HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 08 02 Village Council Regular Minutes
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The Village Council fo the Village of North Orlando, Fla. met in
regular session on August 2, 1965.
Meeting called to order 7 :40 P.M. by 1-Iayor Tilson.
On Roll call Mayor Tilson" Councilmen Wetz, Rowell and Brown 'Were
present. Councilman Fuller and Attorney Johnson were absent.
Minutes of the July meeting were approved as read, with the
corrections "used tractors" and Chief Stephenson and Lieutenant
Smart, instead of Patrolman.
The minutes from the Special meeting of July 8 and July 29
were approved as read.
The Treasurer's report was read as follows:
Balance General Fund 7/1/65
Checks Drawn
Balance General Fund 7/31/65
Road and Bridge Fund
Balance Road and Bridge Fund 7/1/65
Checks Drawn
Balance Road and Bridge Fund 7/31/65
Bills presented for approval;
Clanton's Esso 4.50
Robert Kramer 75.00
Sentinal Star 32.50
Sanford-Herald 12.50
Town Garage 20.20
Motion was made by 1'1:r. Brown, seconded by lrr. Rowell that the
above bills be paid. Majority carried.
Fill was put on S. Edgemon, North Edgemon was leveled. A letter
WaS read from Mr. Willimns of Apopke (owner of lots on Panama. Road)
stating he would match 100.00 toward the improvement of Panama Road.
With so many objections and discussions from the audience, Article 3
Section 16 of the Village Charter was read by Mayor Tilson.
Police and Fire Report:
Fire Department answwred a call to a fire at II N. Edgemon at
2: 10 A.M., July loth. Chief Hahn was burned and a fireman from.
Longwood was cut. Five new members have been added to the Fire Dept."
bringing the total membership to 24.
Mr. ,Anthur W. Devoe was introduced as the :man selected Jer the
new Poll ce Chief. l-10tion was made by l-1r. Wetz to hire Mr. Devoe, at
$200.00 per month. Seconded by Mr. Brown.
In discussion--
PAGE 2J' Augast ~1965
!i?s. VanEepoel :ft The Volunteer police were harassed into resigning.
Has the chime increased so much that a police lnall had to be hired at
$200.00 a month7!" Mr. Tilson said that there had been no harassment,
they just resigned.
Mr. Watson: "The Ranch Area is not included in any of the affairs of.'
the Village and they pay more taxes than anyone."
Mayor Tilson: "This Council would be foolish not to explore every
opportugity to better the Village."
Mr. Brown: "I was in Jacksonville and I was shocked when I heard
the Volunteer Police had resigned. I had always been satisfied with
their work. But if they resigned there is nothing we can do, but to
hire another num for 'We do a police force."
On request from the audience the resume from Mr. DeVoe Was read.
Mrs. VanEepoel: "North Orlando is a depressed area. Two Mayors have
been charged with misappropriating funds, the Police have resigned.
My advice, 'Don't move in. I It
Mr. Watson: "Instead of hiring 1 policeman at $200.00 a month hire
two policemen at $75.00 each per month."
Mr. TilstJn asked Mr. DeVoe if he still wished to accept the
position after hearing all of the discussion. Mr. DeVoe said that
he dii. not wish to cause hard feelings, but he would accept.
On Roll call vote on the motion and second to hire Mr. Devoe:
Tilson, AYE
Brown, AYE
Majority approved by Council.
Wetz, AYE
Rowell, AYE.
Mrs. DeVoe was introduced.
Mr. Rowell reported that the School Bus Stop had washed out. The
Goals had been painted. Dump is still in bad shape. A house in the
community that was in such bad condition that it was a health hazard.
Board of Health had served a warrant and then the family moved out.
Motion was JJ1fd.e by Mr. Rowell, seconded by Mr. Wetz to purchase
a tractor from Case Implement Co. for $1095.00.
I-Ir. 'Watson: "Will the right of ways in the Ranch Area be cut?lllfMr.
Brown informed him that they would as they got around to them. "Will
the roads be kept up if the tractor is purchased? I will be willing
to do 'I'lI!f share in paying and helping out."
Mayor Tilson: "We spend the money where we can do the most good for
the most people.n
Mr. Watson: "Wants roads to get back and forth to work and for the
School bus to get in and out.1t
Mr. Hipps suggested that the most used roads be maintained.
PAGE), 1965, August 2..
On Roll Call Vote of the Notion and second to purchase the tractor;
Tilson, AYE
Wetz, AYE
Majority vote approved by Council.
ROliell, .lIE
Brown, AlE
Motion was made by}A"lI'. Brown, seconded by Mr. Rowell to have Mr.
Johnson see if part of the cost of the tractor be taken from the
General fund and a part from the Road and Bridge Fund.
Mr. Watson suggested that lights be turned off and all other
things be dispensed with until the roads have been fixed. Mr. Hipps
agreed. Suggestion to be considered.
l<1r. Bailey said that the lights are a necessity for the sake of
the children.
Motion was made by :fiIr. \tietz, seconded by li.lr. Brown to place Ord.
1140 on Agenda for second and third readings by title only. Majority
approved by Council. Motion was made by}lIr. Wetz, seconded by lo1r.
Rowell to accept the second and third readings of Ordinance 1140 by
title only.
Motion was made by Mr. Rowell, seconded by 1'1r. Brown to strike
out the above motions and start over.
Motion was made by l<1r. Wetz and seconded by}fJr. Rowell to place
on the Agenda fir second reading, Ordinance #40, by title only. Ord.
#40, by title only, was read by Mayor Tilson. Motion was made by
Mr. Wetz, seconded by Mr. Rowell to accept Ordinance 1140, by title
only for second reading. Majority spproved by council. Motion 'WaS
made by Mr. Wetz, seconded by Mr. Rowell to place on Agenda for third
reading, Ordinance 1140, by title only. Mayor Tilson read Ordinance
1140, by title only, for third reading. Motion waS made by Hr. iietz,
seconded by Mr. Rowell to accept Ordinance #40, by title only, for
third and final reading. Majority approved by Council. OrdiJUmce
#40 passed and adppted this 2nd day of August, 1965.
Mr. Tilson reported that the Council had been considering a
raise in utility taxes to 1$ cents across the board, bringing the
amount to $0 cents per month per utility.
A statement of operations was read from July 1, 1964 to Jnne 30,1965
Total Revenue:
Total expenses:
Net Revenue:
Mr. Watson: "I would like 1/10th return of each dollar in proportion
to the North Orlando residents."
Mr. Bradshaw:" We live in the Ranches because that is where we want to
live, but we would appreciate getting some decent roads."
F~G~ 4,~UGUST 2, 196$
Mrs. Va.nEepoel asked that Mr. Johnson be conta.cted to see if the Ranches
could be de-annexed from the Village of North Orlando. Florida. statues
615- 171.01.
~lotion was made by 1>'lr. Rowell, seconded by !vir. Bro'WIl that George
S01lU'llers be hired at a cost not to exceed 10.00 to clean up the debris
left at 160 N. Devon, beca.use it was creating a he.lth hazard. Majority
approved by Council.
Since }.'Ir. Rhodes has left North Orlando and a new GJivil Defense
Director is needed, the Council was given the name of Mr. Fenoff for
Motion was made by Mr.. Rowell for the meeting to adjourn at
10:55 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Brown, majority approved by Council.
R~ctf~111,y S~bmit&
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Village Clerk