HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 04 05 Village Council Regular Minutes
ilI:L:LA.Ci1: OF :TC~~TI~r O~Ij).l':-JJO r'IJ):~ID'}.
.bJ.-:s.IL 5, 1965
The Village COll.TlciJ. of the Village of North Orlando, }i'Ia. met. iIl regular
session on April 5th, 1965 at 8:10 P.11.
The meeting was called to order by }layor Tilson. On roll call the
following were present; Com1cilmen fuller" Rowell, Wetz at"'1d Brown, l1ajror
Tilson and AttorneJr Johnson.
The mimutes of the Special Council meeting on March 16th, 1965 were
approved as read. Mr. Tilson stated the purpose of the Special Meeting
liaS to discuss the purchase of a ne~l Police car. The Seminole Hotors
of Sanford had a Police car that belong to tho city of SandoI'd and
WaS in ver~r good condition. The Police car could be p'Jrchased for ~752.00
with trade - in. After the car had -been tested by the patrolman and
Mr. Tilson it was thought to be well worth the Money. Police Car lras
purchased on March 17, 1965.
The treasurer's report was given as follows:
Bal~lce General Fund, 3/1/65
Checks Drawn
Bala.'1ce 3/31/65
724 .10
Balance of fund 3/1/65
Checks Drawn
Balance 3/31/65
The following bills ~~re 8ub~~tted for paJ~ent:
Clanton's ESEO Station
Auto-Aire Corp (test certificate)
Town GaraGe
Sal'1ford Herald
Orchid Center
Chas. B. Hclntosh (Liability a.l1d
Motion was made by Hr. '\<letz and seconded by I1r. ROlfell to pay the bills
as submitted. lCotion unanimously carried.
Hr. Tilson annoUt."1ced there l<1ould be a Special meeting on ?1onday
night, April 12th at 7:30 P.M.
Iv".Il'. Tilson stated that Ordina...'1cc 111*0 was to be put on Agenda for
second and third readings by Title only. ORDINANCE # 40 entitled:
OlIDI:TX{CE il 2 TO PHOVrui:; FOE IS'suA1;CE 01;' HP.IE Y'Mq
LICEl'JSES E'?j?ECTI'IE AP}lIL F'I11ST 01;' JU,:y T~'l: TO
ffiOVIDE ~?O:::l TR.AI'TSF"l~:~ O:F LIGE='JSE.
Mr. Tilson then read Ordinance /140 by title only. Motion waS; made by
:Hr. Ro\rell to accept for eecond read.inG b:r Title only, Ordina..'1ce #40.
Hotion was seconded bJr Hr. Brown and uL1animously approved by Council.
Mr. Tilson then read Ordinance # 40 by title only for third and
final reading. Motion ..TaS made by Hr. FuIJc r to accept Ordina..'1ce #40
by title only the third and final reading. Motion seconded by Hr. 1ietz
a'1c. unanimously approved by council.
Resolution #55, endorsing the Economy Act of 1964 for Seminole County
was read. Hotion to adopt Resolution ff~55 was made b;jr Hr. Ro\rell,
seconded b'" 111". Brown and unanimo1lsl3r approved by Council.
Petition endorsing l1etropolitan Telephone Service was read. Hotion
to endorse this Petition was made 'bJ Nr. Fuller and se conded by Hr.
Brown and unanimously approved by council.
~~. Tilson read letter of resignation (on Dr.ls orders) from
Barbara L. Peters, Village Clerk. Motion by }~. Brown, seconded by
~~. Rowell to accept this letter of resignation, unan~nously accepted
by council. Hr. Tilson recomlllended appointment of Helen Green as
ActL'1g Village Clerk, Treasurer, Tax Assessor and Tax Collector ~'1til
such time as this position cijJ1 be filled. l10tion made by Hr. Brown
and se conded by !.~. ,;etz that this appoi...'1tm.ent be made and was
unanimously approved b;y Council.
Resolution #57, Baru{ Resolution for the change of council was read.
Hotion to adopt this resolution Wd.S made by l.1'r. Rowell, seconded by
Hr. Fuller and unanimously approved by Council.
Resolution #54, providing fill dirt for the Ball field was read.
After a discussion it was decided that one sentence should be added.
"Fill dirt 15 to be used only on the ballfie!d and not to used on any
private propertylt. Notion lias made by YJr. Uetz to accept this Resolution.
Seconded b;y!1r.. Rowell a'ld unanimously approved bJ council.
A complaint was read fro~. residents on Lombardy ~'1d Edgemon of
cars traveling at excessive speed. A request was nade for stop signs.
Motion was made by 11'r. :;T!tz to purchase a roof top antenna Comini
Topper) for the T-'olice Car, from LaFayette's on 17-92. Second~d by
1'.r. Fuller and unenimously approved b;)r council. Hotion ~vas made by
Hr. Brown and seconded b';r Hr. Rowell that the p1'5\'c; for thr above
mentioned antenna shall ~ot exc'~ed 15.00. Unan~nously approved by
Letter was read from Robert Stephenson, requesting ~a~nt for two
summer Police hats for he and Ed~ar Smart. Purchase waS"~approved by
Council first so request was denled.
Mayor Tilson assi~ned Commissions to each of the new counci~nen,
Lloyd T. Brown-----Road and Bridge
Charles E. Rowell---- Health Recreation and Welfare
Jay A. Wetz--------Police a'1d Fire Departments
George T. Fuller---Finance
}~. Tilson read Article IV, Section 2, Page 7 of the Village Charter:
I'T he Hayor shall be the chief executive officer of the
Village and it shall be his duty to attend to the proper
and effective enforcement of the Im-lS and ordinances of
the Village" under "t-l)e overall superrision of the Council,
a.."1d "Ln th the aid of the '}~anager, if any. In case the
Co~~cil shall provide for a Village Chief of Police, such
person shall attend to the proper and effective enforcement
of the laws and ordinances of the Village under the overall
supervision of the Council".
P~. Tilson then asked the 80uncil to name Robert Stephenson Acting Chief,
with the rank of Sgt and Edgar Smart, PatroJ:lan. Hotion was made by
P.r. Fuller, seconded by Hr. ~fetz to accept this request. Unanimously
approved by c01.mcil.
~~ hours of the two police officers were:
Robert Stephenson 88
Edgar Smart 102
A note was read from Barbara ,- 3ters, Village Clerk, thanking the
COlL."lcil for the plant sent to her -while she WaS hospitalized.
!~. Brown told of his interview uith the ]1.j== !,;~n D'~iT1Y Garbage
Service. They have 4 trucks and would pick up twice a week for ~1.5o
per month. Hr. Tilso11 stated that the Village of North Orlando wanted
to be fair with A.A.A., the present Garbage Service, even t h01,Jgh the
pick-ups had been slow. He asked lire Bro\-m to have representa.tives
from both compar.ys at the next regular meetinG.
}1r. Jolmson stated that the Sa..'1ford Jail 1-iaS
Village of North Orlando, Fla. Police Depart:ment.
charge for this Service, but the Village of North
assume all responsibility for their prisoners. A
to Chief ~'filliams confirm:tng this Inatter.
now~ available to the
There will be no
Orlando, ~la, must
letter is to be written
}~. R01rell was asked to check on thG mosquitos around the Recreational
Being no further business motion 1.JaS made by !1r. Br01m to adjourn.
Seconded by 1'.1l". Fuller and unanimously approved by cou..~cil.
Respectfully Submitted, <,'
VJ..llage Clerk