HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966 04 11 Village Council Special Minutes
vrruGE ~OUN'Cn_.
AmIL ll, 1966
The Special Meeting of the Village CouacU ot the Village ot North Orlando..
Florida was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor George Fuller.
On Roll Call the tollowing 'Were present::
Mayor George Fuller Councilmen: Jay Wetz
Vice- Mayor IJ.oyi Brown Charles ROlilell
Attorney Orville Johnson Charles McIntosh
Absent, Councilman Ewrightson Harville
Minutes of the Reorganizational Meeting and the Regular Meeting ot April 4th
were read and approved.. In regards to Dr. Murphy, the arrangements wre for
atter hours.
Shore and Alton Roads are on the East side of the Ranch Lands. There was
talk both pro and eon e~ the expenditures tor these roads. Mr. Brown
explained to the Citizens the conditions of these roads and why they had. to
be tilled.
Mr. Johnson misundersooci that the Tax Ordinance was to be rea. for this Special
Keeting. Motion was made by Mr. Wetz that Attorne7 Johnson change the Tax
Ordinance to read a maximum. of lO% raise in taxes and have this Ordinance
reaiy by the next regular or special meeting. Seconded by Mr. McIntosh. A
discussion was held. Mr. McIntosh told of the great need tor a Municipal
Building. Mr. Brown doesDCt""~ the taxes should go the full lO%, but
aoes believe the taxes should be raised to at least 75 cents for each utility
per month. Mr. R01l8ll believed taxes should be 75 cents. Mr. Wetz gave the
needs for the Police and Fire Departments, in order to have better protection
and that lie need lIlODey to do these things. Mr. Jack Hipps, a citizen, did not
agree with the lO% increase, but did agree with the 75 cents increase, but d1i4
tha t a plan should be set up so that the Council would know where each penny is
going. On RoU Call vote tor the 10% increase,; Wetz, "AYE", Rowell, Brown, ana
McIntosh, "NO".. Motion did not carry. Motion was made by Mr. Rovell and.
seconded by Mr. Wetz to raise the utility taxea from the present lO% with a
lNl)l"jn1UJP of 35 cents to lO% with a maximum of 75 cents for each utilit7 per
month. On Roll Call Vote, RoweU, Wetz, Brown and McIntosh voted "AlE".
Majority carried.
On the Garbage Service an agreement was read that is used in Casselberry.
Attorney Johnson will revise this agreement to tit the requirements of
North Orlando. Bias will be sent out so that a contract will be ready by
July lst. COU!1cU would like one part of the contract to read that the
Village would receive lO cents ot each l.OO rebate.
Motion was made by Mr. Wetz to have the COU!1cU authorize the Clerk to draw
up a check for t244.50 for a communications center. Seconded by Mr. Rowell.
Discussion was held. It the old set is sold to the Fire Department the Village
should receive about 25.00 above the cost of the repair. Majority carried.
rAGE 2
APRIL ll, 1966
Motion was made by Mr. Rowell that an amount not to exceed 25.00 per month
be alloted tor six months to maintain the Recreation Area. Seconded by Mr.
McIntosh. Discussion was held. Majority Carried.
Motion was ma de by Mr. Wetz and seconded by Mr. RoweU that $3.00 be paid
for 2 chairs for the ottice. .jority carried.
Motion was made by Mr. Wetz and seconded by Mr. BrOlm that the meeting
adjourn at 10t2$ P.M. Majority carried.
Respectfully SUbmitte~.,
, /'
.. --,....~
Helen F. Green
Village Clerk