HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 12 06 Village Council Regular Minutes
DECEMBER 6, 1965
Meeting calle.. te erier by Mayer DaTi.. Tilse.. at 7: 35 P.M.
Oa. 1..11 Call tile feUftiac. were present Ma,..r TUso., Vice Mayw Fuller,
CeUllcilmea Rowell ... Wetz. Ceuncilman Bro_ an.. Att.rm.ey Jobs.. were
Tae miautes were rea. an.. approve.. as rea.. The balance rea.. 5058.17 was
tAe correct balaace.
The Treasurer as Report was as: tell.wllt
Balan~ Nevember 1, 1965
Ch.eeD Dram
Balance November 30" 1965
329.74 more spent than taken in
Baltmee Nevember 1, 1965
Checks Drawn
Balance November 30, 1965
Bills presentei fer apprevalt
StanUri OU (Gas fer Peliee Car) 61.59
Natie.wi.. (.t..li tien en wer1cman' s comp) 15.70
Robert W. Bailey (time legpi). 19.50
I..B.C. Fire Equip. (22.50 Fire Fun.. 7.50 G.F.) 30.00
Staniar. Oil {Repairing Police Car ) 56.96
Cullum Printers (Fire Permits) 8.50
:LanC Bar.ware (Equip for Tractor) 18.16
Howe T1reC~ (For Tracter) 17.75)
Clar1t..'. (For Tract.r) 9.18
Ferm. Park Auto Parts 6.39
Dr. Murpq 4.50
Hetio. was ___by Mr. Wetz aa.. seco..... by Mr. Fullar that these bills be
paid.. Uaanimousq approved. by Couacu..
Tlae Reai an.. Britice Repert will be g1 ven the next _etine; as Mr. Brow.a
was abseDt.
Fire Report: 011 Oct. 10th a DemoBstratiu. was e;ivea by the Fire Dept.
There were 22: men that answere.. an. una.ueuaced. fire liri11. 167 Mu. Hours
.fer the Meath .r Oct. 6 Volu:ateer Firemen have takea tla.e Rei Cress First
.Ii.. Ceurse. The Herth Orlan.e Directory was UIlveiJ.e.. en Nev. 11tA. There
were 108 man hours for the lMIlta er N8'YeJIlber. Oa December 8th there will
be an E1ectioa ef Officers ef the Ve1U1lteer Fire Departmeat. A letter
was rea.. fr_ the VoIuateer Fire Dept/ askine; permissi.. te have a TurkeY'
Sheet OIl Dec. 11 Dei 12 oei the 18th an.. 19th. The Sh.et is te be bel..
- at either the recreatien area or the area eff of FlamiJlco Rea.. upeniinc
ea the couent of the majority ef the people ill each area. The Fire
Department sent a letter t. the Village ef Kerth Orlan.e aecepti:lllg full
P.1.:iAe Reportt
Ce.m.plaints answere.. 23. Verbal Warmin&s issued. 10. WritteJl
DECEMBER 6, 1965
Wa.miB.cs usue.. 8. Arrest tor Traffic Vi1lil.atiel:ls 3. Time spent e.. school
bus traftic 7lt h.urs. Hours iB actual service by tne Cllief ani the Auxiliary
P.lice 343 3/4 Hours. Miles travele.. with. Police Cruiser 1" 250 miles.
GaseliJle purchase.. 169.1. Repairs te Cruiser $56.96. Rebert Bailey- legge..
191 hours. r'" patrel with Ollief DeVee 39 .eurs.
Mr. R.bert :r.F.llette sent in an application appJ..ying fer a job as
A.uxi.1i.ary Police Man.
Bilis 'Were red from. Karraker's Stantlar- Service in Sanfor.. an.. frem Frukt s
Staniar& Service i:A Casselberry fert_ mew tires fer the Pelice Car.
Frem Karraker's the big 'Were 50.00 t_ two Plycron Tubeless Black 50.00"
tw Atlas Grip Safe 46.00, 2 MeUllien Tires 44.00. J. bi.. e:r 46..44 was
rea.. tr.. Frank's. Motien was maCe by Mr. Wetz an.. secene.. by Mr. Rowell
to accept the bi.. frem. Frank's. Unanimously approved. by Ce\1D.cil.
J. letter was red. :rre Mr. Mil_e .:r the Bear.. of Eiucatien" con&ratulatiD.e
the Police DepartmeBt f.r the nice w0rk beini ..one ill pr.tecting the
sch...l chilireB.
Mr. RGlIell reportei that the grass ba.. been cut at tne Carr.ll house 0Jl
North Fairfax.. The small lake .nthe Recreation Area has been stocke<< vitIa
J200 Bream. There 'Were 16 "N. H\1Jltillgft signs peste.., 4 aN. DumpiD.gtt sips
an<< 2 -N. Fishim&" sips. 80 pOunD of: fertilizer is to, be put in the lake.
Grass os been cut ill the Recreation Area. The Recreati01l Bl..g. Us been
tern part way ..ewn ani will be rebuilt soen.
Hr. Fuller cave a fiDancial repGrt fer the past year. A check is te be matie
with Mr. Kramer" the Auiit.r t. see about the quarterly report :ror April,
May anti Jtme. The Village was charged. 75.00 but oR1y receivea the esti.-.tea
report an.. the yearly report.
A letter was rea.. from Mr. Tom Carr.ll ask:i.Dc the Vi.llice t. take care .f
havin&t his lawn cleanea up ant bill lrlm for sam. A bill will be sent t.
Hr. Carrell for 25.00.
A. letter is t. be sent to Mr. lUqmona Fen.:rf asking him t. be at the next
meeting to report of the Civil De:rense.
The Fire Permits are an.. they must be obtaineci from the Fire Chie:r or the
C..usioner accortiing te Ortinance 33 of the Fire C...e.
Meti.n was mac.e by' Mr. Wetz anti secone.. by Mr. Fuller that the Turkey Shoot
coulti be helti by' the V.1UJlteer Fire Department if' permission was given by'
the Majority of resitients in either area. (Recreation Area or F1..a.minC. Rea..).
Unanimously approveti by C.uncil.
Motion was maCe by Mr. Wetz anti secened. by Mr. Rowell that tIae application
from Robert LaFollette for Auxiliary P.liceman. be accepte<<. Unanimously
approve.. by Ceu:ncil.
__ .tltli tional IBsurance e. Workmen's Compensation PoliOf' is neetiei :lJ1 order t.
cover the men <<riving the tractor. The atitlitien will cut 15.70. Motien
was matie by' Mr. Fuller ani sec.ned. by Mr. Wetz Aat this atitli. tien be
accepteti along with tlie atiGle.. cost. UnaniJmauslyappr.ve.. by CounciL
DECEMBER 6, 1965
.1 ... of sympat;.y is to be sent to Mr. G. TroT RaT, Jr., County Tax Cel1ecter,
wnose wife pas set away.
There is .ow a DoC Waren in Seminole County ami they will pick up togs now
when they are callet.
Registratie. Beeks for the March 15th Electien are now open.
A request was reat fr_ the Garten Club fer a ..enation for the Christmas
Idpting contest. M.tien was made by Mr. Rowell ana secenud by Mr. Wetz
to tonate $25.00 to the Garden Club for this purpose. UJUU!limGusly approve.
by Ceuncu.
Motio. vas ... by Mr. Wetz ant secentei by' Mr. Fuller to make arrancements
f'or a veting machine fer the :March 15th Election. Unanimously' approve..
by Oouncil.
I. request was mate te tAe Fire Department to burn off' the ..ump area. Motion
was mate by Mr. Rowell ud. secented. by Mr. Wetz te make arrangements to
rebuilt the Recreation B1d..g at a cost net te excee.. 300.01. Unanimeusl;r
approve.. b;r Coaci1.
Motio. was mate by Mr. Fuller ani seconte.. by Mr. Wetz to aijeura at 10:10 P.M.
Re.~~ .Ubmit~)
Village Clerk