HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 01 22 Village Council Special Minutes
JANUARY 22, 1965 8:00 P~.
The Village Council of the Village of North Orlando, Florida, met in special
session on January 22, 1965, at 8:00 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor VanEepoel. On roll call the following
were present:: CounciJJnen Rhodes, Tilson, Wetz and Brown, Mayor VanEepoel and Attorney
In order to provide ample time for discussion of the Charter amendments to be
submitted to the Legislature, reading of the minutes of the previous regular council
meeting and committee reports were postponed until the next meeting.
lofr. Wetz questioned whether any action had been taken on the suggested annexation
of unincorporated area ~ of the Village to the intersection of highways 419 and 434.
Mr. Johnson advised holding such action in abeyance until a Court ruling is handed down
on certain annexation questions now under study in other areas.
There follow'"6d a lengthy discussion on charter changes to be submitt ed to
the legislature. Using as a base copies of the charter changes proposed by the
Charter Board last year, each proposed change was discussed. Mr. Johnson advised those
present that the charter changes presented to the Legislature mayor may not be passed
in the exact form in which they are presented, that the legislative body can and will
alter them if they determine such action necessary. He further stated t hat Notice to
Obtain Special Legislation must be published in the local county newspaper at least thirty
days before introduction of the proposed law into the legislature.
T he following Charter amendments were agreed upon, with exact legal wordage to be
supplied by Attorney Johnson:
Section 1 liThe Government of said municipality shall be vested in a governing body
to be known as the "Village Council of North Orlando, Floridatt, sometimes hereinafter
referred to as the Village Council, and a Mayor. Such Council shall be composed
of five ($) members to be called Councilmen, and a Mayor.
After this amendment becomes effective, at the next regular General Election
provided by the Charter or municipal ordinances of North Orlando, Florida, to be
held in March, 1966, provisions shall be made for the election of a Mayor, who shall
hold office until the next regular election held in March, 1968, and at said
election and all succeeding mayorality elections of the Village, the Mayor shall be
elected for a term of two (2) years.
A Vice-Mayor shall be, by resolution, appointed by Council at the regular organizational
meeting on the first 1wlonday in April next following the regular election.
The Mayor elected and Vice-Mayor appointed, as hereinabove provided, shall each
hold office until his successor shall be elected or appointed in accordance with the
provisions of this amendment and shall qualify, and each of them, before entering
upon the discharge of the duties of the office, shall take and subscribe the oath
prescribed in the Charter of the Village of North Orlando, Florida.
Candidates for the office of Mayor must meet the qualifications established by
the Charter and Ordinances of North Orlando for other public offices and in addition
thereto must file a notice of intention to run for such office lo1i th the Village Clerk
during the last ten (10) days of February in the year of the election and shall pay
such filing fee as s hall be set by ordinance, and such notice shall include any other
information required by ordinance.
page two
The Village Council shall have all of the powers heretofore vested in or possessed
by the Village Council of North Orlando.
The Mayor shall be the chief executive officer of the Village and he shall have
and exercise all of the powers and duties usually incident to that office; he shall
preside over all meetings of the Village Council except that he will not be a
voting member of the Council unles s there is a tie vote, in which case the Mayor shall
cast the deciding vote; he shall see that all of the laws of the State and
ordinances of the Village are faithfully executed; he shall have the power to bid
in property for the Village at all Village tax sales, judicial sales and sales
under process of law; when the town is a party, he shall sign all deeds, contracts,
bonds or other instruments of writing to which the Village is a party, when
authorized by ordinance or resolution to do so; he shall approve all ordinances
unless in his judgment the same shall be detrimental to the interests of the Village,
in which case he may return the same, with his objection in writing, within ten
(10) days to the COl.mcil without approval; the Council shall then hear all objections
voiced by the Mayor at a meeting to be called not earlier than five days after
such objections are submitted and not later than the next regular council meeting,
at which time the Council shall reconsider the issue and again vote for or against
passage of the ordinance, as set forth in the Charter; he may from time to time
make recommendations to the Council for enactment of laws, rules or regulations
for the Govermnent of the Councilor Village as: will in his judgment best promote
the interests of the Village and do and perform all duties imposed by ordinances
of the Village, Charter and laws of the State.
Section two of the Charter amendments proposed by the Charter Board pertaining to
second and final readings and posting of proposed ordinanees, is to be omitted from
the amendments to be submitted to the LegiSlature, with the Council agreeing to
consider future action by ordinance relative to public notification of proposed
Section three of the Charter amendments proposed by the Charter Board shall be
retained, i.e. -
"In the second sentence thereof, the words "County of Seminole' are to be
deleted wherever the same appear, and there is to be substituted in place
thereof the words 'State of Florida'.
Also retained shall be the section for the repeal of conflicting laws or ordinances _
"All law, ord.i.nari.ces or parts of laws or ordinances in conflict herewith are
hereby repealed.1t
Motion was made by Councilman Tilson authorizing Attorney Johnson to draw up
a Resolution, incorporating the Charter Amendments agreed upon, for presentation to
the Council for signature and for submission to the legislature. Motion was seconded
by Mr. Rhodes and unanimously approved by Council.
Mayor VanEepoel stated she would entertain a motion to transfer title on
the fire truck and equipment, by resolution, to the North Orlando Volunteer Fire Department,
Inc. Motion to transfer title on the fire truck and equipment,now held in the name
of the Village of North Orlando, to the North Orlando Volunteer Fire Department, Inc.
by Resolution, was made by Mr. Tilson and seconded by Mr. Rhodes. On roll call vote _
voted yes - Tilson, Rhodes, Brown, VanEepoel, voted "no" - Wetz. Motion was carried
"V majority vote.
Motion was made by Mr. Rhodes to change the designated Ittemporary Village
Hall" from the Civic Association Building to the Village Office, room 6, North Orlando
Company building.. Motion was seconded by Mr. Wetz and unanimously approved by Council.
page 3.
Mrs. VanEepoel reported that there was to be an important Seminole County
Humane Soeiety meeting in Sanford on Tuesday, January 25th. Mr. Brmm stated he would
endeavor to be present at such meeting, but if he could not - M!". 11etz or Mr.
Wilcox would be contacted.
On motion of Mr. Ttlson, seconded by lft".r. Rhodes, meeting vTaS adjourned.
Respectfully submitted, /J
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Village Clerk