HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 05 03 Village Council Regular Minutes
R~:~(~UI1Ll ~:::'M~TI:TG O~-, TI'~_-~ 'IITI1:..G~~ ~0u~~I~IL
~TIL!.:~J=~ 01? i'.rC2'l~T C~r-"\.1-:~~:D, -.'I(}-,~IJli
:'-f.Y 3, 1965
l1egular meetinb of the Vil1a~;c Council of the Village of North
Orlando, Fla. lias callcd to order at 7:30 P. H. by r.Ia;yor David Tilson.
On:1011 Call, li;;.:;ror Tilson, GounciL'i1en Fullsr, Ito1:lCll, Bro.n and
~1etzwere present. Attorney Johnson ~lc~S ab::.:cnt.
l;inuks of Ul(:; Reor:::';Cl.11izatiol1al nectinc; of .April 5th Here read and
Hinut:s of the Re..:;u13.r meetin:::; of April 5th .J'era upproved as read.
1,jfinutes of the Speci2.1 l:eeti,n"~ of April 12th wc:re appro'Tred as read.
Hinutes of the Spe cial T:eetinc; 0'" Aprj.l 26th were approvec: as re ad.
The Treasurer's Report was as follows:
Ea1anC2, General "7und 4/1/65
Checks Drawn
Balance, G0ncr<::.1 '::'unc1. 4/30/65
92;5 . 04
~ 652.29
-::l~.o-.Q.Q_ ., Q2 2' J,.(
~ _1/ e4-v
Pala:1cc, Road
Shec::s Drmm
, ,., ., ..~ '!" I, ,1(.,[',
anc J.)rlcAGC ~I Ul1(~ ;"T/ "'"~I \.>......
B,:.lL~:.ic~-:::', .~O[~.:.:
"'11~ -:11''; rice" "'''n'-'1 )'/~O/t.,r:
(.... \..". ....)- ~'"""''''u'''''' .i.' w..,;. 4- ".I.r \..',,/
The follC>vD.nc bills \18re subm:i.ttel for pa)'Tl'ent:
~ncsl's (Police Hats)
Glanton's Esso
Nort.h OrlCl.1J.GO Co.
CJ.arenc8 lIcmory (
G'rarO.; n- \
....._~.....,;..;. j
lIotio~ 'Has ~,ladc b~r I-lr.
bills be paid as s'-lbm~Ltted.
-~letz, Seconded by !:r. RNrell that the
!ration un81imously carried.
Mr. Brown, Road and :?ridge Co:mmissioner, reported that the
rest of the street signs would be going up as soon as Ordinance fJ41
~ias passed. The dragline vIas unable to cone on April 24th, but would
i::>e back on ITa,)' lOth. Hr. :3rovm reported tl12.t rouch grading '\'Jas
beins done on Hoss and Tradei-linc.s Road, North Edgemon 'l'Jas being
graded and a culvert WaS being repaired at Fisher Road and South
Edgemon. Mr. llemor;;r, ~Jishcd to grade ever;,{ othor month instead of
every 6 months, because the grass and wcec;~: groH too high to C''''ade
Hell. HOHev3r, l:r. BrOlIn told Hr. Henory th::.t th:; Villa?e cou.ld not
afford to h:- ve the grading done; that oft.en.
l1r. Fuller contacted !}~r. T.Jitke, 7~uilcin\5 I~DIJeCjtor for' :Lon~_~~,.jood.
:rc:r. Litke is available at ::.J.1 t:;.';1C';;; ,ens, ;;1..11 k~l:c the job of :uilclinc;
Inspector for the \tille.co of Forth Or1;:ndo :01' ~O percent of the charze
of the Building rermit. Eotion uaS ;~12>cle by I.;r. ~Jetz, seconded by :fir.
Fuller that. l.:r. Litke be acco::::.ted on this basis. Dis~ussiol1 vias held.
It is the vn.:::h of the' Soundl to hay:; 2.. local rnan 2S a Building Inspector,
however 1" until such time as a local man is found with proper qU:.~lifica tions
and available at t:w necdc~ t:L"':'les, Tir. Litke will be co:!t<:ccted.
1-1r. :ietz, Police C.:LC] Fil'e Gom.missio:r.cr, reported t.hat a Practice
Fire Hun was held on Su.'1d.a;:;, April 18th, with 7 men reporting in 12 mins.
Insurance on the Fire Truck bas bee:! paid for a period of 6 months.
l'1an H ours for t:12 Police Department for the month of April:
R.E. St8phe:lson
Ed;:.r =:. SEiart
, ~.
Hr. ROHell, Health, :"felfarc a:1cl l~e~.r'sa~ion, reported th2t there
~e DC means of controliu..::; mosquitos :m Sem::c.Dole County. Fill has been
put 0:11 th(} Ball Park.
Hr. Davis of !)a7is and Perry G2rpage Service reported on the Service
offered by his Compa..'1Y. III'. Davis cited several cOJ:'.r1Unities served by
his company, both in Or'?J.c3e and Scninole Sounties.. The char.;e for two
p:i.ck-ups per Hoek Houl~, be ::)1..50 per montl-:. Garba:;e Hill be picked up
in b(iC}.~ of th~~ 11ouso, all ot~'-t2r -tras11 s1101J,ld be placed b:"'" th,_; cl1rb. A
1% rebate 1..;:1.11 be Zivcl:1 b.::.c1-: to the Vil1a2;e for all bills pa::.d by the
15th of the month.
necon~cndations ~~re rO.::.Q from L0~ Davi0, Safety. S~zineer, for
Na.tiomddc Ins\.;:rance, in res<rrds to the '\.ccreat:ion Area. The sHing
sets are in ver:r poor shz~pe an.rl. SnOlllc.1 b8 l"ler:aired or rorry,oved.. There
i.5 ci. broken lTindml in the' J.ccrevtion ::'uildin;:; tho.t should be taken
out c".TId the uindow boarded UF. In returrl:in::: the report a letter of
Tha.llks should be ::;Gnt to IT. Dervis.
1'1r. Charles EcIntosh of Natiomdde Insurance report.3d that any
prisoners ai' the VillaGG of Horth Orlando, placed L:. the Sanford Jail,
arc covered '0;,/ lia"oili t;,' InsuraJ2ce.
The fo110dn::; ':;ids 118re read on ~;arnL'1'; Tickets for the rolice
General of Tallahassee ,",36.00 per thousand sets.
HiGhland Press ( 48 books-2;: sets )er) 6.5.00 for 1200 sets
(24 books-25 sets per) 45.00 for 600 sets
Celer~r e:tty PrinUnc: (21; boolcs-2S'sets pCI' )];;52.0.5 for 600 sets
UI3 1:;oo1\"S- 25 sets per) 80..56 for 1200 sets
!:otion by Hr. Brown, sccondec. "0:: !:r. 20wcll to accept these bids as
read. General of Tallahasee quoted the lowest bid, but a letter is to
b,., 1-rrittcn reque:::tin[; them to brealc do~m the sets.
Chair G:ltcrtained l"'lOtion to place on AGenda for First Reading,
Ordinance :"Jo. 1.+1 (attached). Hot:i_on .,,;-,:,? :--ade ty 1'1'. Prmm, seconded
1-.~r -..'rr oretz +0 "nl3.~c- Orr'l~""',",r,.,,~ 'TO ~,"1 ()n "'":'''''1,.1.0' f'o~ f'i.~<"+ re"din0'
l}...~ .;.. _..J , ..J~J' J ".'~_"'Q.,_.....__...... . ~.C'''''''' ',..,:, "-"'(.)'.';' __."'.... .-- .1.... _.. ~.... ........ 1..- "0.
~'ra:vor Tilson t:lcr rc2.c; Ordinanc,: !To. \1 in its entirp.t'T. Notion WaG
made b:r 111'. Brmm to accept Ord:bance 'No. 41 for first~ reading, seconded
by Hr. Ti'ul1er and unanimou~:IJ- .:lr:pro'rc:-:1 bjr ::;oundl.
Ch3.ir enterta:l.n.ed T10tio11 to r1&C':'; on
second a:11 thi::-d ::-3.J.c':in::;s [:,>' title o,-.J:r.
seconded bJ :i~. DrO':ffi to plac2 0:1 acenda
b"" m':tlc 0"'1" Ordl'1'~'n"p lTO L,
J J...i... --':; '..'.l "'J , .. . . ........... '..-- ~ '. - . L~.....
~ _.",~-'~ 01'('~ ,.,,,,,..,h'" 'HO 4' ~~or
d.l",..;t.:,;_J. u.., _ ,) .___~..,......l..L;C L. _l-J.L
!Iotjo'1 ~;as ~1acl8 1)? !II'. Rmrell,
for second:lnd '~1"\j_,rd rc&di~g5,
}'a~ror Tj,lson read, fo!'
, ,
'("e ao.1..l:.-Z,
O!'cinancc Ho. 1.~1,
by t.i tIe o:ll;n
O:.tT)~'Ti.1TC:~ }41- Title On1:.r
An Ordinance establisl-:in=: :::. TI'a.:::i" 1l:::, :--;80C' l:Lrdt upon all streets
lecatee. ~{:.. t.hi:1 the: 7"nla[;o of ;'Jcrth Orl",..,,--lc, C'loricla; . establishinc
all streets runn~_nft i~ a lTorth~rl ~7. anc:. SCt..t}~le::'ly dir.;)~_~~;lt,c" ,''1. as
'~}''''o''''h "'tr"c+'" "1'1); .~"'t"h'~c-l',-;.'" ~" strr"'tc ""'l1T1il1'~ "'ast and ';est
v...~" \..l..o.l. 0;;) '.-" V~.1 ';;;"~"''-'' '-'~, v.~.._A...-<......- ..----~v -....-...-..-.. ~_'V ..- .... ,...... .. 0...;. .>oJ . .
..'ithin the Emits of ;:Tortl1 Orlando, Florida, a::: ~rield right of
vla~l at tl"'.ej.r int~;rs.;ction~ 1"n.th ~ s~~(;ets ~1:J.n~15.n: rrorth ;~~nc1 So~th,
excepting from the D.ons 01 T...: ,__L':1C~; ,state Road 434.
IvTotion was n:adc :~~. "ietz, se(.'o:5.(lec~. ~--.J..-'II. BrOitlti.. to accept
OrJ.:~n,,,,nc0 Ho. 41, b~r title onl;,') for :secor'.". reaean..;. U21aninlcUsl.r
"' r."--,.,..,nved b'" ""0' '" ('J'] Hot}' 0'" -- ,--, -- --;" ct..., h' 1h~ ,,:,'u 11 c,'" '--0 co....(10d by.
U.i"j;'~~"' ~ ;,.-,..I.\.A..1--i.......,. .:~.J"..;.,i. ,,'........ ~,~>;.;.4,-.~..... '."'; .............. ~-~-..., V --I.........
lIre l-':m..rcll to place on A6c~:da for th=,r',l and find :tcadin;:;, Ol'cU.nance
lITo ),1 1~..-- .L;"',." onl,'r vat.~(),., 'Pa.<> ""'ade b' 1"'" ""0'oJl1. sty'cnded b'T r:r
J.. . -t--' tJ.;.' V-l.v""""",t; ~.J. J e..\. ..L......;.._ .11' ....) ..;.. ''; "-'-. .)....... Vlt "'J...J J.
',.T--'" -l-o .~".~.I- Or.-'1l''''''''''~''' '~41, -f'or ,-h;.,..,r'l ,...~1 L'~r.<c,' ",,.,,..1';,..,.. .I-.:tl'"
~~t:':\JZ \J aC!.i.It,;.}/V ..... .......w.L'-,... if' J ~ v..~.J...'-'-A c..:.....l...",......4Vl.....!- .J._a\...LI-.....cJ i.,...;~.....
1 -f'~ '.L , 1" rp',.. U,.., ,.,-jmC'l~" 7 ap""ro""c' ..,,...:l
on y,a_ e,er J.v vias reae: ,':;'" _.ajTOY' ..l....8cn. ',.a.."w,.\.wJ.j '1:" ,," , =1'~!.
1."1"1"+"".1 t]-;~,., H----;..'d. (1",,~ of' ~.7;:,," 196r::
4 ......_- ""'-......... .,.'..,,-"_.' .............,... --.......i ..I. ....."""\J, ..". .......
I:oti011 ~las r:acle b:.- !:r. :3r01t'ffi -to p1..1reb.a23 paillt 70r tIle old stl"'eet
Sic;I1S, that arc j,n vcr;/ poor ~-o~d.itio:1. :110 cost of c~Lic"' ~c..i'1t is not
to e~ccecd~ ~20.()CJ. Scconde(~l bJr 1::..... Fts..lcr anc "l;.nani:nousl~r appl~o'''.'':.:;;l
"02" SOt;.n~il.
l-1otiorl ~W'n:j t~~J I~::~. J.o1-;ell, to p1.1r ,~~}1;lSf3 RGct~;'ocd_ I;J.~,nt .for
tIle JJrt3 Shelters. 8os~ of P~~:~~Lnt not to 3xceed .:5.00. Scco;lded b:;r
I:r. Brm--m and unanD10UGly apprmT8(: by Council.
In~heckinE Hi th the ":it.;r ";lerk jn ;;asselberr;;" on their Jog
Problem, Cassclber.r7 hc.s an as:::>oel'1ont 'l'J:lth Dr. 1J1)J"ph)', local Vet, to
l{cep t]'l-f; d.cG[; per111ed UI) ~for a pe :,tod of 3 !la~~-s. If the do::c, are n0t
picked up in thn tilno .::.llotecl the docs arc put to deep,. and then
'~2.sselbol""r::r pa:Ts the bills. If t}':c O':'.TI(3r pic~::s 111) t118 dOG t11tJll the37"
l")a:/ the bill. l-'lr. ~o:etz ~~'iiJ~ chc c~l{ furtl1t.:r into this matter to see
if sCi!nething C2.l':.'t be done:~bcut -:11e LoS =~r'o:'.lem in :Jcrth Orlando.
Sr::V01'ul cb~ldre,l hav:; been bitton, but fo::.'tunatel;y not seriously,
hO~lever, if thi[;. clog proolcm iSH' t t.aken care of it could prove
serio'..lS in the fuLtrc.
~~'1 au:{iJ~iarJrJ for
that tl1c~ .i~:=:lrt (ls.sist
~;1i:rc r:r.:;~)n'ttr'H:;nt, lS t.o os
~"'\.'--, :' /~
Jj,. --.....~....
, "
J..n ra~s:2-n-= r:l0:nC~-..
In ::l~-ce of the IIHo Du.mpinc!l ::.:::'",,11::;, 1'80.:10 are still duq;ing
garbaze at tllC d1.Z::I). Tl1is is vcr;/ lU1Ia:1itar;.{ a!1(~ o,rGr~r effort ~1il1
be TIlade to stop tlJ.om. It 1'!t.2 Sl1.Lw- ctec~. t11.:t a checl( b~t r1c,~d"r:; \d tl:
I-Tr. Johnso11 to Gr;c :L:~ these nDur:~,pcr'stl ::'culd bc citec~ for rlUrrllJ::t:1g
and. fined accorJinG.
Grass ic to bo cut in the Recreation A:~ea ",neI aro1l.."1d the: tC21~1is
Cou.rts, l1ith pc!'nis::;ion to hjrc it done, if ne~GssG.r;y.
A checl( is t.o be ;;~nde to see :If ta):Bs arc r)aid on the J:;creatic11
Area anc the Bu:LIJ:Lnc; Arcs..
~eqllest grantc:l th.J SoutllSc:':Linole IJlt,tlE IctJ.[uC ;:arr1. 7car:s to
1J.se the :JaIl fj.cld "or 3 car'ss o&ch 2~:tu:,dajr, rmtil June 16th.
BoinG no f~,lrt.ll,cr bltsines~jJ i!otion ~i~S ~)^'/ I'~r. I:1~1Ier,
soconded bil Hr. Bro~m thnt the mcc:tin; adJo1.U'n.
<,espcctfully SUbr.itt2~
~~/JJd n/
VIIll~Cr:S O"? l':CI':--~1'I-r O:-~Yl~,;:;O, FIOI~IDA
L:/ ~Lt:.-c_/