HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966 03 07 Village Council Regular Minutes
REOt1.tAR cctmen. MEETING
MARCH 7, 1966
The Regular _eting of the Village Council ot the Village at North
Orlando, Florida WaS called to order at 7:40 P.M. by' Mayt>r David Tilson.
OIl Roll Call the tollowing were present:
Mayer David Tilson CouncilJDaD Lloyd Brown
Vice Mayor George Fuller COUDcilman Charles Rowll
Councilman Wets ani Attone7 J..... wre abllent.
MiDutes wre read and approved. with the exception of the Fire Report
which should. read., -500 Gallon per minute tank and an above the groUllCi
storage tank.
Treasurer' s Report:
General Fund:
Balance General Fund. 2/1/66
Checks Dram
Balance General Fund 2/28/66
Road and Bridge Fund:
Balance Road and. Bridge 2/l/66
Checks Dram
Balance Road and Bridge 2/28/66
Bills Read tor Approval:
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co. 606.00
Sanford Herala 15.29
Clanton's Esso Station 9.51
Frank's Standard Station 92.58
Motion vas made by.ME-. Fuller and seconlied by Mr. Rowell that these bills
be pa1d.. Majority Vote by Comcil.
Road and. Bridge Report:
On the 8th. Mr. Bob LaFollette graded S. Edgeman, and fixe. the bad.
spots on Moss and Baht. Road. (5 man hours with the Village Tractler.)
OIl the 12tA6 the right aways on all roads bet_en Hayes and Shore Roads, as
_11 as Mort;m Lane~ Williams Road, Harrell Road and. Sunrise. (8 man Hours
Village Tractor). On the 15th~ Kr. LaFollette graded ODe block on Shore
Road.s~ ,illed hole on Hqes road at the culvert ani graded Capri Drift .trOll
Borth Edgemon to Dallas Road (5 man hours with the Village Tractor)
On the 22nci~ Hr. Wollette graded S. Edgemon .trom Panama to the end at
Sunset. 4 man hours with the Village Tractor)
On the 26th, Mr. Bush ot the C.unt,.~ graded BCIl"th Eigemon, South Edgemon,
Tradewinds from S. Edgemon to Mns Read~ Moss ltoad trom Traeiewd.n41s to Panama,
Bahama trOll :Moss to Ha)'es Road and all ot Ha)'es Reaa. (8 .. hours, cost 125.00)
Mr. Bush's salary was ra1lte. 5.00 to try to insure that the Village w1ll. be
able to get him agaiJl. Han7 other towns are also atter hi1I 8m"vices, ancl l1nce
the County has not charged us ror the use of the grader the ComcU 'believes
r--. the ltoad. and Bridge Fund is able to pay Mr. Bush another 5.00. Ibe minutes
or the Spec1&l Meetiag .r April 266 1965 approves Mr. Brown spending up to
loo.oo as he Bees fit.
F1Dance Report:-
'1'bare is no report trom the CODDissioner or Finance ror 'this ..tJa.
PA.GE 2- HARCH 7, 1966
Police and Fire Reports f
PoUce:Complaints 21, Traffic Warnings 7. Arrests 2,
Approximate time spent on school bus traffic
Robert LaFollette accoapanied Chief on Patrol
Chiet's hours in actual service
Robert LaFollette's hours in actual service
Miles traveW with Police Cruiser
Gasoline purchased. plus 3 qts ot oil 153.6
Repairs to Cruiser (Shoclc8, lubrication, spark plugs,
points and condenser and tire repair) 46.'3
74 'J/4 Hours
77 t Hours
313 Hours
11 3/4 Hours
1,370 m1les
Fire Report:
SUbject fer the month: School and Training 42 un hours
Forcible Entry and Ventilating
Cammmity Projects; burneci oft Dump, 2 lots East and ast side or DevOD, :Ranch
lands and Recreation Area. Brush Fire en 419, small one. SUb-Total hours
l09. Business meetings 34, total man hours 143. Manpower ~ ene new member
bringiJlg total to 28 Active members.
A letter WaS read troa Chier Arthur DeVoe informing the ColllDissioner
and Council that a letter of resignation had been received trom Robert Bailey.
Health, Weltare and Recreation:
Lets have been burneci and the dump has been burned. Hr. Johnson is
investigating Garbage Contracts to be used by the Village. Hr. Rowell has
talked to Mr. Davis of Orlande and Hr. Macbek ot C aJMi M Garbage Serv1ce in
Ov1etio concerning Garbage pick-up in the Village. Recreation area has
been Mlle. and the Back st~ Oil the Little League tield. has been repaired.
The Ball Diamead. bas bleen Gisked. and. raked by Mr., BrOlIn, Mr., Stratton ani
Mr. Rowell.
In regartls to Real Estate Brokers a fiiscUIJsion was held about their
placing signs in the Village.. A list ot. the siIIWS is to be turne4 over to
the Village Clerk and it the Reallstate Brokers cio not have a license the7
are to be notified.
Mr. Brom is to check about the 3 b1Vants on state Hi_,. 434 to see
it they are on Village property or on State property.
CJlaplaints have been received from Coronado on the condition ot the
roads in that area.
Frank's Standard. Station in Casselberr,. is no longer in business. Judah's
in Fern Park will give a five percent discount. Motion was mau by Hr. Rowell
and seconUd by Hr. Br01B1 that the gas be purchased. trOll Judah's. Majority
vote by the Council.
Motion was made by Hr. Brown and seconded by Hr. Fuller that bicls bIe
put out tor Complaint Sheets for the Police Dept. The sheets are to be ill
pais of 5O~ anei for 250 and 500. Majority vote by Ce\UlcU.
Lights are to be turned en in the Recreation Area'" the Village ot
North Orlanclo is to be billed for same. . When the sign on the North Orlando
Blq. goes.ort at lO:30 the corner of Fairfax ana 1&.34 is very clark. Mot.ion
WaS macie b)T Hr. Rowell and seconded. by Hr. Fu.ller to have the existing light
turned. oa. Majority vote carrie.. by Council.
P,A(}E 3- MARCH 7, 1966
There is a water problem in the Recreation Area.. A 'Culvert leading
to the Recreation Area is needed to clear water from the .Area.
Semeone has been destroying property in the Recreation Area and it is
the hope of the COU!1cil that these people be caught.
Motion was made by Mr. Fuller and seconded by Mr. Roell that Ballots
tor the March l5tJa Election be printed as specified by Mr. Brown at a
cost not to exceed 5.00. Majority vote carried. by CounciL
Motion was made by Hr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Fuller that Mr. WilHam
(B.P., II) Harter, 4807 Orange Blossom TraU, North, be contacted to draw
up a contract to complete plans tor a Municipal Bldg. Majority vote
carried by Council.
Mr. Litke is to be called to recheck Cronk's house. Mr. Robinson is
to check the wiring at Mervine's house. . Guideline tor Building Inspectors
is to be set up.
Mr. Hahn reported. that the Volunteer Fire Dept. has been complimented
on the work that they have be~ d.oing and schooling they have received.
Motion was made by Mr. Fuller and. seconded by Mr. Rowell that the
meeting adjourn at 9120 P.M. Majority vote carried byCouncU.
R~~ tfun,. SUbmi~~
Helen F. Green
Village Clerk
Village of North Orlando, Fla.
Village ot North Orland.o, Fla.