HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964 06 02 Regular Q~ or RO'M'K 0IlLdJ)0 SEMIJOlE crUJrrY FlDRI1)A DJ:PAJIt'1'MDI'f OF POLICE 13tJDGl'T I 1. !he 11d t1&1 budget tor the operation ot the J)epartment ot Pollee shall be as outlined bftlow. Vpoa OperaUCIl ot the lepartmeat tor a period. of 90 4qe, the bt1dpt vill be ft'Ii__, tm4 Mftbdtt_ to the Village Coftoil. 2. Expenditure ot the monie" tor the 'per~ttion ot the Department ot Polioe will be the IOle ftsponsibill ty ot the Administrator. At llO time 4ur1ng the tint 90 day period, rill the administrator be called to task tor the.. expend! turea, unless 'UlKlU8ationable misappropriation should be evident. The judgement of the Administrator shall prnail. VEHICULAR BUDGET. ....~ (1)'1 4100.00 2S.00 per month. per month. 1. Gasoline, motor oil, small repairs. 2. Untors..n repairs to vehicle. TotaL. PERSONNEL BUDGET I $125.00 per month. 1. Badgd, unifom8, firearms, ammunition. "(Eliminated after .3 In<mtha, and readjusted) WAGES, t 50.00 per month. .. 1. 10 wages are torenen for this department tor the first 90 dayeo IltSlJRANCE. 1. Cowrage under existing village poliei.. for the tirst 90 days. BQM)S . 1. Each officer will be bonded. Such expense to be negotiated. TRAINDiG I J.. iach officer shall attend Judo school. Approximately $24.00 per mall or tor a tour man department, 1She total shall not exceed, $96.00 TO'1'AL EPENl'JITURES, FIRST 90 DAY PERIOD. ESTIMATED NOJUl..AL OPERATING EIPE'NElEI $271.00 per month. $200.00 per month. -- s. 10 Polio. Otficer shall Ii'" political opinions vbile uti.. iD h1. or .... of'fid.al oapcit;y_ Tbe7 IIhall no' be t"fJqUire4 to ct- \hell' pereoMl op1aloa. in CoUMil meetings, ttr aball t.hq 40 ., wluJltel!.7. 9. 'I'be pollce u win not. be opWated ..". 01 viU.... or used \0 ~rt. ... tor 8lI1 reuo... other the depe.rtment approved purpofMtll. 10. Such other regu.latioru, 8S nec..'al"Y for the .tnolent opeattOl'1 ot tlHt ~ met,. the above out1.1JM4 pI'OII'U i8 nbd. "ted, to the CCRIIl611. et .. 11.11... of ... Orlando, ~l. COdV, norida by Hen1'1 A. \lard Jr. . 1""~ ot lid. 'flu.e and aD .1..- tHrta. . 'fIUJ;;~l: L\f ~, ' 1. n:. Poll.. Oi"Iw.at4lmt 1M.11 f.Oft1Ilst Oft &Q ,;\4td.a1atl'&t.or Witll t..... (,j ..... opju.w otnAl.. ~Uw.lU l"'6PCrt~ to t.ho VU~ ee..u 1d.U be ..._ t.M AI~"'drd.Ar_ter. 'tMtd..t\bt.t'3t,or> .~All W re~:1bl. to t.be ac..U t..aet.1o_ am a.o.t..I:'f1Uee of' 'to_ Pou...',.;~. 't"~d\1l.U'dl.tf"~\or 4'Ml1 b.~'ji'. \be nt.horitJ 'to :l.IaU~ ard ~m, to u.. ~W)4U, ,he ~lI1t...\ 01 Poll.. ott1een. ,.. ,~d~rt- 1'4r{1t.~ tbal.l a1M b__ ,. "-1'..-1t1 te llU. ad pol1i:. ottlM;n_ ~t1. .. htta~, (OJ' 'l!lA1 M"..!tme ~nW t.c tM~'111.,~.. 2. In add!",_ to to_ ~,t.f. ~llJJd~tr;ltiM" "1"4U, ~ .lrt'~""t;. \."'1~ olMlliS.. tor Pol". pel"$ft.n:tt1. b. 'n..... '-$t.~ ";'~.1 tor,:rce\lcm. e. :p~ COlIIftCU :4t.b P~$; reporte. d.:at....r.1.:loe ;1~t.. peUc1a4. _. I"'N;JIl"'''' o.t.. ~. t. ~ppn.. c--u fit o.pt,. .,;;111.,.. 1lMd.. 1;. ,....w. Ct;,..11 d\.l!t 4 ~rt '.It noe1.pt.a * ~'<<l\111t..... ~ ~tQ.1"H r.i.pt.. 41.e1,1~. 1. *'tAt4U1 lla~Oftlitl'h t.M V1.U,~ Jw:1cl.?U'7. '.t"be:'8 tibal1 bet ~_t"MIIl .''t''llttlo ::;.ittnT I'Ntl-. umv t.he r:t1,..,t.l0ft fCtt. fI-enlor a,rr1c~I'".f.Jb ~_1_ !'~11 fIl:>_bt ot tlw rolloriJ\gf ... ~.t '4' ~ p'~"~l .C~. b. Mtd.... \.be f01.lN 1I8M.I... c. l\e'Y.SMI.~ Uldt.e. .~ ltri'lbe AatA1d.r:llwr tJ:t 4..1;,,~ eh'i,n,i'.~h d. r:i~ ~t~ fJf,:;t.09 ed Il,tli1 &11.-. ~'fi",,~~~t.l"~tor of d_l!"Ud c'; .~'O't. .. ,$~ut1n\1"Q>t /;at.f'O~. IV'3lC t.Mtr 'ditO'l'lll drua. t. "'~~.'\r~:t(l,.. po$t.9d or llCtlY1t,l,_ ~r t.~ $80t.1.<m. 4. 'l"hue .ball .. ~ aD .1J.rN"l.!?;;~t.i.. notloo,. ~.'.Il" t._ d1.....\1_ ot a '.f\101' C'ltt1cw. Hl~ ~utl" !lh.ul ~ ~bt of tn. ft>llcld~J ~..;.I'W .u Pol1""_.g~1'~~. b. i~l"OvW.~e~J"1At. tlMu"'f1cft tor tJt. V111~.. c. t'~lA\R1." _to .. tln~tttl"fm_ IU.. SA ~ Vl11. oltke. d.. r>;)f'fON .....~JW7 ,,*"Al<<~tw_ 14'. "C~ to o~ .....",t..o:l 1rl the VilLail.tl. tt.".n ",1'~ \.Mquq.-t.th t?~t. 6M Hi~q ,.."...1 vhe ..eN ri. .fJueh lillltiv1t.1 fIltilul he "t'~ ~ &1 tb1lt ~;ept. )"~ilf~~.\il~n ftl!;,~e pollq 1$ ec.el"tMd. . - - ..... 5. 1'Mft ..h:lV .. tf;:1"Ud .. 3Cbool '&tet;J",.c\l()ll. ...... 1'.>>" d1re~tl"l). .f .. _hat.fJ~r t_la .m..". It..ball bit to.. ;,;.,. of tail otU... 14, a. $oMdm ~1 C""iDe ~ actl1'1tl.~. b. Preftde ..oon cer........' tor cM1.d:rIJD ...... ...c;,1I1rM. ..~epert 54tet.7 .01,,*'10_ t.o tot. ,~n15h';;'to'}l". 4. ,ib,t.tend t-.. M~la 4_. .ceu&f7 ... t,_~dail'd.s1.,..t.or. t.0 ad..__ t.M c~'bl1it.1 Qt tM ottic e. 6.'.'" -ot._" post. u "q1l1r'll'4$ball 1M t..... ttheIl "......1 .. -..~1t"7 dlet.at.era. 'Z'Mc!1. vill lMhld6J ;~ ... Ce~1e..lo~'I!. b. Ju_ o. roll.e !l~t.roa. G..J\lWftt.l.e" tn,c.". k~',Quurr J 1. ~&Mh "110.. ttbltll be .....p0ft91bl. tfW' to_ Q:Ord lUoQ of tds or bet'" -.11'0.... _ u to I#N.... . pod 'U1J!1..~ ~S$. rA1~ 'I.lt111 include) i.. Pr....~. aM .b1rt.. b. ~nnMd law qautA... abHe. (Iaot.. 1t plaia \0_. _ vit.ll '"'u..... eubide.) c. it&1r.. ad ~ ned.17. d. Cled .M'" flUM. e. ~ p.1dA ~ r1~4," .... tor_l_. t. ~ lHt.btw ',..........1t.. (nuk optl..u) ,. '.It. st.et.8oft halt., o...pou. t.,rpa !uriaoa cap. h. lellGw fttIt;~..l"" n1IIoo-.t. 2. n. .ffl.lal pollee .uoN~111 be ..... h17 _11. _ dQt.;r. _ ~r 1a the J"lt.1'91 1M... ,. ..,1ft.... will be c.rrlfld when elf QUt.7. 4. Eaeb oft1.... vUl at.tea4 ,... aohoob nqatNdb1 t.he \4m.taitlt.rator,. to ad.._ Me cw n.r iUallJledf... of po1J..M l;,'ork. ,. ftf;;ht. pat.nl d.'1 ldU be to_ MIl .,.tort. 6. .i!d!l otrs.o.r lIIUl __ 1ft ld.. or ....po.~.dOft . w11d ..... op8l"llI':ton u.e.n... 1. I,Hi. obeck 1a dl1 lMUiil.e.,." 30 .J'Ml&.." h1 patt'011J\l ott:l.eers.