HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 07 29 Village Council Special Minutes
.rotr 29" 196$
I. Special meeting of the Village Council of NortA Orlanco, Florida.
was called to order at 7:30 P.M., by Mayor David Tilson.
On Roll Call, Mayor Tilson and. Councilmen Wetz and Rowell were
present. Absent was Councilmen Brown and. Fuller.
The purpose of the meeting WaS to interview three men for the
office of Police Chief . Of the 20 applicants all but three were
disqualified. for one reason or another. The final three to be
interviewed 'Were:;
David RiJlchison
Robert B. Ramsdell
Arthur W. Devoe
The resumes were read. to all and the Council questioned each as to
whether they had looked over North Orlando; whether they would be
'Willing to accept the position for a long time and not be leaving in a
few months;, if they would. be b~g or renting; if they would be
willing to accept the full responsibility of the duties; if they
were apeeab1e to the one man job and be on call 24 hours, until
such time as an auxiliary policeman could be obtained. The three
said that they were planning to buy and they answered "Yes. to all
the other questions. .As for salaries" each gave what he thought
he could manage on; Mr. Ritchison asked" 160.00, Mr. Ramsdell asked
200.00 and Mr. Devoe, 200.00 per month.
A short discussion was held on the information that Mr. Johnson has
received in regard.s to the Municipal Bldg. All this information
will be brought up at the next regular meeting on August 2nd.
.Arrangements have finally been made with the Sanford Jail, that
North Orlando may now take any prisoners that they may have to
the Sanford. Jail. The Village of North Orlando must be responsible
for the prisoner and the Village must pay the prisoner's board bill.
Mr. Johnson is making amendments to Ordinance //7, pertaining to
Offenses against personal and private property. Also to Ordinances
27 and 38 in reiards to Utility Taxes.
Mr. Tilson read from the Charter of the Village of North Orlando,
Article In" Section 16:
liThe Village Councll shall be the judge of the election and qualification
of its members.., shall have power to determine and establish the rules
governing its own proceedings and to determine the time and place for
holding its meetings and the notice" if arry, of special meetings. Special
meetings shall be held when ca1J.ed by the Mayor, or by any two members of
the Vi1J.ageCou:m.cil. .A.11 meetings of the Council shall be open to the
public and the rules of the Council shall provide that the citizens of
the Village shall have a reasonable opportunity to be heard at such
meetings in regard to any matter pertaining to the Village. The Mayor,
PAGE 2- JULY 29, 1965
or in his absence, the Vice-Mayor, shall preside at all meetings of
the Council and the Village Clerk shall be present at all meeting of
the Council u.a. shall keep a record of the proceeding of the Council in
a minute book to be provided and kept for that purpose. He shall
preserve and maintain in an ordinance book to be provided and kept for
that purpose" all ordinances. He shall preserve and maintain in a
resolution book to be provided and kept for that purpose, all resolutions.
The orcii.nance book and the resolution book shall be deemed to be public
records and each ordinance and resolution so recorded shall be signed
by the Mayor and by the Vi11ageC1erk. Copies from said minute book,
ordinance book or resolution book, duly certified by the Village Clerk
under the Corporate Seal of the Village, shall be received in evidence
in all courts and places as proof' thereof. The Village Clerk shall
certify and keep a record of all permits issued by the Village or
pursuant to its authority."
Motion waa made by !vIr. Wetz and seconded by Mr. Rowell that the
meeting be adjourned.
Village Clerk,