HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 06 07 Village Council Regular Minutes
REG1JU..'q. :t.mETTI!G- JUNE 7, 1965
Village OeuncU of the Villa.ge of North Orlando, Florida met
in regular session, June 7, 1965 at 7:35 P.M.
On Roll Call Mayor Tilson and Councilmen Rowell, BrOliIl and
Wetz were present. Councilman Fuller and Attorney Johnson were Absent.
The minutes of the May 3rd meeting were read and approved.
The Treasurer's Report of May was read as follows:
Balance General ]'und 5/1/65
Checks Drawn
Balance General Fund 5/31/65
Road and Bridge Fund 5/1/65
Checks Drawn
Road and Bridge Fund 5/31/65
Bills presented for approval;
Clanton's Esso (from R & B fund)
Clanton's Esso
Town Garage
Motion was made by Mr. Rowell, seconded by Mr. Wetz that the
above bill be paid. Unanimously approved by council.
In a discussion about the Occupational License for the "Tom
Thumb Nursery", it was noted that only undeveloped land was zoned.
However, when the zoning board is reactivated it is possible that
the zoning camnittee could force the nursey to cease business. Motion
was made by Mt-. Brown that the Occupational License for a.ny Nursey
in the Village shall be $12.50 per year. A half years license
of $6.25 may be purchased after April first. Seconded by Mr. Wetz
and unanimously approved by Council.
Report from Mr. Bro'Wn, Road and Bridge Commissioner, that the
Ranclt. Roads were in much better condition than they were, but they
are still not up to par. Fill has been put on most of the Ranch
Roads. The Stop sign on the corner of Fairfax and 434 has been
Mr. Bro'Wn made a motion that a payment not to exceed $250.00
be paid to W.W. Prescott of Longwood, for digging, hauling and
spreading clay fill on the Ranch Roads. Seconded by Mr. Wetz
and unanimously approved by Council.
Hayes Road, Tradewinds Road and North Edgemon are in very
poor shape. Motion was made by Mr. BrOlm., seconded by Mr. Rowell
to allow funds to repair these roads, amount not to exceed $200.00.
In discussion;: if people on the ranch roads are kept from. their
property, then they should be fixed, otherwise, more concentration
should be on North Edgemon, since the street leads to 419 and is
~,~.. i
PAGE 2 ---JUNE 7, 1965
traveled much more than the Ranch Roads. On Roll Call Vote:
Rowell, "lISlt
Brown, "YES"
Wetz, uNO" -:::_~ 'R.6Cr It rr. filS -1{5 /RA i'.Jcf! /fc: If p S
}1;0 - Fa rZ-. ;V: t,;;j16G 1Jf/) /If
Since Councilman Fuller liaS absent Mayor Tilson voted and his
vote vas !tIES" and majority carried. Equal time should be spent
on North Edgemon.
Mr. Wetz, Police and FireConunissioner, reported that 2 new
men had been a.ded to the Fire Department. The Fire Truck has been
fixed and in fairly good shape. Man hours for the two Police
Officers for the month of May was:
Total, 336 Hours.
Dr. MurphJf, Veternarian, from Altamonte Springs had been
contacted. He does have an agreement 'With Altamonte, but no
agreenat with Casselberry. He keeps an ani.mal for 3 days, and
if it is not claimed" the a.ni::mal is put to sleep, the town pays
$4.50 and haul the animal away. If the owner claims the animal
they pay the $4.50/
Smart------ 159
Stephenson- 177
Mr. Rowell, Commissioner of Health, Welfare and Recrea.tion,
reported that the Recreation Area had been cut twice in a month.
The Dump Area is still in very bad shape and people are dumping
along the roads leading to the dump. Any person caught dumping
any 'Where other than the dum.p proper wi.ll be given a citation
and ordered to appear in court. NO GARBAGE is to be dumped even
in the dump proper. A letter was read ,from the North Orlando Co.
per Frank Fasula, saying that the dump will become infested with
rats and mosquitos if' garbage is dumped and if the area is not
used properly he will be forced to close the dumping area.
Mr. Tilson visited Chief of Police, Arnold Williams, in
Sanford and he said he knew nothing of the arrangements made for
the use of the Sanford Jail. He did sat that when the jail was
used, a daily charge would be made, the price to be determined later.
On the Municipal Building: Many places have been contacted,
but no one wants to relaase the money. This Municipal Bldg. comes
under the heading of a Commercial Type Loan at 6f% interest. !<!r.
Johnson has contacted several insurance Co's, with unfavorable
results. A letter was read from Senator Herlong, stating there
~re no Federal Funds available for this type of Bldg. However,
he did state that; "The Connnunity Facilities Administration (which
is a part of the Housing and Home Finance Agency,) does have a
program of long term loans at 4% interest for such facilities.'t
Mt-. Herlong, suggested that the Village write to Mr. Ed Baxter,
head of the Regional Office of the Community Facilities Administration,
in regards to a loan for a Municipal Bldg.
A change of coverage for lnaurance, from the old police car to
the new Police Car, was received from Griffin and Harper, with no
additional charges.
PAGE 3--JUNE 7, 1965
Letter was read from. Florida Developer and a letter was read
from. Florida Regional Planning.
Mr. Brown read J1tter from. Roger Engineering in regards to the
Municipal Bldg., w.itli prices quoted as $2.50 per square foot.
Motion was made by Mr. Wetz that the Auditor, Mr. Kramer, be
contacted, and have him go over the books from the time he first
took over and see if we are financially able to go ahead with the
plans for a Municipal Bldg. To make a complete picture, both past
and future. Motion was seconded by Mr. Brown and unanimously
approved by Council.
The Village now owns the Recreation Area, 12! acres. Deed has
been recorded.
In a discussion of the dog Problem it was suggested having a
Veternarian come and vaccinate on a large productib. plan. ,1.00
fee for license was designated; for ani.mal contral until facilities
are available. Educate people so they will learn about this plan.
It was suggested new tags be ordered since the ones on hand are
ou*-da.ted.. Dr. t'1urphy, Veternarian, from Altamonte Springs is to
be contacted again by Mr. Wetz.
Motion was made by t1r. Wetz to purchase 1000 (40 books) Police
Warning Tickets at a cost of $36.00 from General Equipment and
Printing Com.pany of Tallahassee. Motion seconded by Mr. Rowell
and unanimously approved by Council.
Mr. GeorgeCasalow, a resident of North Orlando, reported that
the Refrigerated Trucks continues to park near his home and 'Were
very disturbing. He wanted to !mow if something could be done. An
investagation is to be made. Oridnance #5 is to be taken to Mr.
Johnson to see if it covers this sort of disturbance.
It was suggested that the Zoning Commission be reactivated
and make it a "Working Commissionlt. Mr. Wilks and Mr. Wilcox have
moved so they. were automaticly dropped from. the Zoning Board.
Mr. Wetz has resigned, since he is now on the Village Council.
Mr. Henry Fairburn and Mrs. Mary Watson are still on the Board.
Letters are to be lIritten to them to see if they wish to continue
on the Board. Mr. Jerry Brown, Mr. George CasalOWl, a Mr. ,~8, Fe R:Ci-L-( f>c N
from Coronada. and Mr. Frank Fasula have been contacted and are
willing to ser'R on the Zoning Board, if needed.
Motion was made by Mr. Wetz to have Mr. Johnson amend Ordinance
#40, pertai.ni.ng to occupational license fees. Seconded by Mr. Rowell,
and unanimously approved by Council. In the discussion, amendments
were made on some of the fees presently listed in Ordinance #40.
Amended Oridnance #40 attached.
A motion was made by Mr. Rowell, seconded by Mr. Brown to dispose
of two regular swings and monkey ~ on recomendations of the
Insurance Co. Unanimously approv6l1"tSYCouncil.
A. Motion was made by Mr. Rowell to have a light put on the pole
in the Recrea.tion Area, which would be the same as the others (4400 Lumen)
PAGE 4-- JUNE 7, 1965
seoonded by Mr'. Wetz and unanimously approved by council.
Council asked that a letter of Thanks be sent to Mr. Bill
Piloian, for use of his tractor to mow the Recreation Area.
A discussion was held on what should be done to the Recreation
Bldg. A suggestion was made to keep the Rest Rooms and the
Concession Stand as it, knock out the wa.lls and make an open
Pavillion. Mr. Rowell is to get estimates on the cost of fixing
up the Recreation Bldg.
A quote on a used tractor from International Harvester was
read by Mr. Rowell.. The quote was $1178.00, 235.00 down payment and
44.22 per month for 24 months. A quote on a used tractor from
Gravely-Maitland vas $585.25.
Motion was made by Mr. Rowell to purchase some equipment for
the playground not to exceed $25.00. There was no second so
motion was dropped. When Mr. Rowell named the necessary articles
that were needed (weed killer, a volley Ball net, a chain and
necessary equipment to repair the tennis nets) A motion WaS
again made by Mr.. ROliell, seconded by:Hr. Wetz, to purchase the
above articles at no specific cost. Unanimously approved by
Motion was made by 1-fr. Wetz, seconded by Mr. Rowell to
purchase one gallon of white enamel to paint the basket-ball
Mr. Wetz reported that SeE.Supply would have a survey for
an audible signal in the Village, with no charge to the Village.
Motion was made by Mr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Wetz to have the
grounds surveyed for an audible signal in the Village of North
Orlando, Florida. Unanimously approved by Council.
A discussion was held on granting 20; per home to the Fire
Department, out-right, approximately $460.00. Any funds raised' over
and above the estimated. 460.00 would be matched, up to a total of'
Being no further business the meeting waS adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,.d
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Village Clerk
Village of North Orlando, Florida