HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 10 04 Village Council Regular Minutes
CCTOBER 4, 1965
The Regular Session of the Village COUDCU of the Villa. of Horta
Orlanclo.- FJ.oricla was called to order by' tae Mayor at 7133, P.M.
On Roll Call the foUowiDe 1iIere present: Ha;yor Tilson, Vice MI.1w
Fuller and Councilmen: Brown, R01ilell and. Wetz.
lfitla t1le Corrections,. .:right aways of paved streets i:a Village;-
C],.,anton'. bill to read. $141.38 insteaci of $144.38. Tkere had. been a
miJitake. of 13.00. Tlte OJ:otilwlce rea" i8 ".Amended.. Ordinance 17. Hiautes,
otherwise 1iIere approved as rea".
TreasU8m't. report:
Balance General lun<< 9/1/65
caeca Drawn
Balu.ce 9/30/65
Read ami Bridge FWlI.4
BalaD.ce 9/1/65
CAe claI Drawn
BaJ.mce 9/30/65
Billa read for approval:
~e'. T.V. 4.25
J.B:: Fire. Bquipment 127.30
elw'1es McIntosh (Fiielity Bond) 18.00
1'08 Garage 25.14
ekuele Rowell (Ch.emicaJ. for Lake) 7.73
Clanton's; .so la.88
Motion 'DB made by Mr..Brow ani .econded b7 Mr. Wetz that the above bil18
be pail. UJW1imOUIJ~ approved by Council..
Two letters 1iIere read trGJll the ZoD.iDg Board. Chairman, :Mary Watson,
tel.I:iJlg of the progress of the Zoning Bearti.
aoad. ami. 'Sri. Report: Mr. Brown reporting.
'fAe COUDty road. grader _s out ancl grading WaS tione on trade Wino,
South Ed.gemoa, Ho.s Rea., Hayes Road anti Balwna. $20.00 wa.. sent te
Jolm Bull, of Santora" for operating tke grader for 8 llours.
Felice aD. Fire Reports: Mr. Wetz reportiq.
pA report fr_ elder DeVoe, there were 19 complaints ani 7 warD.iD.g8
given out. Hr.. DeVoe hafi 322 man hours aad. Mr. Bailey,. the Auxj.liary
Policeman )wi 90. kours.
.Another 100 foot of 11- It.eae has been purchased. by tlae Auxiliary for
the Fire Department. Fire Iuurance for the Departmeat has beea renew'.
There were 114 man hours for the month of September anel six quanta wre
f1:wlheel out.
PAGE 2, OOTOBER. 4, 1965
Ia ebservance ot liire Prevention Week the Fire Department will have
a demonstration in front of the Village Hall OR StIJtlb.y', October 101> at
2 P.M.
HOtion WaS mau by Mr. R01I8ll and. aeooniet by Hr. Wetz to pay
127.30 ter equipment purclwlecl trom the ABC Fire Equipment ee. The
127.30 waa to be taken trom. the General. Fund., out .r the 139.20 all.te..
to the Fire Departmentt tor the Dlont.. ef J-al.Jr, .A.UCWSt and September, eel
201 per oooupiea Ao118e}
TM Florida Direotory- Publisurs Awar4 has been gi veil to the Berta
Orlan... Fire Department fer eutstanfiing servioe to the Co1Jll'J1U1rl.ty.
:HotieD WaS made by Mr. Wetz to purchase 500 sets of Police Wa.rniD.g
ticketa from CUllen and. Sn. Printera of Santord.,. at a cost ot $18.50.
Seo_." by Mr. Brown and. lUlani1ll0USly approvei by Couacil.
Recreation" Health an. WeItare: Mr. Rowell reportiDg.
TJae tenni.8 courts were cleane.. up an.. the stops removed, vita a
thanks to Mr. Sclmell, :Mr. Hawk: and. Mr. peaagood.. The erass Bas been
cut in tAe area. Mr.Ru.ell Ru&ci and. Hr. Wi.aaer of. the U.S. Department
at SoU CeuerT&tion will set up a Systelll> tree of charge to help vita
tB.e water an.. cirainage in the Recreation Area. Except tor a 6i lb. bus"
all of the fiah ill the Lake on the Recreation Area were kille<< .ut.
A cb.ellical vas use.. to clean out the Lake an<< then it 1i.ll be fertilized.
for new vegtrtati.. After the 1St. of October the Lake will be stocke..
with 'bream and. in the spring bas. will be put in tne Lake. A resolution
is to be i:e&_ up stat1ta- tkat tllere will 'be .. FishiDgft in tAe Lake
from October 1.5, 1965 through October 1S, 1966...
Xotioa was made by Mr. Br01lJll and. seconded. b.r Mr. Fuller to reimburse
Hr. Rowell 7.731> the amoUJlt paid to the CJu.se and. Co. tor chemicals used.
to ld.U .ut the fish ani old. vegetatioa. (Bill presented.). Unanimously
approved. by' C.UJ1cu.
Tile Recreation. BuilGiJag is to be started this week. It was sugge.tet
t.lI.at lights be put up a the recreation area so that people can see to
play tenia er basketball a.rteru.rk. It as suuested. that a look
be switch be put on the lights so that they could. be manually operate..
ani turaeGl off at a certain time.
The Baae and. Car Ratios wre removed. frGJll tlle Agenu. tor the
time being.
M.tion vas made by Mr. Wetz ud. ..condeci by Mr. Brewn to put
the Fire Permit. eut tor biu to be prate<<. Uu.nimouly approveci
b.r Couacu.
Hr. BrOD reported. G tAe Wormatio. ebtaiMd. about t:be .e HuatiAg
S1pa!l. 3Qx,20 masonite or plywoo.. sigu .. stee1 posts lIere 7.5<>> ia
W1at..er Park &at Casselberry aM. 7.oat in Or:J.an.... :Meti.R" macie by
!Jr. Wetz ..... .econcied. by Hr. Fuller to put up temporary car4boari sigDa
untU the other sig:n.s are investiiateci further.
It 'R&: reported. that the Stanard. Service ia e..selberry would. ci va
the Village of Horta Orlan.. Mmdoipal cars and. tractora 5e/e tiBCOUDt
on everyth:i..q. Thq requesteci tAat the Village haw a credit card., thouP
instead. of the uual. tabs.
PAGE 3, OCTOBER 4, 1965
The CelDlcil requested. that letters be lIent to the North OrlancioCo.
bot. ill North Orlanfio and Silver 'Creek. in regarcls to haviag tlle vacant
lots mo.. period.ic~ a.d cleaned. up. Also a letter be 11.1; to Mr. Tem
Carroll iD. Ca.lifonda, owner of property at 200 N. Fairfax. to have hill
lawn cleaMi up or the Village will cio it and. bill him accor<<1n.g to
OrdiJw1ce ltUlllber 15.
..tion was lII&d.e by Mr. Rowell te purchase a gas can, a grease gun,
some grease" a small tool be and. some tools aDd a pact lock. Two It.eaa
ligllte anti 2 back b11Dker lip,t8, 25.00. The total amount fer. everyt,hi.:q
Bot to excee' 40.00. Secone<< by Mr. Fuller anci l.1.Danimousq approveGl
by CeUBciJ. All of tkis equipment is for the tractor..
KetieD. was macie by Mr. Rowell and. secon.cielii by Mr. Fuller to
purclwse 100 lb8. of fertilizer for the:Lake. Uaanimeusly approve.
by Couacil.
.lletter a copy of the prints of the Municipal Blci.i" drawn up
by IJ.eyd. Brown have been sent out to BiDe contracting. coapa:niea.
The Floriu. Statues were re~ 011 Occupatioaal Licensee.
.lletter of Thanks Wl.S read. fr_ t1le fami.ly of Claw Laye.
M.tion was macle by Mr. Broa and. secoJUle<i by Mr. Fuller to
place OD. .&cenu for thirci and. final reaciing, by title oaJJ'" Oriinance
N o. 7, ATDe.ndecl. Unanimous~ approved. by COUJlcil.
Mqer Tilson then rea' J.meau. Ordinance 17_ tor thiri uu! final
readiD.g, by title only.
Xotien .. :mafie by Mr. Revell and lIecon_.. bY' Mr. Br01l\ to accept
this thiri ani final reating, ~ ti tIe oBl,.~ .. .&men... OrdiJulaoe 17.
U:n.ani1uus~ approve. by .COUJlcU.
Hr. Fuller represeated. the Village of Nor1ib. Orlanio at the
BeautU'icatio.. Program Luacluu. at the Trate W:i..nU. North Orlan.o ia
to take care of the Islamis thi8 side of 17-92 OR 434. HOlJever, ever,.-
tlting is to be verkei out through the Cemmittee. :Kra>. Van Eepoel is t.
be aske. if she is still iaterested. in workim.g on tRis committee.
X.tio. was mau by Mr. Fuller aaci .ecend.ei by Mr. Wetz to atjeura
the meeting at 9:20 Pel!. Ul'u1t'illlouaIy approved by COUDcil.
RespectfulJ.;y subllli t tedJ
~~ ~-7~/
Helea F. Grea, Vi.1lage Clerk
Village of North Orlaa41o, Flori.....