HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 04 12 Village Council Special Minutes
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APRIL 12, 1965
Special Council meeting of the Village of North Orlando, Fla. was
called to order by Mayor Tilson at 7:45 P.M.
On Roll Call all five members were present: :Hayor Tilson, Vice-
Mayor Fuller, and Councilmen, 1vetz" Brown, a.Tld Rowell.
On suggestion of Hr. Tilson and the agreement of all councilmen,
the minutes of the Re[,rular Comci1. Meeting of April llm and the
minutes of the Reorganizational meeting of April FUth;. be set aside
until the next Regular 11eeting on May third.
Councilman RowelloJ' as Health, Welfare and Re'Creation, COmmissioner,
introduced Hr. Howard tee, of the Triple A Garbage Service. lIre lee
was asked to explain uhat was considered trash and what was to be put
by the road. l1r. I.ee said that all gr.rb ~e would be picked up at the
house" but in order to speed up service". all other trash should be
placed bJr the road. }fr. lee WaS asked if a rebate could be eiven to
the Village, but 11r. l~e said he did not feel that he could do this.
However, if everyone put all of thier garbage and trash at the curb Where
it could be picked up faster he would be able to lower the rate of
$1.50 per month. Mr. lee stated that many residents had moved out
leaving outstanding bills, and a few times service had to be cut off
because bills had not been paid. Hr. lee was asked to notify the
Council when any service had been cut off. Mr. Lee was told that an
offer had been made from another Garbage Service at the S2-me cost of
1.50 per month and an undisclosed percentage would be returned to
the Village of Nortr Or~;lndo. No discision is to be made at this
time on either Gargage S@rvice.
Beverly Krecek questioned about Resolution #54 (Clay Fill).
Mrs. Kr'ocek asked if the Little league could have the balance of the
100.00 allotted for the cl,~ fill, if the full 80 yeards WaS not
nee de El. Request was denied. It was explained that if the full
100.00 was not needed at this time, it could be used at a later date.
In the minutes of the meeting of AprilFI:fth, a motion 113.8 made
by}1r. Wetz to purchase an antenna for the police car and a motion
WaS made by Mr. Brown that the amount was not to exceed J5 .00.
HOllOver T a motion was not made to have Mr. Wetz purchase the antenna,
he was just asked to pick it up. }1r. Wetz did pick up the Roof
Top Antenna" but the LaFayette Radio Co. would not charge same, so
Hr. rletz paid for the antenna while he was there to pick it up.
Bill was presented to Council. Motion was made by 11r. Rowell,
seconded by }Ir. Brolm that }1r. 1vetz be reimbursed for the a..-nount of
$13.70, the price of the antenna.
Mr. Tilson gave recommendations and CO!!lInents on ideas for the
Progress of the Village of North Orlando, Florida. Mr. Tilson stated,
"It was very embarassinc to be in other parts of Florida, as I am,
and find out that other people knew about North Orlando because of
the bad publicity the Village has received in the past. ~ve wIant
North Orlando to be known, and Ire want lots of publicity, but we
want good publicity. I am very pleased with the~ouncil and I am
sure we will be able to Hork together. Please make your views
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known to everyone. Council has governed in the past, without going to the
people. There is talent in the Village and the people should be asked to
join in the plans of the Village Council.1I
Coumcil was asked to give consideration for a Building ComY.rlttee of
5, one being a councilman.
Council was asked to give consideration for a Development Committee
of 5, one being a councilman. The North Orlando Company, The Silver Creek
Company and Seminole County Development Conunittee should be consulted for
Consideration to establish a Beautification Committee of 5,
one being a councilman. The Garden Club should be called upon as an
advisory board.
All councilmen were agreeable on these ideas and thought they
should be carried out for the Progress of the Village of North Orlando, Fla.
Mr. Rowell proposed asking 5 residents of the Village to serve
on a Recreation Cmmnittee. The reporter's were asked to get volunteers
through the press.
A letter was read from S. J. "Icetl Davis, Jr, of the Florida
House of Representatives, offering any help he might be able to give
to the new Council of the Village of North Orlando, Florida. Also the
Village Council had been placed on the mailing list to receive a copy of
the "Journal of the House of Representatives, II to be received daily.
A binder receipt of $296.56 for comprehensive liability Insurm.ce
l">.ad been received fron: Charles McIntosh on March 11, 1965. After the
area had been checked by the Insurance Examiner, an additional cost of
$35.18 WaS to be added to the $296.56, due to over-exposure of the
Recreation Area.
$400.00 waS allotted for Bus Shelters. Af~r all bills for
material arc paid, 15.99 is the balance. Mr. Bouchez has J9i hours
at 01.25 per hour, so }~. Bouchez was to be told that 15.99 is all
that is left. r1r. Tilson entertained a Illation that gr. Rowell check
on paint for the Bus Shelters.
Mr. Wetz stated that the Village be asked to take back the
Fire Truck because the Fire Department is unable to carry the Insurance..
}tr. Wetz stated that he would like to see a Budget set up for the
Fire Department.
:Mr. Wetz stated he \omuld like an approximate 1800.00 Budget
set up for the Police Department. After a meeting with Mr. Wetz, the
two police officers, 11r. Stephenson and 1.tr. Smart understand that
nothing is to be purchased without permission frem the Village Council.
Motion was made by Mr. vletz" seconded by lfr. Brown that Council
make Mr. Stephenson, Chief of Police and Edgar Smart, Lieutenant of
the North Orlando Police Department. Discussion was held. Votes cast
by Roll Call were: 'Vletz and Brown, ItYEStt and Rowell and FuJ.:e r ttNO".
Mr.. Tilson broke the tie vote, only after making it clear that if the
Village is to have a Police Department it must be under complete
supervision of the Village Co~~cil. Motion carried by majority vote.
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Mr. Brown stated drc:.gline operators removed culvert on If.'isher
Road and brought it up to level. Motion was made by Y,r. Fuller a.l1d
seconded by ~~. Brown to pay the dragline operators Q29.43.
J. H. ~,rrISON 17.28
D.H. BTl~!'!TON 12.15
Motion unanimously approved by COtUlcil.
Dragline to be in Village on April 24th to clean ditch by Ball
Park on North Edgemon. Hr. Tilson entertained a motion to have drag
line. }1r.. r,.letz seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved
by Council.
Notion WaS made by }~. Brown, seconded by }~. Uetz to pay $25.00
to Yrr. Robert Kramer for auditing the Village Books.
11otion was made by 1.~. Brown, seconded by P.r. Fuller to have
Helen Green bonded as Village Treasurer. Unanimously approved by
Mr. 'Vletz recommended a Special }~eeting be held for the Council
to set up a Budget for the Village of North Orlando. The Special
l'Ieeting will be Honday, April 26th at 7:30 P.}!.
Ha.y 3rd. will be the Regular Hay Meeting. 7:30 P.M. in Room 6
of the Village Hall.
Mr. Fuller WaS asked to help out on Publicity for the Village of
North Orlando, Florida.
As there was no further busirless, motion was made by}1r. Fuller,
seconded by Hr. BrO'tID for the meeting to adjourn. Unanimously
approved b<J Council.
Respectfully submitted,
Village Clerk