HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 04 26 Village Council Special Minutes
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A.Pl1IL 26, 1965
.A Special meeting of the Village C01L."lcil of the Village of }forth
Orlando, Florida met at the Village Hall on April 26th. Meeting
called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Mayor David Tilson.
On Roll Call, }!a~ror Tilson and CouncilmeYl R01-rell, Erown and ~vetz
lrere present. CounciL~n Fuller v~s absent due to illness.
Dispensed with the reading of the minutes until the next
Regular meeting, :r-ray 3rd.
Mr. Orville Johnson sent the Ordinance for the Village of North
Or~~o, designating the disposition of the s. treet signs. A motion
wi1l'{6ntertained at the next regular meeting to put this Ordinance
up for first reading.
(#41 )
Mr. Tilson had met with ~'Ir. William Gregory, Epecutive Vice President
of the North Orlando Company, on Saturday,. for discussions~~ follows:
When the Recreation Area was first designated for the Village of
North Orlando it was to be used for a Recreation Area and nothing
else. Now, with the deeding of the Recreation Area to the Village of
North Orlando it is agreed that it be used for a Recreation Area for
a period of 20 years.
The Area for the Hunicipal Building will be deeded to the Village
of North Orlando imen the Building is started. The Deed will be
dated as of that day and must be completed irithin a period of one J~ar.
A plan was proposed whereby the Village of North Orlando would be
able to payoff the debt of water system and the Fire Hydrants and still
be able to receive some aid from ths North Orlando Company tOvlard the
Municipal Building.
100 Cabbage Palms are to be planted through out the Village. The
Garden Club will be asked to maintain these plants. The Garden Club
inll also be asked to serve in an advisory capacity on the
Beautification Comrrittee.
Ordinances from several communities were read in regards to
the use of Firearms, B.B. Guns, air rifles and slingshots. The
Village of North Orlando will follow the Florida Statues in enforcing
the laws regarding the use of firearms and other harmful weapons.
A letter was read from GeorGe Fuller, Vice Mayor, with regrets
that he could not attend the meetj.ng of the Budget Committee. Hr.
Fuller also suggested that the Council pay r1r. Bouchez the money due
him. Mr. Fuller believed }fr. Bouchez was hired in good faith and
he best be paid. Motion WaS made by 1~. Rowell and seconded by
:Hr.. Brown to pay lIr. Bouchez. Unanimously approved by council.
Resolution U54 read in its' revised copy.
Mr. Brown requested that a letter of T~nlcs be sent to Hr. Clarence
!'Iemory for working the grader and to the ~Jorth Orlando Co. for furnishing
the equipment to level the Ballfield.
Motion was made by Hr. Rowell to give Hr. Brm-m authorization to
draw up to 100.00 for any emergency work that may come up under Roads
and Bridges. Seconded by Hr. iletz and unanimously approved by Council.
Discussion got under way on a Budget for the Village of North Orlando.
The. Source of Revenue for the Village comes from Permits, Licenses,
Cigarette Taxes, utility Taxes and Road and Bridge Fund of the State
Road Department. The cost of licenses and permits are much higher in
North Orlando than in other surrounding communities. The costs of
these licenses and permits should be lowered in accordance with the
size of the Village. Ordinance ;140, now provides for 11 6 month license
in the Village of North Orlando, at a cost of half the price of the
one year license. Financial sheets from the past will be added getting
the total Revenue, Total Expenses and the net Revenue. All of the
following Budget Proposals are tentative.
Ur. ~vetz proposed a Budget of 1850.00 for the Police Department
to be used for gas and up-keep of Police Car, Uniforms and other
}tr. Bro~l, Road and Bridge Commissioner, proposed that $500.00
be set up in excrow to be used for paving of North Edgemon from
Third Street through to Highlfay 419.
The Municipal Building will cost an estimated 15,000.00 ahd
at least 1500.00 a ;year should be set aside for this project.
A ltSinking Fundft for the Village of North Orlando of 1000.00
a year is a must and this fund will not be used except for very
extreme emergencies.
The North Orlando Fire Department requests that the Village of
North Orlando repossess the Fire Truck, since they are unable to pay
for the Insurance on the truck. Request was denied, but the Village
Council proposed that 1000.00 a year be given to the North Orlando
Fire Department to use at their discretion, but with the stipulation
that the Fire Department match the 1000.00 dollar for dollar. The
1000.00 would be divided quarterly.
An estimated 2000.00 was proposed to cover the Utilities on
the Budget.
The Recreation Commissioner proposed a Budget of 900.00 for
Recreation, Health and Welfare.
~iith dreams and hopes that some day these proposals may be
fulfilled the meeting was adjourned on motion of Hr. Brown and a
se cond of Nr. Rowell.
Village Clerk