HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 03 01 Village Council Regular Minutes
~c~u ED!lJGS iT ??GUL -, ';OlFTCIL ""P:STING
VILIJ~G[ 0" "'ORTH O"?T1:,j;'C, "ID'UDA
>1hRCH 1, 196$
The Village Co~~cil of the Village of rorth Orlando, Florida, met in
regular session on March 1, 1965, at 7:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by :tvIayor VanEepoel. On roll call the
following were present: Councilmen Tj_lson, i~etzJ and Brown, Mrs. VanEepoel and
Attorney Johnson. Councilman Rhodes joined the meetinG shortly thereafter.
The rr.inutes 0: the regular Council meetin,; on February 1, 1965, were
approved as read.
The treasurer's report was Given as follows:
Balance Road and Bridge Fund
Balance General Fund 2/1/65
Checks Dra\ffi
Balance, 11arch 1, 1965
The following bills iJere submitted for pa'rment:
Clanton's Esso Station
Arnold Griffen & Harper
(Police Car Insurance)
Town Garage
Sanford Herald for advertising
l1otionl",as made by ~.r. Brown and seconded by l"f.r. Tilson to pay the
bills as submitted. Motion unanimously carried.
l1r. Brown in reporting on Roads & Bridges stated that clay fill and
rough grading had teen done in the Ranch roads in the amount of ~102.50.
Further grading will be required to bring the roads up to par. The sandbagging
project on Hayes Road has been done at a cost of ~183.02.
}tr. Brown stated that the drag line, which was to do work on the
culvert on Hayes Road .on F'ebruary 20th, did not report. This is a project
invclving trenching and resetting pipe and will have to be taken care of
as soon as possible.
~~. Brown further reported that on checking the signs sent on our
order from 1>iarren, certain substitutions were rr;ade, also the driving cap
has not yet been received. Erection of signs will take place just as soon
as invoice is checked out and necessary Ordinance is processed.
Mr. Wetz reported that the vacant lots on Fairfax have been mowed by
the North Orlando '::ompany.
Hr. l.vetz stated that recreation equipment has been removed from the
Civic Eldg. to his utilit;[ room. He reported that much of the equipment
is in useless condition and requested permission to dispose of same. It
was decidef that he would obtain copy of the invoice showing the ptITchase
price of this equipment and make a list of material disposed of, so that
same may be charged off.
Mr. 1"fet.z reported that. he had attended th<3 Little league meeting,
1''''''' representine; the Council, and he advised tho t the L:.ttle Teague will reqdre
help from the Village if and ,,,1m the area be~omes TJtllage property.
11r. Tilson, in reportinp; on the~omp18int re"')rdinz a mU1"ber o+' cars
parked at a home in Coronado, advised that thec'8 ('ars are olmed by the
nembers of the family and all 'tear lice-nse t2;"S, except one, 'which is
being disposed of.
Regarding Village Liability Insurance, Hr. Tilson advised that ':harles
McKintosh of Nationwide, Arnol_d, Griffen and Harper 9.nd Al D?vis had been
asked to submit bids - and they had been advised of the possibilit3' that the Village
would be deeded property' for a recreation area and municipal building by
the North Orlando ....ompany, and h&d been asked to quote on neceE:sary coverage
in this event. He stated }tr. XcKintosh WaS present to present the
Natiomrl.de bid.
Hrs. VanEepoel,. in reporting on the County' Road 11.l.'1cheon, stated that
~vork is to be done on the Bridge on 419 and the onlJT other irrJnediate plans
effecting the Village was \JOrk to be done on the road that goes to the Adamucci site.
Mayor VanEepoel stated that she and ~tt. Wetz attended the Florida
League of Hunicipalities Conference on February 15.
~~s. VanEepoel then read two letters duted February 15th fron the
North Or'''l.ndo Company relative to the deeding to the Village of property for
a Hunicipal Recreational Area and for a !~unicipal BuD,ding. Copies of
these letters are attached and become a part of these minutes.
Regarding the letter on the Hunicipal Recreation area, it was agreed
that the conditions set forth 2.re satisf'actory and that the North Orlando
Company be so advised.
Regarding the letter rAlative to the deeding to the Village of land
for a municipal building, it was felt that the r?ondition calling for the
completion of the building within one year was too restrictive and it was
agreed that a letter be sent to the North Orlando Company requesting that
the wording be changed to read "started within 0~e year and completed
within two years of the date of the deed". The other conditions concerning
this property were acceptable to Council.
}trs. VanEepoel reported that, in order to expedite transfer of deed
on these peoperties, A.C.Doudney Surveyors had been authorized, by unanimous
resolution, to proceed with the survey so that proper description of the
property could be sent to the North Orlando Company.
~1rs. Van Eepoel then read a letter dated February 20, 1965 from the
North Orlcndo Company relative to the redrafting of Ordinance No. 10, the
~iater and Sewer Franchise with the North Orlando Company. There was a dis-
cussion relative to difference in 1.l.'1.derstanding on points discussed at the
meeting on Satur(~y, February 13th between members of the Council and Mssrs.
Gregory and Peck of the North Orlando 8ompany. In the first place it WaS
--- pointed out that !1r. Gregoryt S letter erroneously states that It this letter
confirms the agreement reached between yourself and other members of the
Villa~e Council and the }!orth Orlando8ompany'. In as much a~ this was not
an official Council mee1J~ns - no agreements could be reached or confirmed;
Secondly; There evidentl;y was a diffe~'enc8 of inte.l.npretation on the suggested
charges for new hydrants uhen neces~ 'try; third" the matter of disposition of
indebtedness was defini tel;;'? not <:greed upon.
It was aSTced ths.t due to these diferences" cOlU"lcil aGain meet vJith }~r.
Gregory or Hr. Peck to clear up th3se specific points.
Tiotion was made by llr'. Til, on to Qccept the deed to the recreational
area under conditions set forth bv the lTorth Orlando Company in their
letter of February 15th. l1otion was seconded t:y 1'"'11'. '\"Jetz. On Roll call
vote the voting was as follohTS: "Yes" - Tilson, lIetz" Brown, VanEepoel _
Voted Itno!t - none. Motion approved unanimou::ly.
Jioti.on was made b'c !.fr. Tilson that a letter be directed to the North
Orlando Company asking them to ('hange the provision that a building be
completed "Ii thin one :rear, but instead providing that a buildinc be started
within one J~~r and rompleted ~1ithin two J~ars. Motion was seconded by }~.
~'letz and unanimously approved by Council.
The subject of purrhase of a new police car <'?ame up for discussion.
Hr. Tilson stated that only one company had given a naif bid as asked for in
minutes of February 1st me~ting - and this bid was only approximately $139.00
cheaper tha.n the bids for a Complete Police p",~kaGe deal.
It was the feeling of some n~mb8rs of the cou~cil that inasmuch as the
negotiations for the purchase of a police car had been started before the
Council was advised t~~t land would be deeded for a municipal building,
much study would be needed on the matters of fin~~cing a police car and a
municipal building si:lce Village income is limited. Also, it was poin~ed
out that acquisition of the Recreational Area would necessitate expend~turcs
for upgrading this area and :::.aintaining it.
r1otion \las made b;,'l Hr. Tilson to table the police car situation until
such time as better advice on budget and financing requirements are available.
notion seconded by !'Ir. vJetz and unanimously approved by council. Hr. Tilson
will contact the South Seminole Bank and get adv:Lce on financing both the
building and the police car.
Motion was made by Mr. Tilson to approve a special Occupational License
Fee of $5.00 to Charles Chips. Motion ::econded by }tr. Bro~n and unanimously
approved by Council.
Motion was made by ~~. Tilson to plaGc on Agenda for first reading
Ordinance #40 entitled:
#2 TO PR.C'VIDE :em ISSUA""Jr;:S OF PJ,TF "V""SA? LICE~TS-;;:S E"~Tr:'1':r:VF
"r m("\ '"'"'")nT'TT'""~ ~"()'.~ mr:) "~("'.ir'"'" n" IT""P'\"',""
LTC~:~::::~ I;"O'~. CALIS'?: A;',:.} Lt..' "'-,"l._\i_~r~~: :: .j"!. l.;_l.~'i_"'~:'J..~:\. \'-~' J,1-'.1';'.. ~:;J.'~.
l1otion was seconded by rTr. 131'0"1\'11 and unanimously a::proved by Souncil.
Mayor VanEepoel then read Ordinance #40 ,in its entirety. Motion was
made by Counci1m.&n 'detz to accept Orc.inance 1140 for first reading. Hotion
waS seconded by ~~. Tilson and unanimously approved by Council.
Resolution 1149, conveying to the North Orl:mco!cire Depart'cent Incorporated
the 1948 Ford Fire Truck ane' all T'ire Department equipment, was then read.
J10tion was made by Mr. Tilson to adopt resolution t/49, motion wes seconded by
Hr. Rhodes. On roll call the voting 1V8.S as fol101vS: Voted "Yest!, Tilson,
Rhodes, Bro\vn, VanEepoel. Voted "Noll, ;i~etz. Hotion waS carriec1 by majority
and the Resolution was adopted.
Resolution #50, approving subrr~ssion to the Legislature of the proposed
amendments to the 'village Charter, was then read by }lrs. VanEepoel. Notion to
adopt Resolution It50 waf made b;y Hr. Tilsoij, seconded by Hr. 8ro'..m and unanimously
approved by Council.
Resolution #51, endorsing a }Ietropolitan Telephone Service in Seminole
County was read. l:otion to adopt Resolution if51 was made by }lr. Tilson,
seconded by Nr. t'letz and unanimously approved by Council.
Hr. HcKintosh of Nationwide Insurance then submitted his bid of ;;;>421.18
for Village Liability Insurance Coverage, with an explanation of various
points of cover ace.
}1r. Tilson stated that he had questioned Arnold, Griffin P:. Harper vrith
respect to their bid 'thich was ve.ry high, and he had determined that it was
for less coverage than that proposed by Nationwide. He also stated that Al
Davis had been asked to submit a bid including the additional coverage that
would be required and ine.smuch as this bid had not yet been received, !'fr.
Davis be aC.vised that he would be given until !~arch 8th to get his bid in.
However, in order that thpre be no delay in getting coverage, motion was
made by !:r. Tilson that if the Al Davis bid is not received by }~arch 8th,
Nationwide be awarded the business, (20 if the bid by Al Davis is substantially
the same ~s Nationwide, Natiomvide get the award 0) if the bid by Al Davis is
lower than that submitted by Natiomride, further discussion be held on the
matter. Hotion was seconded by Er. hTetz and ananimously approved by Council.
In the meantime, Hr. HcIntosh Hill bind coverage on the Village for
Liability Insurance.
Regarding status of pennission for the VillaGe Police department to use
the S~Dford Jail, !~. Jor.nson advised that Chief Williams' letter of permission
to do this has not yet been received. }~. Johnson Ifill aLain talk Hith
Chief ~;illiar.s to get a decision on this.
A report of police activities for the month of February was subnitted
by Hr. Stephenson shmdnc -
R. Stephenson
100 man hours
17 man hours, 7 hrs at school,
3 hrs. at police & sheriff meeting.
68 lYlan hours and 3 hrs. at Sanford
police & Sheriff meeting.
E. Sm2.rt
D. ~rJilccx
There followed a discussion relative to the wide variance of hours
put in by Mr. \vilcox as compared ifith Stephenson g.. Smart over the pe.st fev;
months, even though all three men are compensated equally.
HoMon was made b~' Hr. Tilson that l,tr. \lilcox be i1'1Tr)ediately deactivated
and transferred to auxiliary Poli~eman status on a tlwhen ne'3oed" basis ,vi th
compensation at $1.00 per hour. Hotion \'las seconded by ~lr. 'letz and unanimously
approved by council.
Hr. Tilsoh stated that the 3uildinG Inspector sisuation requires
correction. Inasmuch as the present Buil~inG Inspector position is a volunteer
0:18 and the Building Inspector works days, a problem exists when any building
work needs in~pection durine the day - and ties up contractors. He further
statec. that Longwood has a full time buildinr' inspector \.,ho is available at
all times and Hho operates on a per~entage bb.sis on fees. It has been determined
that thi3 Inspector ilould ppssibly be loJilling to haIldle the ViJ.laco inspections
on the same basis - 50% of fees up to ~5o.oo on anyone pernut. It was agreed
to contact the m8...'1 ane discuss the situaticn Hi.th him. !>1r. Tilson and Hr.
Brown will check into t~is matter,
On motion of ~lr. Tilson, seconded by 1'.r. H'etz, meetinc: uas adjourned.
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On behalf of those present at the meeting, Coundlman Brovm voiced
appreciation to Ha:/or VanEepoel and COUI'cilman Rhodes for all the lwrk they
had done during their terms of office, and said he hoped they Houlc1 be
available for consultation and cooperation with the new cowlcill