HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 09 13 Village Council Regular Minutes
SEPTENBER 13, 1965
The regular session of the Village Council of the Village of
North Orlando, Fla. Was called to order at 7:33 P.M. by Mayor Tilson.
On Roll Call, the following were present: Mayor Tilson, and
Councilmen Fuller, BrO'Wl'l, Rowell and Wetz, and Attorney Johnson.
The minutes of the regular meeting of August 2nd were read and
approved. The minutes of the Special meeting of August 23rd were
read and approved with the stipulation that paragraph 7 was to be filled
in when the contract far the tractor was received from Case Implement
Co. Motion wra.s made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Rowell to
accept this fill in. Unanimously carried by Council.
Treasurer's report WaS read as follows:
Balance, August 1, 1965 General Fund
Che cks Drawn
Balance, August 31, 1965
Road and Bridge Fund
Balance, August 1, 1965 Road and Bridge
Checks Draw
Balance, August 31, 1965
Bills presented for approval:
Clanton's Esso
Town Garage
Dr. Murphy
Motion was made by Mr. Brown and seconded by IJ'.iT. Fuller to pay these
bills. Unanimously approved by Council.
Road and Bridge Report by Mr. Brown:
Washout on North Edgemon has been filled at a cost of 75.00
North Edgemon has been graded- 6 man hours
Shore Road and 434- 2 hours
Hayes Road - 5 hours
South Edgemon graded - 10 hours
Moss Road - 1 hour
Right aways in Coronado - 4 hours
Right aWaYS in Coronado cut.
Recreation area to 419 on North Edgemon estimates had been received for
the paving of the road, from the following:
Dalrymple---------8,000 for a complete road
2,000 for a passa.ble road
PAGE 2- September 13, 1969
Hubbard1s---------------ll,800 for a complete road
2,800 for a passable road
No estimates have been received from the Mac Asphalt Co. as yet.
The Bus Drivers say that the roads are in better condition than
they have ever been.
Fire Report--Jay A.. Wetz
400 ft. of ~ It hose has been purchased by the Fire Dept.
100 ft of l~ It hose has been purchased by the Fire Dept. Auxiliary
Still have 26 members. 2 moved out and 2 more joined the Dept.
124 man hours for the month of August.
Health, Welfare and Recreation: Chuck Rowell
The Bus Shelters have been painted.. The work on the Recreation Bldg.
hasn't been started yet, but the men expect to get started this week.
The house that created such a Hellth Hazard has been cleaned up by
George Sommers. The tennis courts have rotted out and they fell
during the high winds. A special thanks to Forrest stratton and
Bob Grace for running the tractor and helping out.
Resolution #61 was read, appointing Raymond E. Fenoff, 171 N. Bombay,
as the new Civil Defense Director in the Village of North Orlando.
A motion was made by Mr. Wetz and seconded by Mr. Fuller to
purchase a used pyrene l!'ire Extinguisher from the A.B. C. Fire
Equipment Co. at a cost of $7.50. New they cost $17.50. Unanimously
approved by Council.
The Alarm System for the Village as given by the S and E Supply Co,
after their survey, was too expensive for the Village to even think
about so the subject was dropped.
A nDog Clinict! is to be set up by Dr. l-1urphy on Friday, October
1, 1965 from 5 until 7 P.M. The shots are $3.00@. The Village office
will be open at that time and Dog Tags will be sold, 1.00 for males
and spayed females and 2.00 for unspayed females. An Indemnity Agreement
has been set up between the Village and Dr. Hurpbjl. Starting Oct. 2, 1965
the Dog Ordinance Will be enforced to the fullest. Any dog picked up
will be kept by Dr. Murphy for three days, 4.50 will be charged for
board and the dog will be put to sleep.. If the owners pick up the dog
the price will be 1.50 a day for board and 3.00 for rabies shot. Motion
made by Mr. Wetz and seconded by Hr. Rowell to accept this agreement.
Unanimously approved by council.
Motion was made by l-1r. Wetz and seconded by l-!r. Brown to obtain
bids for Police Warning Tickets and have them ready by the next
meeting. Unanimously approved by Council.
Edgar Smart has declined the job of Auxiliary Police and Chief
DeVoe will be looking for another man.
Motion was made by l-1r. Wetz and seconded by Mr. Brown authorizing
l-1r. DeVoe to have motor mounts put on the Police Car at the Town Garage
in Altamonte Springs at a cost of 15.00 plus labor. Unanimously approved
by Council. It was suggested that business be spread about the community.
PAGE 3, 1965
Council was aSked to authorize Chief DeVoe to use own car when
Police Car is in shop. However, Mr. DeVoe has to check with his
insurance Co. and Mr. Jolnson is to investigate this matter before
anything can be done.
Council authorized Council.Inan Wetz to investigate new base
and car radios at a cost of 100.00 each.
Motion was made by Mr. Wetz and seconded by Y.tr. Brown to give
the Volunteer Fire Dept. authorization to carry out the Fire Permit,
as per sample of the Medford Fire Dept. Unanimously approved by Council.
14:otion WaS made by Mr. Wetz to have Fire Chief Hahn to tailor
a fire permit to fit the requirements of the Village and then send
for bids. Seconded by 111'. Fuller and unanimously approved by Council.
Mr. Brown WaS asked to investigate having some "No Hunting" signs
made, reading: t1No Hunting, Firearms prohibited. $200.00 fine.
Police Order.t1
Motion was made by Mr. 'V1etz and seconded by l-1:r. Rowell to place
on Agenda for first reading Ordinance 117/ Unanimously approved by
Council. Ordinance 117 WaS read for first reading by :Hayor Tilson.
Motion was made by Mr. Wetz and seconded by Mr. Brow to accept for
first reading OItdinance #7. Unanimously approved by Council.
Motion was made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Fuller to place on
Agenda for second reading by title only. Unanimously approved by
Council. Mayor Tilson read Ordinance #7, for second reading, by title
only. Motion was made by Nr. Wetz and seconded by Mr. Fuller to
accept Ordinance #7 for second reading b<J title only. Unanimously
approved by Council. Motion was made by Mr. Wetz and seconded by
Mr. Brown to hold Ordinance #7 for third and final reading until the
next regular meeting, during this period the Ordinance will be
posted on the bulletin board. Unanimously approved by Council.
Mr. Johnson was asked about the de-annexation of the ranch land
from the Village. Mr. Johnson said that it would have to be done by
one of two ways.
1. Election by Vote by all free-holders
2. A. Court Action.
A discussion waS held.
140tion was made by Mr. Rowell and seconded by Mr. Wetz to
adjourn the meeting at 9:30 P.M.
R.espectrull. Y SUb.mit.t.ed, ~.
~llage Clerk .