HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966 04 04 Village Council Regular Minutes
APRIL 4, 1966
The Regular Meeting of the Village Counc11 of the Village of North Orlando,
Florida waS called to order by Mayor George Fuller at 7:55 P.M.
On Roll Call the following were present:
Mayor George Fuller
Vice-Mayor IJ.oyd Brown
Attorney Orville Johnson
Councilmen: Charles Rowell
Ewrightson Harville
Charles McIntosh
Minutes of the March meeting were read and approved with two additions.
On the Road and Bridge report "the rightaways were cut" Wld the meeting with
Mr. Harter was to discuss a contract for the architectual work to be done for
a Municipal Building.
Treasurer's Report:
General Fund
Balance General Fund 3/1/66
Checks Drawn
Balance General Fund 3/31/66
Road and Bridge Fund
Balance Road and Bridge Fund 3/l/66
Checks Drawn
Balance Road and Bridge Fund 3/31/66
Bills presented tor approval:
Arthur DeVoe (! of local telephone service) 4.39
Clanton's Esso Station 5.10
Judah's American station 80.22
Motion was made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Wetz that these bills be
paid. Unanimously approved by Council.
A letter trom Hal Harris, stating his references, was accepted. Mr.
Harris is an architect called into a conference on the Municipal Building.
A letter was read trom Henry Ward, Jr., the Civil Defense Director tor
the Village of Horth Orlando. Mr. Ward stated his progress and the times
that he is available. Mr. Ward would like to meet with the Village Council
as soon as possible.
Road and Bridge Report: Mr. Brown.
-l. On the 12th, Mr. Bush of the County graded North Edgemon, the road into the
Recreational area, South Edgemon, Tradewinds between Edgemon and Moss, Moss .oad
and Bahama Road. (8 man hours at a cost of 25.00).
2. On the 26th and 27th I repaired the culvert at the entrance to the Recreational
Area. (6 man hours with the use of the Village tractor on the 27th). This
culvert is in bad need of sand bagging and more work.
3. I have not been able to pick up the cold asphaltas yet, because of my work
load, but I hope to be able to do this in the near future.
APRIL 4, 1966
4. We have some very bad wash-outs on Shore Road and Al ton Road and barracades have
been put up until I can get this area filled. I have talked to Mr. Prescott of
Longwood. and it will cost about 450.00 to have this done. I would like to tell
Mr. Prescott to go ahead with the work if the Council will give their approval.
Police and Fire Department Report: Mr. Wetz.
The Fire Department has 48 hours of schooling, 23 hours for drills, 23 hours for
Community Projects and 23 hours for S.III~,~'J/(U'" to a total ot ll7 hours plus
the 24 hours tor meetings bringing the tinal total to 141 man hours for the
month of March.
Police Report:: 31 Complaints, 5 Oral traftic warnings, 2 written traftic warnings,
5 arrests.
Approximate time spent on school bus traffic 87t Hours
Mr. Robert LaFollette accompanied me on patrol 613/4 Hours
My hours in actual service 307 Hours
Robert LaFollette's hours in actual service 23 i Hours
Total of actual hours in actual service 330 i Hours
Miles traveled with Police Cruiser 1,358 Miles
Gasoline purchased plus 3 qts of oil 154.5 gals 61.99
Repairs to Cruiser-2 front motoZ and 1 rear trans mission mounts, muffler hangar,
1 tube and tire patched. 13.90
Health, Welfare and Recreation Report: Mr. Rowell.
Recreation area mowed. The Garden Club donated 3 more trees (Wonder Trees)
bringing the total to 7. The bath rooms in the Recreation Bldg. have been
repaired and the roof has been repaired. In talking with Mr. Rood of the
Conservation Dept., he said that the Lake would be stocked with Bass the last
of April. Pond has been fertilized. The Dump is still in bad shape. Little
:rsague started April 2 with Mr. Forrest Stratton in charge. There is 1 senior,
1 major, 1 minor and 1 tarm teJUll.
The new Committees picked by Mayor Fuller are:
Road and Bridges Committee
Lloyd T. Brown------Chairman
Charles E. Rowll
Jay A. Wetz
Health, Welfare & Recreation Committee
Charles E. Rowll----- Chairman
!wrightson Harville
JJ.oyd T. Brown
Police and Fire Det:ts Committee
Jay A. Wetz------G
Charles E. Rowell
Charles McIntosh
Finance Committee
Ewrightson Harville------Chairman
Charles McIntosh
Lloyd T. Brown
Registration and Election Committee
Charles McIntosh------Chairman
Ewrightson Harville
Jay A. Wetz
Bids were received from Seminole Printers
Complaint Sheets for the Police Department.
Seminole Printers
250 sheets (5 pads)
500 sheets (lO pads)
and Cullum's Printer tor
en 1 ]l1MS Printers
APRIt 4, 1966
250 sheets (5 pads) 4.00
500 sheets (10 padS) 5.95
Motion was made by Mr. Vet~ and seconded by Mr. McIntosh to accept the bid
from the Cullum Printers .1' 500 sheets at 5.tS. Unanimously approved by Council.
It was agreed that the best way to raise money would be to raise the
utility taxes. Motion was made by Mr. Brown to have a Special Council meeting
to talk over the possibility ot raising the taxes and then have this brought
up at another Special meeting or Regular meeting for a decision. Seconded
by McIntosh and a discussion was held. Unanimously approved by COJDlcil.
A __oWl meeting WaS set for ,AprU llth at 7:30 P.M.
Hotion was made by Mr. Wetz that Attorney Johnson be instructed to amend
the Tax Ordinance to raise taxes the full 10% and have amendment ready far next
Council meeting for a vote. On Roll Cau vote for having this change made, Brom,
McIntosh and Wetz voted..!l!" ROlfttll and HarviUe ~ Majority carried.
Mr. Brown reported that Shore and Alton Roads were in such bad shape that if
they were not fixed we might be sued if someone should happen to fall into one ot
the deep holes. It would take approximately 80 loads ot fill at a cost of 450.00
trom Mr. Prescott.. in Longwood, and Mr. Prescott would furnish aU of the
equipment. Motion was made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Rowell that these
roads be filled. Discussion was held. There were 3 ~ and 2 nos that these
roads be tilled at a cost not to exceed 450.00. MajorItY carried:-
Motion was made by Mr. Wetz to get two new radios for the Police Dept. at a
cost ot 250.00 and have the old radios fixed and .03:,1' to the Fire Dept. Mr.
Wetz then asked that the motion be with-drawn.
Motion was made by Mr. Rowell and seconded by Mr. Wetz that it be put on
record that the v~ue of the Recreatijnal Area be set at 15,000. Unanimously
approved by Council.
4 loads ot clay is needed for the Ball Diamond so that the Little Leaguers
could play, at a cost of about 5.00 per load. Motion was made by Mr. RoweU
seconded by Mr. Brown that 4 loads of clay be put on the diamond. Unanimously
approved by CouncU.
The Recreation Area has been kept up this past year by Mr. RoweU with help
trom Mr. Stratton, Mr. Brown, and Mr. Grace. Since it takes lots ot time to
keep the area clean a motion was made by Mr. Rowell and seconded by Mr. McIntosh
that someone be hired at a cost not to exceed 25.00 permonth to maintain the
Recreation Area. Discussion was held and the motion tabled until the nen meeting.
Contracts for Garbage Services in other communities were read and this matter
will taken up at the next meeting. The Council wou.id like to have the bids in by
June 1st so that the contracts would be effective by July 1st.
Since the Village has a Dog Ordinance, Dog Pens are needed. There is enough
material on hanG. except hinges and heavy wire. The BurnaM Society charges 50.00
per _~ tp pick up Dogs. Before any arrangements are .au, however, Dr.
Murphy is to be contacted to see if the dogs may be taken over to his place.
Mr. Bill Robinson, the Electrial Inspector, will be out of the Village for
quite some time. Mr. Litke, of Longwood, will do the inspecting mtil we are
, /
APRIt 4, 1966
able to get someone else or Mr. Robinson gets back.
Mr. Harville would. like to put in his resignation as secretary-treasurer
of the Zoning Board. effective after April 28th.
All ot the Fire Hydrants on Hiway 434 belong to the Village of North
Orlando and the Village is responsible for same. No signs..AllaY be put up around
the hydrants without wi ting the State.
Motion was made by Mr. Wets and seconded by Mr. Brown that the meeting
adjourn at 10:20 P.M. Unanimously approved by Council.
Respectfully submitted;
Helen F. Green, Village Clerk
~ .7-~