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BE IT O&DAIKED by tbe Village Council of tbe Village of Kortb
Orlando, Florida:
SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Tbis ordinance sball be known and .ay be
(1) Tbe word "Utility" as used berein refers to Tbe Nortb
Orlando Compaay, a Florida corporation.
(2) The word "Village" a8 used berein refers to tbe Village
of J(ur tb Or lando, I'lor ida.
SBCTIOR 3. GRAXT OJ' AUTHORITY. In consideration for tbe under-
takini by tbe Utility of furnisbing water distribution and
sewaie collection services to the area included in the Village,
tbere is bereby aranted by tbe Village to the Utility the
exclusive right and privilege to erect, construct, operate and
(1) A water distribution system and tbe right and privilege to
pipe water into tbe Village to transport tbe same by .ains and
pipes througbout the Village and the exclusive right to sell and
distribute water witblntbe Village; and for these purposes to
establisb the necessary facilities and equip.ent to lay and .ain-
tain water .ains, pipes and any other appliances and appurtenance
necessary to the sale and distribution of water in, under and
along the streets, alleys and other public places of tbe Village.
(2) A sanitary sewage collection and disposal system for tbe
collection and disposal of all non-industrial sewage and the
right and privilege to transport the sa.e by .ains and pipes
throughout the Village; and for these purposes to establish
the necessary facilities and equip.ent and to lay and .aintain
sanitary sewer .ains, pipes and any other appliances and appur-
tenances necessary to the collection and d ispasal of non-industr ial."
sewage, sometimes .ore com.only called domestic sewage, in, under
aDd along the streets, alleys and other publiC places in the
(3) Nothing in this franchise nor in the rights and privileges
herein granted shall be construed to prevent the Village fro.
granting exclusive or nonexclusive rights, privileges or ease-
.ents to other persons, firas or corporations for furnishing
utility services other than water service and/or sewer service
provided the exercise of such granted rights, privileges and
ease..nts do not unreasonably interfere with the use by the
Utility of the streets, alleys, public ways and places in the
Village for the purposes described in this ordinance.
Utility shall, at all ttae. during the life of this franchise,
be subject to all lawful exercise of tbe police power by the
Villag., and to sucb reasonable regulations as tbe Village
sball bereafter by resolution or ordinance provide.
understood and agreed between the Utility and the Village tbat
the Utility shall save the Village bar.less fr~ all loss sus-
tained by the Village on account of any suit, judgaent, execution,
cla1a or de.and whatsoever resulting froa negligence on the
part of the Utility in the construction, operation or ..inten-
ance of its water or sewage systems in the Village. The Village
sball notify tbe Utility'. relJresentative as soon as possible
after the presentation of any clai. or demand, either by suit
or otberwise, ..de against tbe Village on account of any negli-
gence as aforasaid on the part of tbe Utility.
SECTION 6. SERVICE STAKDARDS. Tbe Utility shall operate and main-
tain its water supply and distribution system and its sewer
collection and disposal system and render efficient service in
accordance with this ordinance, and all reasonable require.ents
and regulations of tbe Florida State Board of Health, and particu-
larly without li.itation in accordance witb the following provisions:
(1) WATER.
(a) FIRE HYDRANTS. The Utility shall install fire bydrants
along the water mains to be constructed 1n the Village at sucb
locations as may be designated by the Village but not closer tban
at street intersections.
The Utility sball deliver such water in such quantities as
will ..intain a static water pressure equal to forty (40) pounds
per square inch at the fire hydrants, and in accordance with the
Code of Standards of the National Board of Fire Underwriters.
However, tbe Utility does not guarantee tbat the supply of water
to be distributed to sucb fire bydrants shall be at all tiaes
constant or maintained at tbe pressure specified above, it being
understood that temporary cessation of delivery of water or drop
in water pressures at any time caused by an Act of God, fires,
strikes, casualties, accidents, necessary maintenance work, break-
downs, damage to machinery or lines, civil or military autbority,
or by riot or otber cause beyond the control of the Utility, sball
Dot constitute a breacb of the provisions of this sub-paragraph
or impose liability upon the Utility to tbe Village or to its
tDbabitants or water consumers therein.
(b) KESIDENTIAL - OTHER USERS. At all tiaes the Utility shall
be able to provide tor the use of consumers within the Village
a ainiaua quantity of 300 gallons of water per day under adequate
pressure for domestic or other use at all the taps or water out-
lets of such consuael', and to aaintain at all tiaes the quality
and purity of such water to meet the United States Public Health
Service Drinking Water Standards pro.ulgated February 5, 19.6,
as regulations of the United States Public Health Service. Bow-
ever, the Utility does not guarantee that the supply of water to
be distributed shall be at all times constant in the above quantities
or under the above pressure, it being understood tbat teaporary
cessation of delivery of water, or drop in water pressures at any
tiae caused by an Act of God, fires, strikes, casualties, accidents,
necessary aaintenance work, breakdowns, damage to aachinery or
lines, civil or military autbority, or by riot or other cause
beyond the control of the Utility shall not constitute a breach of
tbe provisions bereof, or tapase liability upon tbe Utility to tbe
Village or to its inbabitants or water consumers therein.
(c) METERS. All water delivered to consumers bereunder (except
water delivered to fire bydrants) sball be measured by aeters of
standard make and of sufficient size, such meters to be furnished,
installed and maintained by and at the cost of tbe Utility. In
case the Village shall at any time question whether any aeter or
aeters are registering correctly, the Village sball have tbe rigbt,
upon aaking written request to the Utility, to have sucb meter or
aeters tested in the presence )f a representative of the Village
and if, as a result of such tfst, sucb meter or meters shall be
found to be incorrect or inac.;urate tbe salle sball be restored to
an accurate c(lndition or a new meter or meters shall be installed
at the cost of the Utility. If such Ileter or meters be found to be
witbin three per cent (~) of the accurate or true reading, the
cost of sucb test sball be borne by tbe Village but otherwise
sball be paid by tbe Utility. Sbould any test or tests sbow any
sucb meter or meters to be substantially inaccurate, computations
for water previously delivered since the last preceding montbly
aeter reading shall be adjusted accordingly.
(2) SElfER.
<a) The Utility shall operate and aaintain a sanitary sewage
collection and disposal system adequate for tbe safe and sanita~y
collection, treatment and disposal of all non-industrial sewa..
in tbe Village, At all tiaes such sewer system shall be operated
and maintained in accordance with all reasonable regulations and
recommendations of tbe Florida State Board of Health and sucb as
to produce an effluent of a quality satisfactory to the Florida
State Board of Health and any and all tests conducted in connection
with such sewer system shall be kept as permanent records by tbe
Utility and tbe same shall be open to inspection by any govern-
.ental agency or user of such system at all reasonable times. Any
such governmental agency, including the Florida State Board of
Health, through its representatives, shall at all times bave access
to the sewer collection or disposal facilities to conduct any and
all tests as such agencies shall determine necessary to insure
caapliance with tbe aforesaid regulations and recommendations. In
the event such agencies shall determine the operations of tbe system
do not aeet the aforesaid regulations or recOBaendations, the
Utility shall immediately, at its sole expense, make any adjustment,
repair, installation or improvement that sball be lawfully
necessary or reasonably required by sucb agencies to bring the
operation of the sewer system up to tbe aforesaid regulations
and recomaendations. The Utility shall maintaIn the aforesaid
.ewer system at all times in good order and repair so that
satisfactory service may be supplied to eacb of the users thereof
within the Village.
SECTION 7. OTHER PROVISIONS. Tbe Utility will furnish and ..intain
at its own cost, all necessary fittings, pipes and appliances,
including all meters and meter boxes, to deliver water to the
consuaer at the property line. All sucb fittings, pipes,
appliances, meters and aeter boxes sball reaain the property of
tbe Utility, and shall at all times be accessible to it and under
its control. The service line from tbe aeter to the consumer's
premiaes shall be laid and ..intained by tbe applicant at bis own
cost. The line shall be of ample size, of standard weight, and
quality, and all cut-offs, valves, fixtures and appliances fur-
nished by tbe consuaer aaintained in good order and condition.
Sewer lines shall also be furnisbed and maintained by tbe
Utility, together with all necessary appurtenances tbereto to tbe
property line of tbe consumer. The sewer line from tbe property
line to the consumer's premises sball be laid and maintained by
tbe applicant at bis own cost. Tbe sewer line sball be of aaple
size, of standard quality, anc the appurtenances tbereto sball be
aaintained in good order and condition.
All of such water and sewer connections required to be furnished
by the applicant shall be of sucb size and quality as shall be
required by the Utility and shall be laid and installed in accord-
ance witb its rules and regulations.
The Utility sball be authorized to establish reasonable rules
and regulations not in violation of the terms of this francbise.
SECTION 8. &XTENSIOHS. Anything to the contrary contained elsewbere
berein notwithstanding, the Utility shall be under no obligation
to extend its aains, lines, appurtenances and facilities to any
area of the Village platted of record, unless and until there shall
bave been filed witb the Utility a sufficient number of applica-
tions for service by prospective consumers who will actually r..ide
in said developed area, to afford the Utility, in its reasonable
opinion, a fair and reasonable rate of return upon the invest-
ment required to extend the Utility's facilities to such area.
Prior to any extension of its facilities, the Utility may re-
quire a capital contribution, cash deposit, refundable deposit
agreement, bond or other assurance from prospective consumers
applying for such extension.
SECTION 9. RATES AND CHARGES. So far as it is within the power of
the Village to fix rates and charges, and subject to the provisions
that all rates hereunder shall at all times be such as to provide
the Utility with a fair return on the replacement or reproduction
value of its water supply and distribution system and its sewer
collection and disposal system, rates and initial charges to con-
sumers of water within the Village and rates and charges to those
who shall be connected with the sewer system shall be as follows:
(1) FATER.
(a) FIRE HYDRANTS. For and in consideration of One ($1.00)
Dollar in hand paid, by each to the other, it is agreed by and
between the Village and Utility that the twenty-two (22) exist-
ing fire hydrants located in the Village of North Orlando,
Florida, are hereby sold and conveyed to the Village and the
Village hereby assumes any and all liabilities in connection
with said hydrants from the date of this ordinance; however,
the Village aSSUMes no liabilities or indebtedness existing
against or as a result of said hydrants wbich was incurred or
came into being prior to the date of this ordinance.
The cbarge of Sixty ($60.00) Dollars per year for fire
hydrant use and water service in connection with the twenty-two
fire hydrants is hereby cancelled effective December 31, 1963,
and no liability shall incur to the Village after December 31,
1963, for fire hydrant use or water service.
Upon the installation of additional fire hydrants
within the Village of North Orlando, Florida, in accordance with
the provisions of Section 6, l(a) of thIS ordinance, the Village
agrees to pay the cost of said installation. Said cost is to be
amortized over a period of five years, in five equal installments,
one installment becoming due on or before January 1 of each year,
upon the completion of installation of the hydrants.
The payments due toe Utility for the installation of
hydrants as provided herein, if any, shall be deducted by the
Utility from the commission due the Village as provided in Section
13 of this ordinance and the balance of the commission shall be
paid to the Village as provided herein, provided, however, the
Utility shall first apply said commissions to the reduction of
the indebtedness of the Village to the Utility in the amount of
$4097.49. The Utility shall not be obligated to pay any commission
to the Village until said indebtedness has been fully paid; how-
ever, thereafter the Utility shall make such commission payments
to the Village as provided in Section 13 of this ordinance.
Nothing contained in the provisions of this ordiaance
is to be construed as prohibiting or preventing the Village from
providing for the payment of the cost of installation of fire
hydrants by the builders or developers, or to prevent the Village
from prepaying said installation cost if feasjble.
The Utility agrees to furnish to the Village an itemized
statement reflecting the cost of installation of each hydrant
installed subsequent to the date of thiS ordinance, and the Village
shall incur no liability for any payments provided hereunder nor is
the Utility authorized or empowered to charge such cost against
the commission due the Village unless and unttl such itemized
statement shall have been furnished the Village.
(b) RESIDENTIAL USERS. For residential consumers or users
of water using a one (1) inch meter, or one of less size, the
quantity of water delivered by the Utility shall be determined
from meter readings made by or on behalf of the Utility monthly
and b11led by the Utility monthly tn the cunsumer at the following
(; t ()
~) .ouU gs. 1; I.S
1 . DuO g~ 11 Clb
7 . DUO ~a 1.1 'ins
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1.0uO gallons
J ,000 gal tons
3. ;)0
(c) 0 HER U:)t...KS. I":II' \O\Iatl:1r \.:'ns,IH'rs (jther than ttll)se des.:rJbed
in Stll:Hi'aragT'a~:hs (a ancl (h) ab '\~, the quantity of water d....1,vered
by t}if' itIllt) shall be dEtf'l'l1Jtn~"d fr":n meter readJIlg-s made by
or nn b>:'half ,)f the? Util11,Y munUJly and btlled by tho UtilIty
monthly to U?f! COnS,lnl('t' at rates "'J!'l by speci.al cout.ra<.'t, between
the consumer and th~ U:Llll~.
(c) PENALTIE::L II. :be eVfC'tit wa'e',' tnlls arc not paId within
30 days, thp Util1t) ~hal1 hav..' th.., rlvl1L t:) dJSContlntH: b.)th the
wal.er s('rvi('~" and 51'WeT ,Sel'\.'JCf] " rhe !. 11,SUll1f'!' with()ut further
not 1 C d and s U '. h sur 1.' , C e :; h all 'I u t f)(> r t; S t '\ r e J u n tl 1 aft eta 1 1 r a s t
bills ha\'v OP'{';;1 paid, plus rt"lmbu}'~C"ppnts tu the Utllity f'lf all
extra expen~;I'.~ (sue!', a~; ::-'!'t'cial tripS, JDSjJnctl(1r;.;. dtscnnnecting
a LJ d l' e ( () n n t' c I J Il g '., € r v 1 C f', add'~! 1 () n a 1 (' 1 II r 1 ( '}l 1 t~ xi>' ,,:,; t' J e' c .) t n _
curr<:;d by tbe _~jl.lit:.. HI acc'unt ,d rcliv:lcl'nqllent I.nll, ,t" )1i
aCCOUq~ cd t"l' ('~',nsumer's \'j:J}::.tUJD Lf,he c'ln'ra,'t f':l' watt'f ur
s ~i we r S I: :' v }( ," )": f t h pUt i .l 1 t. Y 's r \) 1 e .s 8 n d .,.. (> g u 1 a 1.. 0 II S T h t:
miIll:1JUm charf~(. v ,'( ~;r ",uet E'<;lfa 2xpen',.,t'~> a'" t \ CJaLh ': sale
.;; e r \; 1 C ,:>~., is F 1 '.." ( $ :'. , ,}()) D 1 La l.~ ,
(8) COMBIN.ED ,-jILI,INt,. Watt~r and ~)eWl;-:r ;-,d 1" ,';lay l)f:' c')mtJlr!l?U
undl:' r .\~H~ t); 11 ng,.
(0 CONN,ECTJU:-. C)'L"t\bt,~; i;1<:POSlf-,. Aprdicatj;1I1s 1':,( 'UlJtl"'1Cllon
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(b) OTHER USERS. For sewer custDmers other than those des-
cribed in sub-paragraph (a) above, monthly rates shall be set by
special contract between the consuml~r and the Utility.
(c) PENALTY. In the event sewer bIlls are not paid within
30 days, tbe Utility shall have the ri~ht LO dIscontinue both the
water serVIce and sew~lr service to the consumer without further
notice and such service shall not be restored until after all
past bills have boen paId, plus reimbursement to the Utility for
all extra expenses (::c;uch as special trips, inspectIons, dis-
connectlng and reconD~ctlng service, additional clerIcal expense,
etc.) incurred by the Utility on accuunt of any delInquent bill,
~.)r on account of the consumer's violation of the contract for
water or sewer service 0r of the Utility's rules and regulations.
The minimum charge te. cover such extra expenses as to each of said
8ervices is Five ($;;.(10) D\.)llars.
(d) COMBIN.t;n BILLING. Sewer and water bills may he com-
bined under one billIng.
(e) CONNt;CTION CHARGE::>, DEPOSITS. Applications for connection
to the sewer collecttons system shall be made upcm forms tC) be
furnished by the UtillCY in cnmpliance wlth the rates, rules and
regulalions of the UtilIty. and after appr0val of the application
by the Utility thf'reon. The size of service 1Jnes, valves, meters
and other fittings, flxtures or appliances necessary to give the
service applied for shall be a reasonable and pr0per size to be
determined by the Utility at loe lime of the application. Such
applications ~hall be accompa lied by the payment of a connection
charge of Ten ($10.00) Dollars, and by payment of a reasonable
deposit to gual'antee payment of sewer service bills.
rates are the inItial rates and charges which by the granting of
this franchise are determined to he reas~n8ble in accordance with
the provlsions of this secti0n. The Utility may establish, amend,
revise and enforce frqm time to time or times in the future,
dIfferent rates or charges reflecting rates and charges lower or
higber than those shown above, prOVIded, b0wever, that any such
lower or hiF;her rates or charges so established or enfor ~:J from
time or time by the Utility shall be subject to the pro\ ,tons of
this Section 9.
4. TAX CLAUSE. The rates and charges, including minImum and
other charges and set'\! Ice guarantf'€s are dependent upf)n Jo'edera 1,
state, county, munlclpal, district or other governmentsl taxes,
license fees and/or l>(;her impositions up un the Utility, and sueh
rates and charges may be increased, or a surcharF;e added, if and
when any ()r a 1 J such taxes, 1 icen-i@ fees and/ or other tmpos i t lons
are Increased, at tbe cost per hundred galluns or other applicable
un it of char~e, vi -;uch add 1 t iona 1 taxe", , 11cense fees and/or
other impos i t i OilS.
SECTION 10. nmM OF FRANC'HIS.lL This ~)rdinaIlce shall take effect
and be in force from Rod after the final passage hereof, as
required by law, and up n filing ')f acceptall(;e by th~ Utili ty
with the Villa~e Clerk. Such franchise shall contLnue In force
- . -
and effect for a term of thirty (30) years beginning with the
date of such acceptance. At the expiration of said thirty (30)
year term Utility shall be given the option to renew this
franchise under the terms and conditions as set forth herein for
a period not to exceed fifteen (15) years from date of such
CONNECTIONS REQUIRED; PENALTY. The use of individual sewage
disposal systems and/or septic tanks, grease traps and dry wells
by any person in the Village where sewer collection service is
available is hereby prohibited. All persons owning i.proved
property fronting on a street wherein sewer collection service is
available shall connect the improvements upon such premises in the
aanner berein or by or by law of the Village provided. Any person
convicted of violating this section sball be punished by a fine
of up to Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, or by imprisonment up to
ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
SECTION 12. ASSIGNMENT. The City hereby reserves the right to pur-
chase the property of the Utility used under this grant as provided
under the laws of the State of Florida, and as a condition precedent
of the taking effect of this grant the Utility gives and grants
to the Village the right to purchase so reserved. H wever, the
Utility is hereby given the right and authority to make assignaents
of this franchise and the right~, privileges and authorities granted
hereby and all assignees upon tne acceptance thereof shall be bound
to the same ext~nt as if tbey were originally named as the Utility
SECTION 13. Within thirty (30) days after the first anniversary date
of this franchise and within Lhirty (30) days after each such
succeeding date of this franchise the Utility, its successors and
assigns, shall pay to thp. Village an amount which shall equal three
per cent (3%) of the Utility's revenues from the sale of water and
sewage services to residential and commercial subscribers within the
limits of the area described above, excluding connection charges,
for the twelve (l~) fiscal months preceding the applicable anniver-
sary date. The Utility agrees to furnish to the Village within
thirty (30) days after the first anniversary date of this ordi-
nance an itemized accounting showing total revenues accruing from
water charges and sewage charges, the percentage due the Village
and the balance due the Utility after application to the indebted-
nexx, or to the Village as may be applicable.
SECTION 1.. ADDITIONAL ORDINANCES. The Village agrees to pass all
ordinances necessary or suitable both for the reasonable protection
of the rights and property of the UtIlity and to enable the Utility
to enforce any of its reasonable rules and regulations for the
management, operati9n and control of the services to be rendered
by the Utility hereunder and to pass any reasonable ordinance or
ordinances that will bF. necessary or Suitable in order to fully
confirm to the Utility the rights herein or hereby granted or
intended so to be.
~ ~~.-
SECTION 15, SEPARABILIT(. If any section, sub-section, sentence,
clause, phrase, or portioD of this ordinance is for any reason
held invalid or uncom,titutional by any court of competent
jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct
and independent proviolon and such holding shall not affect the
validity of the remaiuing portions hereof.
SECTION 16. All laws, ordinances or parts of laws or ordinances
in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
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February 15, 1965
~_i" ...,
Mrs. IreneV~.l,,~ Ma~r
Vi llage of No~~er land9'),.
North, Orland.pJ:~ridal!'
Subject :,Property for Municipal Building
;D~r,~~,;;v:an,.Epoel :
;'.'~;~:~I'..:\t~"_::.-~~:._ ," ",~; )
" ::", ~...~irms the agreement' between Silver Creek
',', ,'~~n, the North Orlando Company, and the
" ,'" rate ':1$[ . :of'lJi"North Orlan<4>,on the matter of your
_~i{ting prop~; ';'for a Municipal building.
We agree, to give and deed to the Village of North Orlando,
for the purpose of erecting a municipal building, a piece of
propertyhavang 100' frontage on the Longwood/Oviedo Road by
300' on Moss.Road, for and in consideration of the sum of
You agree that plans and specifications for the structure
in. question will be subject to our approval in so far as general
appearance is concerned and to assure an adequate structure from
the construction point of view. You also agree to complete this,"
buildi.ng within one year from the date of the deed.
To accomplish this transaction we will require a legal
description by a surveyor of the property in question. We would
recommend M;t;. Marian Gordon, . Sanford, Florida, to perform this.
service in as much as he is familiar with this area. The cost for
his service in this instance is the responsibility of the Village.
For your informat$on,' we, do not have anywhere in our records
adequate .~nformati.~n to serve the purpose in question.
Immediately upon receipt of the aforementioned legal des-
criptien, we wi 11 have the necessary documents prepared to con-
summate this transaction. This letter should not be construed as
limiting condit~ons pertaining to this grant of property which,
in the opinion of our Legal Counsel, are necessary to the document.
This statement is not intended to compromise or qualify our
commitment, but rather only to act in accordance with our obli-
gations as a Corporate Officer.
Yours ver:,.,,~~9'
~~;;:.... -
F. William Gre~
Executiv.e Vice President
cc: Johnson, Ottman, Saperston
FEBRUARY 15, 1965
~~s. Irene Van Epoel, Mayor
Village of North Orlando
North Orlando, Florida
Subje.ct: Property for Nunicipa.l Building
Dear Mrs. Van Epoel:
This letter confirms the agreement betvreen Silver Creek
Precision Corporation, the North Orlando Company, and the
Incorporated Village of North Orlando, on the matter of your
receiving property for a Municipal building.
We agree to give and deed to the Village of North Orlando,
for the purpose of erecting a municipal building, a piece of
property having 100' frontage on the Longwood/Oviedo Road by
300' on Moss Road, for and in consideration of the sum of $1.00.
You agree that plans and specifications for the structure
in question will be subject to our approval in so far as general
appearance is concerned and to assure an adequate structure from
the construction point of view. You also agree to complete this
building within one year from the date of the deed.
To accomplish this transaction we will require a legal
description by a surveyor of the property in question. We would
recommend Mr. Marian Gordon, Sanford, Florida, to perform this
service in as much as he is familiar with this area. The cost for
his service in this instance is the responsibility of the Village.
For your information, we do not have anywhere in our records
adequate information to serve the purpose in question.
Immediately upon receipt of the aforementioned legal description,
we will have the necessary documents prepared to consuw~ate this trans-
action. This letter should not be constued as limitin2 conditions
pertaining to this grant of property which, in the opinion of our Legal
Counsel, are necesspry to the document. This statement is not intended to com-
promise or qualify our comrr~tment, but rather only to act in accordance
with our obligations as a Corporate Officer.
Yours Very Truly,
F. William Gregory
Executive Vice President
'- //~7' /-/yc~/
TfiIS ~~~MTF B&~~ ~~d s~tar~~ into tbis
. t--
lItl\}' of ~d-6J; ~
~ 1~65~ by ~nd b~t~.e~ TB~ NORTH
oa~ OOKPAIY, b.rei~~fte~ c~lled the CaRp~n,~ .no the
VILLAGE OF DO~TW ORLANDOn WLORIDA~ . ~unicip&l corpor.tion~
berein~fte~ c~lled the VRll.ge~
THAT WHEREAS the Vill~ge and the CaBpany have
entered into a t~anchise for the aper~tion of a water ~nd
sewage collection and ai~pos~l system within the Village of
Nortb Orl~ndQp Flor]d~t said fr~nchi~e being designated as
OrdiD.~ce 110 01 the Village of North Orla~do~ Florid&~ and
WHEREAS the f~~nc} ise provides undeT Section 9 for
the rights al'd c/liHi:rgas p~yable to the town and also provides
tb~t said C~i88;ons due the town sball ~ot be p~id until
Bueb tills liS tbe oblig..tioYl of the Village to the COIIkpany has
beeD pllid in full and
WHE,REAS the Will~ge ~nd tbe Company are desirous of
..ending and modifying this provision regarding the pay.ent
of tbe franchise c~j85iQnp
HOW~ THEREFOREr in consideration of the sum of One
Dollar eacb to the other p~id~ the receipt of which is hereby
acknowledged, it is agreed as follows:
10 That the commission payable to the Village under
Section 13 of Ordinance 10 in the amount of 3 % shall be paid
~ - --,.~
and distributed as follows:
<a> O~e-b~lf of the 3 % at the end of ~.ch account-
ing period shall be paid to the Village to be used by the
Village for use in connection with the f1n~nc1ng of a .un1cipal
ball. The rea.tning ons-half of the cORRission provided under
Section 13 of said ordinance shall be retained by the Company
and applied ~g.inst the indebtedness of the Village to the
Ccapany until such tille as said indebtedness is paid in full.
It ~s ~cknowledged by the parties hereto that the
indebtedness ~t the time of the execution of this Agreement is
in the Il.Jllftoun t of 7"'~8 lM.~."'-".... ?fl'_~""M'_~'A""'?r...~~ 2l~ .......: (".n f) ....'i.J
Upon pay.ant ot the indebtedness to the Company by the
Village in f~ll as provided oereinabove, then the total a.ount of
the cOMRissi~n under said franchise due the Village in the amount
of 3 % sball be paid to the Village and the Company shall no
longer be authorized to retain any portion of said amount.
It is &greed by and between the parties that this
Agreement shall be effective and remain in effect only until
such tias ~s the indebtedness in the amount of $4097.49
has been paid in full.
The Company agrees that yearly it will provide to
tbe Village a statement of account reflecting the previous
balance" the application of one-half of 3 % as agreed herein,
and the present balance due to the Campany.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the North Orlando Company has
beraunto set its band and seal this
/ :!r.- _day of a~'ff ~- ,
BY: ____" -' ... __ ~~
At tes t ;
_ r ~ _ -6( cJ-~(r.-;/;,
~.fS'9t'-rT- --~
I~ WITNESS WBEREOF tbe Village of North Orlando,
Florida, a Municipal corporation, has hereunto set its hand
and setA 1 this ___day of
, 1965"
,;)~I .i? .//~'
/ " / --;/ h .
~L/i.-e~_.~_--<-, -,_~t~L/i
~I..g~ Clerk
couarn or CHAUTA~UA
Before me personally appeared
r' e Wm. Gregory
s. D. Roberta
, to.. w.ll known, .nd known
~o .. to be tb. individuals desoribed in .nd who .x.cut.d tb.
far.coiDC .11'....nt ..
Pr.sid.nt .nd
S.cr.t.r, of the .bov. naa.d WORTH ORtAXDO OQIPAIY, . corpor.-
tion, .nd .ev.r.ll, acknowledl.d to and before .. th.t they
ex.cut.d .uch instruaent a. such Pr.sident and Secretary,
r..pectivel,, ot ..id corporation, .nd th.t the seal .ffix.d
to th. for.going instruaent i8 the corporate s.al of said cor-
por.tion and that it wa. affix.d to .aid in.trua.nt by due and
r.gul.r corpor.te authority, .nd that s.id instruaent is th.
fr.. .ct .nd d..d of .aid corpor.tion.
WITlfBSS .y h.nd and offici.l ..al, this lilt d.y of
, 1965.
o ry PubliC
~-:........ .... ., ..... ,...
II .. ~
... ('r . 11 I............ ,,"
Before ae person.lly .ppear.d David G. Til80n
Helen Green
, to.e well known, and known to
.. to be the individu.1Eescribed in .nd who execut.d th.
for.goina .gr....nt .s
and Villag. Cl.rk of
th. .bov. na..d VILLlGB l NORTH ORLAIfDO, a .unicip.l corporation,
and severally .cknowledg~ i to and before ae that they executed
such instruaent .s such
and Village Cl.rk,
resp.ctively, of .aid corporation and that the seal affixed
.., ... ,.
to the foregoing instruaent is the corporate seal of said
corporation and that it was affixed to said instrument by due
and regular corporate autbority, and that said instruaent is
the free act and deed of said corporation.
WITNESS my h.nd and official seal, this 3 day
, 1965.
,~ ;;( :r~~
No ary bIle
I \
t'Mary f~~) ',' .
My (olilmmion'E~ni:~ .'
B014deJol' ll.r;'l_lr!~_,~"'~'~,H.!If> -~," ..3
. ,~, .),t.