HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966 02 07 Village Council Regular Minutes
FEBRUARY 7, 1966
The Regular Meeting of the Village Comcil it the VillaCe of Norta Orlan.o,
Floria vas calle. t. <Drcler at 7: 35 P. M. by Mayor Davi. Tilson.
0. Roll Call the followin& were present: Mayer TUsen, Vice Mayer Fuller,
Attorney Johnson, ani Councilmen Roell, Wetz anel Brown.
The minutes were rea. an. approved. with the exception of three corrections,
which were, "South Edgemen was gra.e.", "Defense Material was tur11e.. over"
an. it was the "Recreation Bl.g. flow."
Treasurer'. Report:
General Funa
Balance General Funi 1/1/66
Checks DrallD
Balance General Fun. 1/31/66
, 1004.29
:aod p. Briqe FUJ141
Balance R.. ani Bri4ige Funi 1/1/66
Checks Drawn
Balance Roa. an. Bri.. 1/31/66
The tollowiDi~ bills 'lllere presentefi f_ appreval:
Itoa,rt Kruer 25.00
ClaJlt....s Isso Stati.. 9.60
Dr. J. Brann.. Murphy' 9.00
Frank'. St.an4iari Statien 63.65
Robert Bailey (Auxiliary Police) 9.75
Moti.. was ma.e b7 Mr. Brnll ad secBie. b7 Mr. Wetz tlaat these biUs
be paU. UnaJdmeusly apprevea by COUDcil.
Rea. an. Bri.ce Report:
OIl tu 8ta Hr. Busla ot the COUllt7, craie.. North lice_D, Soutlt EqeJllG,
Traiewinu. 8.. laours at a cost of $20.00. On the 15tJa a check was
maie on the reaa an. rightaways in the Villace ana tlae following Beecis
to be .0..:
The rightawa,.. Me. cutting anti tu trash Deeo to be removed. ba4ily iD the
Ceronatlo .&rea.
The culvert en Haj'es Rod. agaiJl neeD the grass cut ana the reaa neeo repair.
The rightawa,. neea cutting again en Bqes Roa..
Te rightaways en Panama, betwen Bqes Roa. an.. Fisher neea 1rash remove..
Tra4e1d.Bu at the kst en4i neecis till billy.
Culvert Pipe neeu to be replace.. in South Sumriae ani tlae roacl reopene..
The DIIch bet_en South Devon ana South Fairtax neeci8 the _eels cleanei out.
.A:U the righta1iay1l en the paved streets neeel to be e4iged..
It is .. hopes to be able to get to some of these neeis as soen as the 66
.~. It.oaU and. Briice mone7 is receivecl.
OIl the l.6th~ the baa spots were fixe. en Moss Roa., Baha_ Roa.. Pan.. Road.
East Traclewin.s, SUnrise, Fisher B.oacl~ ana. Morton Lane. (5 man laours and. use
of the Village Tracter.)
Page 2, lebru~y 7, 19~
On tae 28th, Nertll Eqaoll. was graD. by Hz-. Bob Grace with the Village Tracter
(3 man hours)
Oa the 29th, Mr. Bob LaFollette eraq. SoutJa ~tip..., an'li fixe. spots on Hess
!tou an.. Bahaaa I.ea.. 5 un hours with Villace Tractor.
The tirt roa.s witllill the Villace are in Da. neo. ot roa.. craiinC. Mr. Bush
will be contacted. to see when he will be able to ..0 tlae job.
Financial Report:
Hr. Fuller gave a short report after b 1 IrlllC with the auii tor.
The auii tor will make IIp a 4i.i..t'ferent report in the tuture so that theeoUllcU
will bave a clearer picture of the financial stan&cs ef the VUlace.
Pelice and Fire Report:
Fire report for December, 9 men finishei tlae Fire Trai.D.iD.c
Schoel. 67t man hours. For January there were l03 mam. hours, 9 _ aours
'tIere 8peD.t tichting a crass tire. '!'he General Store _s inspectec u. the,.
were tol. to put in Fire ktillguishers and to put a mesh covering over the
Trash Buraer.
~lice lepert for JanUl.r7: Complaint. 23, Traftic Warnines
15. other warnillgs 2, Arre.ts tor traftic violations 6.
Approx:i.ute time spent en scheol DUs traftic 76 Hours
lobert Bailey o. road. patrol with Chief 361 Hours
I.ebert LaFollette on rea. patrol witk Chief 91 Hours
Cltiet DeVoe'. hours iD actual senice 328_ 3/4 Hours
B.olDert Bailey'. hOlll's ill actual serTice 9 3/4 Hours
ltODert LaFellette'. hours ill actual service 3 Hours
Miles tra'Yele. with Police Cruiser 1,375 Miles
Gasa11ne purchase. plus 4 qta ef eU 183.7 cost $63.65
I"""" 2 qt. of anti-freeze 1.75
3 lone iistance pho. ca1J.s .urine Juuary 1.05
lobert Bailey is to receive check for $9.75 ter his services for ..nth ot
Motion _s lI&U by Mr. Wetz an. seconiei Dy Hr. BroD that Chief DeVoe
be pai. $1.0S tor lone iistance telephene calls. UnaniJuusl7 appro'Ye.
llecreatio. llepertt The cencrete was poured tor the noor at the
llecreation Area. The cost ot the conctete and the labor was 104.06. The
North Orlanclo Garden 'Club ..onate. 4 trees tor the area an. the trees have
been plate.. Mr. llowell bas also trosplantei 8 trHs from the woo.. to
the Ilecreation Area. Lots 'behin. the General Store have been Jlewe.. b.r the
North Orlancio C_pan,.. The Nertl!l Orlan.o Gar.enClub has voted. to speRser
The Ie creation Area.
A letter _s rea. trom Hr. Charles Seifert, 61 S. Fairtax, in reearu te
chaneinc the naiIe at the Villace ot North Orlan.o, .JI'la. Mr.. Seifert acrees
that the name of Borth Orlan.o is very contusinc, but he believes it weu.
be ..re confusiBc to cJaance it no.. since tAe Village has Jaaei the name .r
North Orlan.o for quite a tew years ani people have become accusto... to it.
A letter was reai rrem Griften Insurance CODlp&nyeencerni.nc the b.n. tor
Helen Green, tAe Villace Clerk. Hr. Gritten i8 te be contacte. about tlais
utter an. also about a eharce of $20.00 an. 10.00.
A check for 415.19 Was receive.. !rea tJae North Orlan.. C_paI17. This check
is t. be use. for the buiJJi.i.n& fun.. only, 08. BlUSt be put in a separate
account. Xotion was mau by Mr. Brew an. seconu.. b7 Mr. Wetz tbat this
check be place. iD a SaTincs .1cceunt at the Soutla SemiDole Bank unur the .
'07 COW1cU. ~__
Page 3, 1966, Pebruary 7.
Bia were read. trOl1l the Celery City Printin& CompaDy' and the Seminole Printiq
Com.pany, both from Bantori on the printing ot Oftice Envolopes r.. the Villace.
Celery City bicl, SOO envolopes, 14.05 ana lOOO envelopes 22.75. Fr. the
Seminole Printers, SO<> envelopes 8.00 and 1000 envelopes 13.00. Motion_s
maie by Hr. ROllell ana secOIlee.. by Mr. Fuller to accept the bi.. fr_ the
Seminole Printers. Unanimous~ approveGi by' CouncU.
Motion was mau by Mr. Fuller to accept as the Klection Board., Helen Green,
as Clerk~ Ilta Fischer, Mary Hyatt" and. George S01IIlIIers as Inspectors.
Seconded. by Mr. Brem ani unanimously approve. by'Ceuncil.
A letter was ren tr_ Hr. Henry Wari volunteering as Civil Defense Director.
Motion was macie by Mr. Brown and. seconded. b7 Mr. Rowell that Mr. War. be
appointe. Civil. Detense Director tor the Village ot North Orland.o, Fla.
Uns.ni1lleusly approved. by' Council. It was suggeste. that Mr. War. be askei to
appoint a Deputy to stand by d.uring the times when Mr. Ward. might be eut
ot the ViUage.
There are still some misunurstandiDgs concerning the Garbage pick ups in
the Villace. There is no contract with the present Garbage Service (Seminole
Garbage Service). b1 Oriinance is to be lIirawn 'up anEl several Garbage a_panies
will be cOl1tacteci rer biis to accept contracts starting lul7 tirst.
Hr. Wllliam Bahn, Fire Chief, said that three Fire Hprants 1Iere in neeci ot
repairs. In a talk with a representative from the State Fire Association,
Mr. Hahn was told. that it woul. be three years betore the Villap would.
~ receive a rating. The Fire Truck must carry a SOO callow pump tank anci an
over-bead. tank. An Ord.inance will have to aaopteci preventing anJ'One :Cr.
parlciDg in front ot the Fire Hy8ral ts or from plantinl anything around. the
Hydrants. A discussion was held. in regaras to Fire Equipment troJll the
Fores""," Servi.ce 011 a lease basis.
New State Build.ing Laws were rea...
A discussion was belel both pro and C011 on Occupational Licenses tor
Real Estate Brokers.
Motion was made by' Mr. Rowell anel seconiei by Mr. Fuller that the meetiDg
ad.joum at 9:40 P.M. Unanimously approved. by CouncU.
ftespecttulJry submit~cip
Village Clerk
Village of North Orlanclo, Fleriu.