sanford Herald for the Graduation Edition at a cost of 12.50.
Majorit~ carried.
Mayor Fuller has talked to Mr. Toole of the South Seminole Bank
concerning a loan for our Municipal Bldg. Data was given to Mr. Toole to
bring before the Financial Board.
Motion was made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. rletz ahat the
meeting adjourn at 10:40 P.M. Majority carried.
George T . Fuller
Helen F. Green
Village Clerk