HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 07 05 Village Council Regular Minutes
JULY 5, 1965
}Ieeting called to order 1:40 P.1-!., July 5, 1965 by Mayor David
On Roll Call the following -were present: Mayor Tils on, Councilmen
Wetz and Rowell, & quorum, and Attorney Johnson. Absent were Councilmen
Brown and Fuller.
With apoligizes to the Council for misunderstanding" the following
mistake 'Were corrected in the minutes of June 1, 1965.
6% instead of 6(Jfo on commercial loans
J.fr.. Wetz. did not vote no on repairing of North Edgemon"
his no was in reference to the Ranch roads.
It was Mr. Edward Ferguson from Coronado, instead of
Mr. Jenkins, for the zoning board.
It Vas a monkey bar, and not a. swing, that was removed
from the Recreation Area(it has been called by both names,
however. )
Minutes were approved as corrected.
Treasurer's report was as follows:
General Fund 6/1/65
Checks Drawn
Balance General Fund 6/30/65
Road and Bridge Fund 6/1/65
Checks Drawn
Balance Road and Bridge 6/30/65
The following bills were read for approval:
Clanton's Esso 35.09
Panning Lumber (given approval 6/7/65 7.98
Denmark Sporting Goods (approval 6/1/65 4.95
Motion was made by Mr. lietz, seconded by I>1r. Rowell that the above
bills be paid. Majority carried.
The Road and Bridge report:
Clay was put on North Edgemon, but there have been washouts on
both North and South Edgemon. Also Hays Road is very bad. The Drag-
line cleaned the culverts when it was here last.
Part of the dump has been burned and the J.i'ire Dept. will continue
burning parts of it until it is all burned off. The Fire Dept. now
meets every Wednesday evening at 7:30 to take care of one phase of the
Department each week.
The Fire Dept. now has a Fire Capt. and a Fire Lt. to take care of
the DayCa.lls. Also a telephone system has been set up.
The Fire Department is having an auction on .August 14th, at Seminole
July 5, 1965
H ours for the Police Department .for the month of June were:
Edgar Smart---- 151
Bob Stephenson!"-170
Totalt 321
.A. light has been installed in the Recreation Area. Paint has
been purchased for the Basket Ball goals.
Motion was made by Mr. Wetz, seconded by 1-11". Rowell tp purchase
200 Dog Tags, from Sargent and Sowell at a cost of $16.30 plus shipping
cost. Dr. Murphy, from Altamonte Springs, is to be contacted in regards
to setting up a dog clinic to give shots. $1.00 for :male dogs and
spayed females and $2.00 for unspayed females. Every effort is being
made to enforce the Dog Ordinance, in order to get the dog situation
under contre1. The above is for licenses, ani shots are $3.00
Motion was made by Mr. Wetz and seconded by Mr. Rowell to appoint, by
Resolution, the foJi8Wing citizens to the Zoning Board:
George Casalow
Gerald Brown
Edward Ferguson
Frank Fasula
They, in turn, will pick a 5th member that meets with the approval of
the Council. Hajority carried.
Discussion was held in regards to raising money for a Municipal
Bldg. Article 5, Section 3, Paragraphs 3,4.5, were read---
(3) To borrow money temporarily in the name of the Village in
the aniicipation of the raising of taxes, or other appropriated
revenue, to an amount not exceeding 80% of the cost of any such '\rork
or improvements.
(4) To. borrow money temporarily in the name of the Village
during the construction of any public work or improvements, on account
of which assessments for benefits are authorized to be made and
collected, to an amount not exceeding 80% of the cost of any such
work or improvements.
(5) To issue its bonds or notes to secure the repayment of any
money it is authorized to borrow.
It was questioned 'Whether the Village would be able to borrow money
for a }lunicipal Bldg. Mr. Johnson is to check on this matter. Also
Mr. Johnson is to check further into the Community Facilities
Administration in regards to a loan for a Municipal Building.
Motion was made by Ivl'r. Rowell and seconded by Mr. Wetz to
purchase Lett.erheads from the Seminole Printing Co. 01' Sanford.
1000 two color prints a.t a cost of $16.00. Majority carried.
Motion was made by Hr. Wetz to pay George Sommers $2 .50 from
the Petty Cash to put up a small Bulletin Board on the Building
by the office door. Seconded by l'Ir. Rowell and Majority carried.
JULY 5, 1965
Motion was made by Mr. Wetz and seconded by Mr. Rowell tp place
on Agenda, Ordinance for first reading.
Mayor Tilson then read Ordinance 1140 for first reading.
(Ordinance attached)
Motion was made by Mr. Rowell and seconded by Mr. Wetz to accept
Ordinance #40 for first reading in its entirety. 1.ia.jority carried.
Second and third. reading, by title only, was tabled until the next
regular meeting.
It was suggested that in order to give the Village a little more
revenue to carry on, that the utility taxes be increased 15 cents
across the board, bringing the total for each utility to 50 cents
per month.
C H /l-;F
:t-1otion was made by J.1r. Wetz to reimburse ilata?e1""-n Stephenson
$~.2Stf?;r; ammunition purchased for the Police Dept. and to reimburse
PI:~~l'Smart $5.68 for a new tailpipe for the Police Car.. Bills
were presented for same. Seconded by Mr. Rowell and majority carried.
Motion was made by Mr. Wetz to order three (3) copies of the
l<'LORIDA HODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE at $2.00 per copy. Seconded by Mr.
Rowell and rnaj ori ty carried.
A resume was read from Donald Goldsby of Cedar Key, Fla. Hr.
Goldsby is seeking employment as a. full time patrolman for the Village
of North Orlando. A letter is to be 'Written to Mr. Goldsby to find
out the salary he expects and also to him that it is a must that he
live in the village.
Mr.. Rowell read Tractor bids from the following companies.
Case Power Equipment: 1 8 N Ford Tractor equipped with new bush
hog 5 ft mower and new back blade;
Down Payment
Monthly payment (18months
to pay)
Hood Tractor Cpmpany:
1 Ford Tractor Model 9 N
equipped with mOEr and blade
Down Payment
Monthly payments
(24 months to pay)
1 Ii'ord Tractor, Model 8N
with mower and blade 1320.00
Down payment 330.00
Monthly payments
(24 months to pay) 46.55
International Harvester:
A bid had already been 1ead from Int.
for a tractor with mower, blade and
trailor for ll78.00, 235.00 dow and
Page 4, July 51 1965
and $44.22 per month for 24 months. All bids were tabled until the next
regular meeting.
Motion was made by Mr. Rowell to purchase a swing and a merry-go-
round for the Recreation Area. The cost of the Swing was 162.00 plus
475# of shipping and the Merry-GoRound 184.00 plus 34611 of shipping.
There was no second to the motion, so it WaS tabled until the next
regular meeting.
The bids for the remodeling of the Recreation Bldg. were 250.00 to
300.00. Motion was made by Mr. Rowell and seconded by Mr. Wetz to
rebuild the Recreation Bldg. at a cost not to exceed 300.00. Mr. Bill
Hahn and Mr. Roy Burke will do the work.
Motion was made by Hr. Wetz and seconded by Mr. Rowell to pay the
Fire Department 20 cents per occupied house quarterly. The payment will
be based on the average .ccupancy of the pl'eceding three months of the
quarterl prior to date the check is issued. Additionally the Village
will match any funds the Department raises~ over and above the contribution
for a pne year periodl not to exceed a like amount. Majority carried.
Mr. Bob Stephenson turned in a verbal resignation for he and Edgar
Smart as Volunteer Policemen for the Village of Nor)h Orlandol Fla. The
Majority carried to accept these relignationsl effective immediately.
Motion was made by Mr. Wetz, that being no further business, the
meeting adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Rowelll and majority carried.
Respectfully SUbmitte~.. j
Village Clerk