HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 01 04 Village Council Regular Minutes
JANUARY 4, 1965 7:30 P.M.
The Village Council of the Village of North Orlando, Florida, met in regular
session on January 4, 1965 at 7:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by MaJror VanEepoel. On roll call, the
following council members were present: VanEepoel, Rhodes, Tilson, \-letz and Bro\m..
Minutes of t he regular Council meeting on December 7th, 1964, were approved
as read.
Treasury report was given as follows:
Balance General Fund Dec. 7, 1964
Checks drawn
Balance 1/4/6,
Balance 1/4/65 ,-(3
The following bills were submitted for payment:
Clanton's ESso Station
North Orlando fJi vie Association - rental of bldg.
Florida League of Municipalities - Annual Dues
Motion to pay the bills a.s submitted was made by Mr. Tilson and seconded by
Mr. Brow. Motion unanimously passed by council.
Mrs. VanEepoel stated that check #llf, dated June 3, 1964, to R. L. Lewis for
relocation of the radio base station had been lost. Motion was made by Mr. Rhodes to
cancel check #1l7 and issue a new check in the amount of $12.00 to Mr. Lewis. Motion
was seconded by Mr. Tilson and unanimously approved by Council.
Mr. Rhodes read a report showing Village income from 1/1/64 to 12/31/64 and
approximate proposed expenditures for 196$. Income from all sources was $7833. and
expenditures will approximate $6ll7. Final figures will be available to Council
when the books are completed by the Accountant.
Mr. Wetz, in reporting on Health, Welfare and Recroation, stated t hat he had
sent a letter to Mr. Fasula regarding the weed situation on N. Fairfax and has since
been informed that the fire department will burn off the lots because the North
Orlando Company does not wish to take their equipment in there.
In reporting on Roads & Bridges, Mr. BroID stated that maintenance work had
been done on various roads in the Village in December. Some discussion was held
relative to maintenance of the road to the Village dump. A check will be made to
determine if this is a dedicated road and must be maintained. Mr. Brmm further
stated grading and clay fill is required on Hayes Road.
Mr. Brown reported on the clean-up 1vork done and stated that some l-lOrk in this
area is still required. Also, the creek on South Edgemon now has a problem with
Water hyacinths and needs cleaning out.
Mr. Brom stated t hat he had contacted Mr. Hahn about repairing daIrage done
to property at 64 S. Fairfax by the dragline, and that 111'. Hahn had made necessary
page 2.
repairs at no cost to the Village. It was agreed by Council that a letter of thanks
should be sent to Mr. Hahn for doing this.
A letter from Johm M. Uarren, Mobile, Alabama, was read, wherein it was stated
that it was necessary to substitute steel signs for certain aluminum signs on our order
to them. Mr. Brown will check the invoice lmen received to see that proper allowance
in price has been made.
There followed a discussion relative to t he Village Dump, 'Which is on North Orlando
Company property. Mr. Rhodes stated that ihis was originally intended for only an
emergency dumping area, but that it is being used by outsiders. He further stated that
the AAA Garbage service will pick up rubbish put at the curb and since this service
is available to residents, there is no real need for the Dump. In discussion it was
suggested that roads from Hiwy 419 leading into the dump be blockaded by posts, as
well as certain roads in the ranches, mi.ch are being used for access to indiscriminate
dumping in the ranch lands. This matter ldll be checked and if such blockades are
feasible, arrangements will be made to take such action.
Councilman Brown reported that he and Councilman Wetz had made a survey of the
Village street lighting and had detennined that the following steps are necessary for
better lighting -
1. Turn on 1 light - pole and light nO'\oT existin~ - at Highway 434 and
Sherry Ave. - Coronado section (20.000 Lumen)
2. Turn on 1 light - pole and light now existing - at Highway 434 and
Bennett st. - Coronado section (20,000 Lumen)
3. Add light on existing pole on First Street between Flamingo and
Fairfax (4400 lumen)
4. Add pole and light (4400 lumen) on First street at corner of
North Edgemon
5. Add pole and light (4400 lumen) on Bombay, halfway between Highway
434 and First Street
6. Add Pole and light (4400 lumen) corner of Sherry st. & David in
Coronado section
Motion was made by Mr. Tilson that a letter be sent to t he Florida Power
Corporation authorizing them to take necessary action for the furnishing of the
specified additional street lighting. Motion was seconded by Mr. Wetz and unanimously
approved by Council.
Mr. Rhodes stated that bids had been received from Strickland-l.forrison, Inc. and
Holler Motor sales for a police car . Additional bids are to be obtained from other
sources, and all bidders will be aSked to also quote on a car without the regular police
l1r. Tilson stated tha.t he had requested but had not received as yet bids on
Liability Insurance for the Village.
Mr. \-lilcox reported he understood the Seminole Humane Society now has a dog shelter
and he will obtain more information on this.
Police Department report on volunteer man hours for November and December was
as follows: Stephenson 219, Grenjea 37, Wilcox 56 and Smart 245.
Motion was made by 11r. Tilson that the following be appointed to the Election
Board for the General Election to be held March 16, 1965, with remuneration in accordance
with state laws: Mrs. Helen Green, Mrs. Libby Atchison, Mrs. Kathleen Memory and Mr.
A. Bouchez. Motion was seconded by Mr. Hetz and unan:i.Jnously approved by Council.
Page three 1/4/65
Motion was made by Mr. Tilson to have 1000 voting slips printed. Motion v.'aS seconded
by Mr. Rhodes and unanimously approved by Council.
Motion was made by Mr. Rhodes that arrangements be made to rent a County voting
machine for the March 16th election. Motion was seconded by Mr. Wetz and unanimously
approved by council.
Motion was made by Mr. Tilson to change the monthly Regular Council Meeting
date from the first Tuesday after the first Monday in the month to the First Monday
of the Month. Motion was seconded by Mr. Brown and unanimously approved by the
Announcement was made that the Registration books for the General Election
are now open and will remain open until 5 P.H. on Saturday, Febru.a.IJT 27th.
With reference to the Bulletin Board 'which was removed from the front of
the North Orlando Company building because of deterioration, Mr. Brown will check
with the Fire Department as to whether they will install a new one. If not, it was
suggested that Council arrange to have one made.
Mr. Tilson stated that it had come to his attention that the North Orlando
General Store was not operating strictly within the rules governing alcoholic
beverage lieenses and that Mr. Rage was allowing lion premisesll consumption and was
not being careful about not selling to minors. It was agreed by Council that a
letter should be sent to Mr. Hage, registered with return receipt requested, advising
him to operate strictly \otithin the law on the sale of alcoholic beverages and
cigarettes or the next proven violation would necessitate the revocation of his
Village Beer & Wine license.
Mr. ~vetz stated that he had been notified by the Civic Association that it was
being inactivated and would not be responsible for Village playground equipment
now stored in the Civic Association Building. Mr. ~vetz will look into this matter
and determine where such equipment can be stored.
Mrs. VanEepoel advised Council of the Florida POl-Ter Company hearing before
the Utilities Commission Board relative to complaints about their operation and
rate making policies. After discussion, Council agreed that a Resolution supporting
the Florida P01.rer Company should be drawn up and forwarded to Mr. Johnson of the
Florida Power Corporation.
Mr. Stephenson stated that there was a necessity for the Police Department to
have warning tickets similar to those used by the Florida Highway Patrol. Council
agreed to have Mr. Stephenson secure price figure for having 500 return postcard
warning notices printed and report same backto Council.
Motion was made by Mr. Rhodes to authorize Policemen Wilcox and Stephenson
to purchase one pair each of uniform trousers from Engel's. Motion was seconded
by Mr. Tilson and unanimously approved by Council.
Attorney Johnson brought up for discussion the 45 mph sign at the corner of
Bombay and Highway 434, which is controversial and would require action by the
State Road Department engineers. The Police Department will be advised concerning
proper procedure bre.
]ofT. Johnson stated that Mr. Mack Cleveland has advised that the Legis;t~;~;iJ~,d,
deleg:ation will meet on Feb~ 2nd and that all municipalities havingf&i'ahges
in local legislation to submit"'l'or review' by the delegation by that time.
\nust be ready
page four
Furthermore" a second meeting will be held on the first of March to receive such
legislation in proper form. to be presented. It is the wish of the Legislature that
all local legislation be taken care of at the beginning of the Session. Mr. Johnson
will prepare the Charter amendments in proper form. for signature and passage by
the Council in t:iJne to be presented to the delegation.
Attorney Johnson 'feported that the Jail problem has been pretty well straightened
out with Chief Williams of the Sanford Police Department but he will see him again
shortly. However" if satisfactory arrangements are definitely made" it will be
necessary to send a letter to Mr. Williams as Chief of Police of Sanford, advising
him that the Village will assume all responsibility and liability for any prisoners
from North Orlando housed in the jail.
Mr. Johnson further reported that in December he had received a letter from the
Silver Creek Precision Corporation relative tot he Water Franchise situation" wherein
they stated they believed a conference between interested principals 'W) uld help to
resolve the p"oblem and asked that this matter be held in abeyance until Mr. ottman and
Mr. Gregory are here. After discussion by council, Mr. Johnson was advised to 'W['ite
the Utility Comparv and set a definite date for an appointment, prior to February
15 and state that if no definite meeting is arranged, t hen the Village will take
further steps to terminate the Franchise.
Mr. Brow announced that the North Orlando Volunteer Fire Department is presenting
a Kiddie Kavalcade on Friday, January 8th, and requested cooperation of all in maldng
it a success.
On motion of Mr. Tilson, seconded by Mr. Wetz, meeting was adjourned.
;3;=:~:tt, /Jtuo
Village Clerk