HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966 04 18 Village Council Special Minutes
VIttA.GE COUNCIL _ . _. _
APRIL 18, 1966
Special Meeting ot Village Council of the Village of North Orlando was
called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor George Fuller.
On Roll Call the following were present: Mayor Fuller, Vice-Mayor Lloyd
Brown, Councilman Rowell, Wetz and. McIntosh were present. Councilman Harville
and Attorney Johnson were absent.
Minutes of Special Meeting of April 11, 1966 were read. and approved as read.
Motion was made by Mr. Wetz to place Amended. Ordinance #38 on the Agenda.
Seconded by Mr. Brown and majority Carried..
Motion WaS made b7 Mr. Brown to read. for first reacting Amended Ordinance
138- Levying the taxes in the Village (CopyencloseGl). Seconcled by Mr. Wetz.
Majority carried.
Motion Was made by Mr. Wetz to accept tor tirst reading Amended Ordinance
1138.. Seconded by Mr., R01lell. Majority carried.
Motion WaS made by Mr. Brown that the second reaciing be held on May 23rd.
at a Special Meeting. Seconded by Mr. McIntosh. Atter a discussion Mr. Brow
wi th-d.rew his motion ani Mr. McIntosh with-drew the seconci.
Motion was made by Mr. McIntosh to place Amended Ordinance 138 on the
Agenda tor the second. reading at the R.egular Meetillg of May 2nd. That the
Amended Ordinance 138 be place on Agenda for 3rd and final reading at the
Regular meeting ot JUDe 6th, with provisions that it this does not allow
sufficient time for each Utility involved to amend their July billings that
a Special Meeting be called at the discretion of the Mayor. Secondecl by Mr.
Wetz and Majority carried.
A letter was read from Mr. Hal Harris, the Architect. In Mr. Harris'
phone conversation with Atlanta he found that the Village would need Obligation
Bonds ani a Voter's Referenium in order to get a loan from the Federal Company.
Mr. Rowell read a coPY o. f a bi. M a Franchise on Garbage SerTice. Copies
are to be sent to four (4) Garbage Services. These bids are to be in by the
JUDe 6th meeting at which time they will be opened.
Three areas were filled that were 111 bad shape. Mr. Brown read a limt of
supplies that are needed when the I$l8. and brid.ge tund check comes in. 21
reflectors are needed.. 25 reflectors come in a pack so it was suggested that
2 packs be purchased, $10.55 for pack of 25. Also needed, 2 stop sigDs, 15
yield signs, 28 Channel posts.
Mr. stratton thanked the Village for the Clay fill put on the Ball Diamond.
Motion was made by Mr. Rowell and seconde4i by Mr. Brown that the Boy Scout
,-. Troop from Sunland Estates be allowed to have a Camp-out in the Recreation Area.
Majority carried.
AJ:"'RII, 18, 1966
1.etter read. from Mr. FraDk Fasula asking permissiol1 to have a light
installed on all existing pole in front of his house. He will pay tor any
installation charges and pay the Village the cost ot said light on a yearly
basis. ~tter tabled until May 2nd. meeting.
Motion was made by Mr. Brown, seconded by Mr. RoweU that the meeting
adjourn at 9:30 P.M. Majority carried.
Respectfully submit~~
Helen F. Green, Village Clerk