HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 02 01 Village Council Regular Minutes
FEBRUARY 1, 1965
The Village Council of the Village of North Orlando, Florida, met in
regular session on February 1, 1965, at 7:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by r{ayor VanEepoel. On roll call the
follOwing were present: Councilmen Tilson, 'V'Tetz and Brown and Mayor VanEepoel -
absent, Councilman Rhodes.
The minutes of the regular Council meeting on January 4, 1965 'Were
approved as read.
The minutes of the Special Council meeting of January 22, 1965, were
approved with the following correction - Paragraph 4 changed to read "annexation
of unincorporated area ~ of the Village."
The treasurer's report \1as given as follows:
Balance General Fund 1/4/6$
Checks draw
Balance 2./1/65
Road and Bridge Fund balance
TIle follovr.ing bills were submitted for payment:
Clanton's Esso station
Robert Kramer - bookkeeping
Altamonte Garage
TO'hlIl Garage
Motion to pay the bills as submitted was made by Mr. Wetz and seconded by
Mr. Tilson. Motion was unanimously approved by council.
l-fr. Wetz reported that he had attended the meeting of the Seminole County
Humane Society. They do not have a shelter although they are now trying to obtain
at least five acres of land, by donation, to build one. They have information
that once they have a charter and the land to build, there is a benefactress in
California willing to donate t,p3,000 tOW-lard the building. No definite time or place
has been set for the next meeting, but notice will te sent out to those interested.
Reporting on Roads & Bridges, Mr. Bro'lm. stated that it would take 45 posts
and 7 IlRead Closed by order of Police Department" signs to block off the roads
discussed relative to dumping of rubbish. Mr. Tilson stated that he understood the
telephone Gompany will donate surplus posts of this type if requested. 1^'.r. Brow
will contact Hr. Bob Sheddon of the Southern Bell Telephone Company. He lvill also
discuss with the North Orlando Company whether this would cause any problem with
OlVners of vacant property in the Ranches.
Mr. Brown reported that he had checked Hayes Road and it is badly in need
of repair. One section 't'iill require sandbagging and the road will need clay
fill and grading. He stated approximately 300 sandbags will be needed, as well
as cement and labor of two men to fill the bags and place them. He reported he
had received a quotation of 14~ per bag but \;Quld try to get a better price if
page 2.
possible. He further reported that grading and filling had been done on ranch
roads where required.
Councilman Brown. stated that the traffic signs have been delivered, except
for 1 channel post, caps and bolts. As soon as these are received the signs will be
}1otion was made by l-ir. Brown that the Village purchase 300 sandbags at the
lowest possible price, purchase necessary cement &ld hire laborers as required to
do the sandbagging on Hayes Road. Motion was seconded by Mr. Wetz and unanimously
approved by Council.
11r. Tilson reported that two bids had been received on Village Liability
Insurance - one for approxL~~tely $800.00 and the other for approximately $250.00.
After discussion, it ~Tas agreed that 111'. Tilson would contact the $800.00 bidder for
an explanation of the i.r.i.de yariance and would also contact AI Davis Insurance
Agency for an additional Bid. Mr. Tilson stated that Hanna-Closson Agency did not
wish to bid on this at this time.
Mr. Tilson advised that a serious situation exists in the Village involving
one Bruce Dean, age 17, who has, without anj" authorization, been assuming identity as
a Volunteer Fire Department member and member of the Police Department. Mr. Tilson
requested that Mr. Dean be advised to cease and desist from assuming authority relative
to the Police or Fire Departments with notification that if he does not he will be
served with a summons for impersonating an officer. The Police Department -vJill so
advise him.
Councilman Brown, on behalf of the Fire Department stated he wished to thank
the Police Department for their cooperation and valuable assistance in controlling
traffic on the occasion of the recent fires.
itlith regard to the fires, Mr. Brown stated they were apparently of an
incendiary nature and the Fire Department and the Forestry Service are still investi-
gating them.
Mayor VanEepoel read the bids received from Strickland-:Horrison, Holler
Chevrolet and Seminole CO~Ulty Motors on a police car. After lengthy discussion
it was the concensus of opinion that a great many of the optionals listed were not
absolutely necessary at t his time and it was agreed that letters would be sent to
the interested dealers requesting them to quote on basic four-door models with all
standard equipment except:
352 cu in (ar ecp.ivalent) engine, 250 hp 8 cyl
Standard transmission
1 speed automatic windshield wiperw
Heavy duty (55 amp) alternator
Emergency Flashers
8:1$ x 15 4 ply tires
front seat belts
Heavy duty battery
Standard brakes
calibrated speedometer 2 mile increment
Heavy duty front and rear black rubber mats
Heavy duty cooli!lg system
Oil filter ivi th replaceable element
. 2/1/65
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Pending purchase of a new pOlice car it was agreed to renew insurance
coverage on the present police car with Griffen, Harper S; Arnold Insurance Agenc:r.
This coverage is due to expire 2/6/65.
Hr. Wetz reported that two disabled cars are parked on rights of "ray in the
Village and constitute a driving hazard. Patrolman viilcox ~nll attend to removal
of same.
Motion was made by Mr. vTetz to up-date the Village Tax rolls with a clerical
expense of not more than ~50.00 authorized. Mttion was seconded by Mr. Tilson
and unanimously approved by Council.
Motion was made by Mr. Tilson to obtain copies of t't"lO plats which "rere not
included when the plat book was originally prepared. Motion was seconded by
Mr. Brown and unanimously approved by Council.
Mrs. VanEepoel reported on the Florida league of Municipalities luncheon
for Seminole County Mayors, which she attended on Friday, Jal'lUary 29, relative to
Florida Annexation laws. She stated that the provision providing for annexation
by municipalities of areas with less than ten registered electors is being contested
as unconstitutional and the Florida League is making certain proposals regarding
this. They are proposing adding to this section of the statutes the provision
that immediate police and fire service must be provided any such annexed area
and wi thin 12 to 18 months sewage and all municipal services must be provided.
More information relative to annexation 'tiLll be forthcoming at a later date.
Mrs. VanEepoel and Hr. Tilson will attend the Florida League of Nunicipalities
Conference in Orlando on February 14 - 16, with registration fee of $5..00 each
to be paid by the Village.
Mr. Brown reported that the Fire Department will build and erect a bulletin
board for the Village but wtill required a sheet of Homosote for the back board.
~~. HaroldWi1kes volunteered to obtain the Homosote.
There was a discussion relative to occupational license for Charles Chip
distributor. Mr. Tilson will check into this further.
Mr. Harold Wilkes requested an occupational license -without charge -
as a disabled veteran under Florida Statutes. Same was approved.
On motion of Mr. Tilson, seconded by Mr. ~1etzJ meeting 't'las adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
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Village Clerk