HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 11 01 Village Council Regular Minutes
NOVEMBER 1, 1965
T_ Replu sesd.. ef tlle Villap C._ell vas calleli tAt oriel" br lfqer
Tila.. at 7:35 P.H.
Oa Iall Call tAe follow:l.ai were present:
~ fils_, Viee Mayor Fuller~ au. Couacil.:mea Wets:
ani Br_. Couaci..lmaa Ro.,l1, was ill u& ceul.. .ot attem...~ an.. .A.tterae;r
Je..e. vas abseat.
Tlle Metiq lliautes of October 4tk wre re.... wita tae .tellcnd.Jac
COl'TectiOJUl :
1. Grating vas alae cine betwem. Bahama ati TraiewiJads.
2. 'lJta ri&h.t...vqs en Hayes R....., BaJuuu. R.a~. '1'Ae block of
paJllaDa bet.....n Daya. ant Mess Reaa, u& Fisher Reai were
cut with t1\e use ot tAe Villace Tractor. (9 maa hours)
3. Horth Etice-- was grae.. vitA tl1.e use of tlle Village
tractor. (8) maa laeurs.
4. STeel Peets ..... .et inclu.i iJ1 the price of the .0
HuJ1tiBc" sips.
5. .A. letter all" copy ef Preliminary prints ot tlte Hl.Ulicipal
Blq. were sent out.
Treanrer's Report was as teUows:
Balance Oeneral Full.. 10/1/65
Claeeks Draw.
Bal.an.ce Geural FuIld. 10/31/65
(1137..35 JUre spent tAu. take. ia)
Balaace 10/1/65 670.64
~.~~ ~~
Dep..its .e..
Balance 10/31/65 646.1;;
Tae quarter1;r linaltc1al Report receive.. tram Mr. Krae:r was realtbT
!faTor TUse.
The tollowiDe billa were presente. for apprevaJ.:
Stantari Serrlce 53.1.3
Robert 1.. Kramer (Acct.) 25.00
ErRie's T.V. 5.50
T. Trey Ray (Tax Oollector) Let, Fisher :ai.. 1.58
Claate.1a Eas. 51.77
T.... Garace 13.'3
Het1_ as ate by Mr. Brelll ani sece.." by Mr. Wetz that these bills be
pu". UJWliJIl.W!I1y apprQvei byCoacU.
Rea" an.. Briip Repert:
T1ae C.u:aty 1"..... grater as ia tllle Villap o. the 16t1l a.nt grW~ Borta
'S"P"''' Sout. E8pmu, Tratewinu, Puaa, &1141. Hayes Rea. betwea Traiewi.l1u
HOVEMBER ~~ 1965
P.lGE 2
and. BMeN Roa. (8 maa hours at a cost et 120.00). Tae np.t.....,.. or tAe
paTe. streets were also cut e. the 16tk vita tAe use of tae Villap Tractor
(6 ... lleurs). Horta Edpa_ was era-a ell the 22&. and. 23ri. witll tile use
of tl1e Vi1lace tractor (4 maa .eura). Tlae ditclt ia tb.e C.r8D&U area as
starte.. e. t.i.e 2.3ri., but tlle tractor ,ot stuck twice at work aU. to step
because of iamp greUl\i.. (2 man .ours).
nere were 25 c~ts~ 8 1RI.1'Jdap alli 3 citatiou for the ..atla ef
October. Cldef hai 338t .eurs for the m..tA uti Bailey ha.. 60 AOurS.
.I~li.T'Y Peliceman Bailey is .0. erf or probation and will receive pay for
BY' time lecee..
Tllere was Be report from the Fire Department for the month or October.
There was no repert from tlt.e FilUI1'l~.l CGllDIli.asiomer 1'_ October.
Hr. Rowell, Colllli.ssiomer for aealtk, Welfare all" Recreation WaS ill
an.. uuble te atte... the meati1\g se will give his repert at the next
Coacil meetin".
The light peJes WUltei in the Recraatie. Area will aave te be put ia
by tile Village. Tile FIeri... Pewer ouy puts iD. street liehts. Motio. vas
... by' Mr. Wetz aD" secon__ by Mr. Fuller that this matter be tableci uatU
the 'Ceuncil pts tile go &hea.. that the Recreati8Jl Area is i.D. go... c_tlitia.
Discussio. vas .be~... UnuiJuwsq appreved by CeuncU.
.otion WaS _tie by Mr. Bt-o. tlaat installatien of tae lieht peles be
iavestilate.. an.. put out for bi.. purpesea OJ1 tho installati... Sec..Hi
by Mr. Wetz aDi lma.nim.us~ approved. by COUJ1cil.
.a biG. of 9.80 ror .500 Fire Permits was receive.. frem the Cullen
PrintiDi CeIp&l'!7, in Sanferd.. Metto. VaS mac.e by Mr. Wetz a:a.. se.....
by Mr:. !'uller that these biis be acceptei. Unanimowsl.y approve.. by CGuacil.
.I letter as reatl .trom Mr.. Bill Gregory of the Silver Creek Co. in
reiaris to the mowini .r vacant lots. A copy or the letter that Mr. Gregory
sent t. Mr. Fasula was alse reat.
No werei has beeJ1 recei vei frem Mr. T_ Carroll, who OWAS tAe property
at 200 N. Fairfax, i1t reiar..s to mewing the grass ill his ,ari. The Village
will mew the yare. all.. sena a bill for 5.00 t. Mr. CarroU for same.
Motion WaS md.e by Mr. Fuller Uti secClltied. by Mr. Brown to contact the
Presiaent of the Garien Club to select someone to be o. the Beautification
Committee fer SemiBole COUJlty.. Unaniaously appren. by Comcil.
JrticJe 5. Sect'-__ pj:l.;.part 2 of Section 3 or tAe Vi1laieCb.arter
was reai by Mayor Tils... Real Estate Brekers are to be ..otifieci that a
charie of 20.00 is to be sen 1;0 the VilJ.ace for Occupatio:aaJ. Licenseti: if
they wisJa to ..0 busiBess in t1le Villace.
CAief DeVoe is to notify Hr. lWcar Smart that seme1;lai1!I.c must be .one
about tile sw:i..JD1ni lIle pool i.1'l his back yare. as it is creating a healtA Aazara.
Motion was made by Mr. Br.. ani sec.n..... by Mr. Fuller that Mr.
Ewrightso. Harville be appeiAteci to fill tAe lU'I8Xpireci term of Mr. George
NOVEMBER 1, 1965
Cualw. en tile Zen1Iai Beari. UlWlimously apprevei by Ceu:acU. A Res.lutioa
is te be iratm up appeiat1ag Mr. Harville tel the Zoni.Rg Boari.
Mr. Wet.z questi..i Mr. SUllivan in regaris to .. .l-.rU DiJmer. Mr.
Sul1i.vu expl.aiJJei tlae tinDer u. tile Direotory.
Hr. Ra,...i Fenotf, the Civil Defense Directer, is t. be cODtactefl an.
askei to be at the next Counoil Meeting to fill i.J1 .. the Defense Work.
Resolution 162, perta:i.ai.Dc to ItNO FISHING't at the little 1alce ia the
Recreatio .Area, vas reai. Sips are to be posted. tltat there will be .0
fishing in tAe lake lUl.tU Octeher 15, 1966.
Workmen'. Coapensati.. poliOJ' (F.saft'llla;-olossell) will be flue sAort:q.
!lotie. WaS _u by' Mr.. BreD tU.t in..i:viiuals, rtllll'Q~'l!tg tite 'tractor be
ooverei, &1Ul if tlds policy COTers it fine, if :&lOt hew muelt it wed. cost te
te have it a..u.. on. Seconie. by Mr. Wetz aai u:uni:m.eusly appreved. by Council.
, lIar;y Watson, 'Chai.rmaJl of the Zol1iJli Beara is to be notifie.. tJu.t tAere
is one article to be amenie.. in the Ori.inance anci as so.n as tlae Attorney
sends it back she will receive it.
Tae Press waS asked. to notify the people to be sure ami have their
heaters cAeckeC. hefere starti.Dg tAem up for the winter.
- The Fire Department is to have a Turkey Sheet arounti the first ot
December. The locatio. must be approved. by the Chiet ef Police.. Motion
1IU mai.e by Mr. Wetz anci seMllo. by Mr. Brow.a to give permission to use
firearms in the Village fer tltis event. Unanim.eusly approved. by 'Council.
The Agreement ire the North Orlan.o Compuy Attacheci. ill tr.t .f
b..k) was presented te CeUllcil. Moti.. was made by Mr. Wetz an.d. sechie.
by Mr.. Bro. to place this Agreement Oil tlte j.genia fer first ami tinal.
Unanimously approTe8. by Council.
Mayer TilsoJl reat tIte Agreement fer first and. final reacling.
Hotion WaS mau by Mr. Fuller ad. seeonod. by Mr. Wetz t. accept tke
reati.inc of tais agreement. Discussion was held.. Uaanimous:q appreve..
by Ceuacil.
htie. was mau by Mr. Wets uci. secone.. by Mr. Fuller t. place on Acenia
fer fi.Dt reali.ing, Ord.iJlance #lo. Attache.. t. frent ef boek.
Hayor Tilsoll. rea.. Or4linance 110 for first reading.
Motion was mafi.e by Mr. Brown u.. secone. by Mr. Fuller t. accept
Ordinaace 110 ter first reading. Discussion was bel... U:aa.niluusly appreved.
by Council.
- MotieR WaS mae by Mr.. Wetz 0" sec.nee.. by' Mr. Fuller t. place o.
Acenaa t.r sec.n.. reating, Ortinance /110, by title ealy. U:uniaeusly approve..
by Coacil.
Mayer Tils_ reat Oreiinance 110 tor sec_d reaci.ing by title cmJJ'.
NOVEMBER 1, 196,
!leti.. lIa8 .... b,. Hr. BrOD an. secon... by Mr. Wetz to accept fer
sec... rea&i, OrtiiJ:wlce 110, by title o~. Unanimousq appro'Yed. by'
Hetioa WaS mU.e by Mr. Wetz aM. sec.aied. by Mr. Fuller te place ..
Aga... fer tlUri an.. fiDal reading, Oriinanee 110, by title -a1l". U1!\~"i"usq
appro'Ye" by' Co,ncil.
Hqor TilsOll. reaa fer third. ana final reacii.ng, Oriinance 110, by title
Hoti_ was maae by' Mr. Wetz aIla seco:nieti by Mr. Brown to accept for
thira anti final reatinc, Qri.inance 110, by title onl7. Unanimously"
apprO'f'et by ComacU.
Metion vas mate by Mr. BrOD. ana sec..lied. bY' Mr. Fuller t. a..jeura
at 9:40 P.M. UIw'd1I.ous~ approved. by Council.
Respect1'uJ.:q submitteaJ
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