HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 03 16 Village Council Special Minutes
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The Village Council of the Village of North Orlando, Florida
met in Special session on Harch 16, 1965 at 7:30 P.H.
The meeting was called to order by ~;a:{or VanEepoel. On roll
call the following were present: Hrs. VanEepoel, Councilmen Tilson
and Brown. COlU1cilmen Rhodes and T,Jetz were not present.
l1r. Tilson repartee that Seminole Motors Go. of Sanford had a
1962 Police Car for sale 1;hich had belong to the City of Sanford.
He stated that he and the tuo Village Police Officers had tested
this car and found :it to be in food r:ondition. He stated that this
car could be pUr'chasec1,wi th the trade-in for ~~?52 .00. ~r. Tilsrn
made a motion that the Village of Forth Orlando, ?lorida purchase
the afore-mentioned car. ~~. BrOvID seconded th~ motion. Motion
was unanimously aprroved and immediate steps be taken to purchase
same from Seminole :;:otors.
Hotion was made by l'Tr. Tilson, to purchase from the Sargent and
SOvlell Compan;r, the follNring equipment for the P oUce Car, plus the
2 Emblems, Black on Gold, ~7.00@
1 Vehicle Panel for trunk,
Black on Gold, word "Police"
1 Blue 4 Bean Power Light
for Top of Car
~p90. 79
Hotion seconded bJr Hr. Brown. Notion unanimously carried.
Hotion was made by Ir. Brown thB.t a check for $19.88 be made
out to the John lJarren, Co. for the balance due on the invoice for
the road sicns. T1otion seconded by l1r. Tilson and unanimously
approved b;:r Souncil.
!-ration was made by Nr. Tilson to sene flm-J'crs to I:'rs. Peters,
clerk for tho Village of North Orlando, Florida, who is hospitalized.
Hotion seconded by }~r. Brown and unanimously approved by Council.
!-1I's. VaI"'Eepoel reported that there had been :r.any ~omplaints
about the present Garbage Service. She has been contacted by a new
Garbage Service that liQuId like a contract .lith the Village of
North Orlando, Florida. The price would be the same each month,
;!~l. cO. The Comnamr has two trucks. It 1'iaS dC'ddec1 to 110ld this
n:;' ...l..J
matter in abeyance for discussion at the next regular meeting.
No further business, motion Ivas made by I'Tr. Tilson and
seconded by l1r. Brown that the meeting adjourn.
Resf'ectfullJr submHte>>r,
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:Beptlt~illage Clerk