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1965 07 05 Regular
. y . It .. .. .. e . ~. ,. ,. -. j'- aESo.... WTIOI NO,! 60 . r u. . ,...... ,~ ~...... .~..11W...'I')1....C~ f>t the vnl...., .....0..-..., ~..i8.....~..bI'.ore.nanC8 to .'awo:IM ...ft11.. P1.aMldaw aM ~ Boarde......t1- ~.. . \IBRI4S, ...... ~~~t8 ..u'bl bI'.neol15iA11otu. '1"'. ~" .. . ~,-. ........1$05. .m.'n.AIK F.I8UU, m. EDWARD FmQUS(Jf., MR.01&OOOE~t()tJ,. ANDToftl. .GIllAUl .~ .... ~'i_ with tbe Nepona1bW.\'1U oteueb ~,_ ..... .' ..WHW'.AS....... . ... .1IlS.... *..... TSC... .... ....,. MR.. ....'A.5U..tl"......Rt. ..P'IRO'OO..... '. . '. (11.... .... ,r..ASA.':'tDtJ., ..... '.' .,=.:.:..:::..~~l==:.;~~tt"~.:'~= ~a11 ,~'''u....'.~ ....010.-" . . ," . lOW, TJQ&~,...1'TitESOtvttt. ..1Jt.~ vt.IUGI t,09J!CJt.(),. . tI'LUQEOF.lCRftlQRUlIPO,' FunrDl,t.he.MaS. ~R;r WATS'1f, .. ..~mt . Jl3tJu,mt..ltDWAfU)naoUSOl, t4ll.. OSORQE.1jSAIDU-'ffi. QEBAIJ)BlOW1J.. ..11..-....... ....~~..,. ft......,. ..u...Ii11a..,~...."'. 'Jord.eC...~.4 tall"" ......t..~..~ ....tftII..t,bt......... ".' ......'. FrWQ-la Jutr1a .. ,..r.. in ~t.. fAI!ltj... appoiate4.....' "., . ". ,,.IT ~.aESPJ.VW,u.t..,.'~t .T8(JI8ba11'. be'" ~.. . '. ~:-~;rt.T~.t:~~~"..=~=-~~t.... ....,. of .. ~.,tl~;\be ..~.... ......,.,.......,Olu.,... .~." JI6$' .... ...fD.,.0i.If~'11...~,...b7~ ~..; ....,.01.. -..tl~~..~'t~.......:".~,,\~.. . ' '~:Wlul~ftl ~,. ~,,"JB. ra.tmt,.ASUIA "1Il..I..);~ ,'.11:'- and ..~~.tfJt. tea of" .,..... Cl.1'~.. h.\r,. 'Jf6$t- '. /. .... '. '.. ,. . . ,'. . " ',', .:.....:.;...:' .'. . . lEX! ~. u.m>LlID....'> arv'.R1upbrrJO......... . 111\."...,,: 4Dd ~........ ..".......,,"'..J '.fI'.. bt.tIIe .,1.. Co\1Dd1"dir ~~"'..JU..>bIlt.~.... ....... _.~...pu\1a tbli. .....~. to.I'......~ .SIiatfioe. .~. a..~ ",sm' I' 8th DAY OF w .~.;1J1LY "U6S DAVlDG.' TILSON I ~.am~ . . Mlmt 1 'l e At$Sft fffilEN. .:r~' .~ ..... .... .,.~ ,GEORGE T.. FULIEFt ~f'~ .'. .... \ JAY A. .,. WETZ . . . ~1!~: .......... .... '.. ..t \"Xci..' OOUIotbWI 'lll~.~ 'fr RO~LL.COUJC:UJWI LLOYD T. .BROWN .', uSIr<1I~D COUNCiUU I . ....,.' "', ~" . " e ill ll! ,I ~I ;111 :11 ~!I 'I I, :1 Ii :1 I "':\ II ~ I !I :1 ! '1 . t'.. . .. .. OBDINAlICB K9.40 .....ORDI...CSrIX:ulO nBS IN' RELA'I'lOH TO 'l'III<'GRANTllfO OP.A~ln OCCUPA1'IOlfALLICUSB TO A.'tP,U()1I,~PIB8OllB, .P"B"UBIP,AJlO/oa CORPOUflOK4S A CORDf1'IOI fO ""CUR III AHYBUSIDSS.P80b811011 OR QCCUl'ATIOB WITHIM 'l'III LIMITS 0.'81 VILLAGlOPlCoaTlORli.AWDO: . 'CJUlATIHGJ .ilCBlDULBOFCLAUIFICA'flOlffJ OI'.oc:cutATlOIS . bQVIUD 'I'O..tl<;8811>: .P8OVID1.0$1'_ . 880ft, ''''I~or'''I.OItDXDHCBS1II.l4;VBB' ItCIUoecUPATIOltAL LIe... ftl8cHEDULBt.: PROYIDIlfG PO'.UAI.TY. sa. IT*XQD BY TJi&'VluAGI COUlCILOF 'l'BBViL~'o:r .08T11 o~...'. ft,OIUDA: '. " 1. .,... t tbeached_l. ot.....blCb' 'i.j;a:ttaclled. her.to alld J:.y l'el.reilQ(t.dea partbel'.of;$Dd t,I\8 ol.lt..lltoa t1'D8'of . tb...l'lO.... oceopatio.., bu.tD...... or prOfe.810.., as oODt.la.~ i......tCl.t.. ."b.d~l.. ..beal1dtbesa..areb.r.bj _opted as .tb. a__D,ts .....ulred..PJ"OOur..oocupa't,S.~_llle..... I'll ."eVl11a,. Cl'IfWoftlf"orlllnclo in.ccordance wi tit. ,tb.&~slflcati(Ja..t out tta.,.ei'.. . , , . .. .... .... a.. 'lba' ev.r, pe1l'SOn .enppdtnoa;_i&llJlI; ...,bu.i- D..... .,.,.,..,loil oroecUf.tion!.f.~_d':;:'O;; lnt" ..lor.....t100e4 .(JlMMlo'.o1. fee. alld.s Clas.lfiect-ttle1l'elnabal1ooor.bttfore . . Ooto__;'I" 0'( .~b ,.... aD4 al...,a b.f"~"i"a."Mto"''''''...j pro.f....loD . or OOClUpatlon~ ,pa, . to tbe..Vil1a,. .0fllol't1,) OI'l..lidoth, . oceupat;lonal1i:cel1..t.e . pl'ovicled.1ow"ln :t~lf..8C*.Ule.. ~ . eacll..,...a teloea ttOA '1n tbeClt, .1Collc.DIl*..hal11:Je.i..ued . .for -.Dre tbl.i'l,:...,ear'. nO.r . for 1....tbatl',oae '.'r;......,.,.'._t' .. ft... ".1'1.11 of -.011""11' .. ooe-ba1"8ar oc:cupa:tlo1aal1i.o.n.. ..,.'.<8ecUloed 'o..a~,.cla.[lt11.4()r'UDcla..l.fl.' ocoupation,. . bu.:I.....orpr~:f...ionuponp&,.Il~.to.tbe<Yl,l.J.._. ,001180to.. . of; 1'01 the' coat o~. ~..ful1'ea" t. . lieen... J.b~oJ i.1c.~...'~1..ub.... jecttotb.....t.r..an4 proVisiQns':,,,, for~h in' tills or'iaancc. 'si.. lieen.e tor tbe full' t.ra~ ," I ',I I' ;11 'II II ,I . . 3. Tb. .ort tl tl.of th18 o!"'laaqce. .bal~ .>" "Cit,. :111 ' OCcupatloD&1 LlceO_,:rets"c,b.dU:1.e~':".," . .'. '<". '~"" .ii,~ !1..llllI1,. .'. .... 4... Al:t<'ilbelf_s'Shlil1\t'ir.'trallst.ibleZt tttftll ,ti.."I'~V al,., I'''. Vi l1a.e TaJCCol1ectol". wlth;tl1e,,;,~..i.D..S forwtlicb tbe :Ji ........ i..~d;. .~.D ther.l.:.',~>i~i"~::.a:\1.'or t...o.'er of il1jtbeproper., usedaD4 eaplOJ'M ".I.a ,.i:tlle,..u.ila...s ..stock latra~. . '!', The ol"i.l.-l11c.n.......stbe BUr".n"." to aOdfl1.4witb the it ":l.l1a..fax C~11eet" aad ate.o,"~'qa,~~11ar l'l'.OO) p.ld..t :.,'....Ii!l..l.. tbetl_of .~h.appltcatlon fo.rlKldti tND,,'er _ad ...eb transfer fWbe. app~(.lY"8_11.beo' the __1o~c.ancl.f,feota. t"~l.., ,:III:,.laal'11QeCS8. . ;I!r . ..8.. An, l1c.nae Issue4 ,"",er the. Pl'OY1810D8 a'thl. II! ..a,tel' -t "nvoked~pon flveda,.. notio.bytb.V111_.e Tax Illl Collector". "h8n a busta... .otb..tbint..t.d..ipat....ta the ;'11:11cfna.. 'ls.aductQdor operat.d..,or1!~e'7~an,.. ~u81Q.'.1.cOb'" . '.111" cillO. ted :.'tD:':'''~l..t~OII: .0,,' this Code 0. ."J'lto'ther cl'tr ,orelinanc.. or. :11 lawaof 'he.S'.t.. ' I.j .:\i di' i!!l :ill il!l 'Ill 'i;1 Iti '.11'1 'I, :! ili i:',' .;I! d i! :!il :I!L :111 ,;\\ . 1111 .. 11\1 . .)IJ .' .,--.' .,8. An, person vl01.tiD.:~:t...pJ,'tovl.i.onsof tbis ()I-41- aano.......l1.... '..""1U11t,. ot. ......001". and \tPOD _lac .00Dvlot.4"th....of. . ahallb. '. fine4" .,...ot . .~cee<li~1 .TWO BWldr. Dol1al:'.(.IOO,.~).fJrb11ap',ison..lti~ot. .xc..41....0 4a,..0._ ..' both' It\ic_.tiDeandi.prl''IIM11t. . ,Bach .,,' suoh "lolatloo .i. '(1)a. . llitt.d..~' ,.n1tt.d,t~ c4>ntiDue' .~'11 col1.tituua ..pa.ate' off.....nd..hal1 be.puni....b1...:.UCh hereunder. ~',! '. . " ~:;.' .. e' '" -- ~ .. e 1. All esiSlt1nl,Ordlnano.. of,t~e V1llage of North 01'1&840, rlo~1da. are 'hereby repealed in.f),far~&. the"., be in- cOD.l.t.~t, .1 tbthe 'p,OV1.1oDlit"O~~h.l. OI"4.~~~O. !",::'- ".,,:, .,'c':_.;, _:~"..:, ,,"~ ,~"~ "_ \/'-;:(":~~::',',- ":":"\) 5' -.':'~' 8. Itl. the intentionoftbe vitia,.eOw1ottthat...c ..pal"&~. ,trOV181011' of 'tbl.ord~n~no. .ha 1 ~ be d...8<I "lndep.Dd~l1t ofallotbel' provisions hel"et;,~H, ait4#l:t <l.tt tu~~b~~:~.t.,nd.4that 1f .ny provtaloas ,ofthi. ordtilillnc'.'l14J 'd.cla"ct':f;IiY.lt~.all otherprqvlstonstb.reof sballreaaln validllDd .nfor~..ltl..and ,thls0r4i....ce'sb.llbClt oonatrued'..'tb9UCb such invalid sectton were not lnclucted herein. " ; 9. This ordinancesball becOIle .ffecttve i..edi.tel)' upo.,. it. "".-8e andadop.t1on. ' . . 1865.' , 19S6. , 1.985. Pass.d, 1st reading this hssed anil readillg tbis P....d 31'4 reading thts e :v DAVID' G. ,T!ISONMAlOR SI~D ' GEORGE T. FULLER'VICE MAYOR $U.1.NJ11J JAY A. WETZ 6U.l.N~,,'.. LLOlDT. I3RQWN 3I6NEB ' " COUN~lIl{AN COONCI1&,N ,CHARLES E., 'aowE~ 5!ot~ltb' :" , ' ,,'"COUNCILMAN 'tfrHEIEN F., QREEN.(SIGNED) " ,WGE "'qiERK, '" ' VILLAGE OF NORTH ORIANDO~<FIA. ,..,-.A,':, . - ~