HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964 04 30 Special Ot.?ll:~:' C.l''F1';~: I, E. Brewer do -'01. crJt1l;! f:r.'i c::r that I \'r.Ul support. un~ protect ond dotom tJl0 Conutitutior1 nL : Govcrwnent or ~10 United tt.ate~: of :..m.oricc. nn~ of t h; "tu~e of l"lorirln ngcJ.nst oll <<lemie.., cloma6'tic w.cl toreien, and tlVlt I 1:U1 boor true f~th, lo,ynlty nnd allec;1.anco to t!lC .;;ane; :::nd that! i'iills to the bo...t of ~ nbi11ty c.ro kncr;;lootio, i'dt[;fully perform all tho duties ot the Office of Town Marshall ot tho Villq~c of r;orth CrluncG j Florid<.l.!I upon ~lldch I ~:i J.lJout to enter, t.o help me God. ~~~ -il/J/tu to tJ~,t.~..O !.w or ~ : i t.nctisOil ZUlL; nclmo\':lo-.l,eod: . - 8)i~}2~~ v~ 'i'Ili ;" F~D t:~...... ~dn:/ of ~ s 1%4- ~'17:;<<~_y"'"~,~"l)......;^,~\:i"~"i'1T'.~,'l'~~(;~~~:?~'~'5:\V>'''';;;il"'J:<:"",,;('~~;:,~:;J;;I-'7~~~.e,_ ,. . . .___~",~'~"~",;';:;~'7"~",T,'7<~~~'::';-',+',r,I.~:~rill!',,:Ji:;7'\':"17)W--::'."if"'~.!'~}?".7.-,~.ft'i~~:"':~':~"lo~,,_ '. e e , As far as I am able to determine the Village of North Orlando owns no land or real property. I.have not beenabletb determine-if any lease agreement has been entered into. Therefore, I have no recommendations pertaining to hazard insurance on buildings. The Village has purchased some office equipment ana it is forseeable that more may be' acquired in the future. The" proper type of policy to cover this is the Office Contents Special Form. It covers business personal property usual to office occupancy including furniture and fixtures, and the Village's interest in improvements and betterments. This policy is only written for a term of three years.- The premium is reasonable and the coverage very broad. There- fore, I recommend that this type policy be purchased to protelt the personal property of the village. The Village is responsible for the use of three vehicles. One of which I understand does not run. These vehicles are covered under an automobile policy. I have not seen this policy as no copy of it could be found in the files in the office. I talked with Lew Arnold and he told me that he had written insurance on the vehicles. He also told me that he had sold his insurance agency and gave me the name of a Mr. Griffen who now has the files. I talked with Mr. Griffm and learned that the three vehicles are covered under a comprehensive auto policy which provides these coverages for: owned automobiles, hired automobiles, and non owned-automobiles. Mr. Griffen said that the policy expires February 6, 1965. The coverages on the vehicles seems adequate from what I gather without having seen the policy. As far as I have been able to learn liability insurance in force at the of the exposures that could lead to 1. Baseball Parks 2. Offic e area 3. Firehouse area 4. Community Christmas Tree 5. Parks or Playgrounds 6. Refuse Receptacles 7. Streets including sidewalks, bridges, and culverts 8. And others as the Village grows One of the features of the Comprehensive General Liability Policy is that is will defend any suits brought against the Village whether fradulant or not. My recommendation is that the above exposures be endorsed onto the comprehensive there is no general present. Here are some an expensive law suit: 7. Mc)Vl.~'c ;paJ Q\.<1A.f' 16y~e~ /lJ'6~C. ."~.~.'~7~,,,,,,",'~;C~~:;:"'-~i;-~,~n"'."'~.;J;;P'o~.:""~,~-,----:T'~":~"'---'-~~:~,,*-. _ '","",'. _____.-,""'~,F'~ -~~~:-;~T','''',,'''~~~W';:~':.~;:-~':'~?>::7~~'''c:c':-~,:,,--'~;~.,~-"~"?l':""-~"':'~'~'''2.<l--_ ,. e . ... e e automobile policy previously mentioned. ThiS would-be- less expensive than writing anew policy. The pro rata premium for this coverage will not be very much. There are two employees of the Village. I recommend that. they be covered under a Workmen's Compensation policy. The rates are based per hundred dollars of remuneration and are $3.04 for the policeman and $.16 for the clerk. These rates are subject to a minimum premium of $89.00. The volunteer policemen and volUnteer firemen are currently co~ered under accident policies. I have not seen the policy covering the volunteer firemen but the policy covering the volunteer policemen com.sup for renewal June 5, 1964. I recommend that at least two other proposals for this coverage be considered. As far as I can determine there are no fidelity bonds in force. My recommendations are that elected public officials be required to furnish the Village-with proper public offictll bonds at no expense to the village. I further recommend that all employees be bonded under an appropriate position schedule bond. Other recommendations bearing on insurance are: 1. Consideration of an ordinance that would require certif- icates of insurance from any person or corporation licensed to do business within the city limits of North Orlando. ' This' should require Bodily Injury limits of at least $100,000/ $300,000 and property damage $25,000. It should also b. endorsed to give the Village at least ten days notice of cancellation. 2. The Village should consult with an attorney to see that hold harmless clauses are included in all contracts and that these clauses are insured. The requirements for the certificate of insurance should include contractual liability coverage for the hold harmless agreement. - 3. The proper commissioner contact J. Edwin Larson in Tallahassee to determine the requirements for participation in the Firemens Pension and Welfare Fund. This is financed by the insurance premium tax. 4. That a policy register be established and maintained. One is included herewith free of charge. 5. That as policies come up for renewal that at least three proposals be considered. One community advertises in the newspaper once a year for all agents who want to bid on municipal business to register. Invitations are then , . ~____-'!I";f'''''_''',nI''~:;;,'''''''.-''Io.~;-_'''~-'''',-~"._.,.,,-,,..._."""'~, . ..._~,~\'''''''''-;-''''-.'''''''''!'"''."''''' -- . . , , e e . .. mailed 'from' this list each time that a policy comes due for renewal.' It is also usual for municipalities to in some way, favor local bidders. I have enclosed folders giving the rates at which my com- panyis willing to write the police and fire department volunteers. Respectfully submitted, A/~' ~ ~/""'.$ Cliarles . McIntosh .." -.. .. .~. .- . . r;.," -~-:'nJ!'l' - ... ~. 'C7T"'"':f;;:c~~'Vf:~'" -;;">~- '''::''' - -~,_-' ';__,I~ ._..'tl!>.; .~~~~ i "~,)f~"""",~pw~,,~~'~::,&-:i, ~~~:,,?':'-'F~'~'7"J:;~'::'>; '~,,!, .,,'~, e e UNITED STATES NAVAL AIR STATION IN REPLY SANFORD, FLORIDA REFER TO: Code SI 29 APR 1984 Honorable Irene Van Eepoel Mayor of the City of North Orlando North Orlando, Florida My dear Mayor Van Eepoel: As a part of Armed Forces Day program, mayors of communities within Seminole County are being requested to issue a statement or proclamation declaring Saturday, May 16, 1964, as Armed Forces Day in their respective cities following a proclamation by Governor Bryant. Tbe Governor is expected to issue his proclamation during the week of May 4, 1964. A sample is attached to assist you in promulgating such a proclamation if you so desire. I would also like to take this opportunity to personally invite you to attend our Armed Forces Day Open House, May 16, 1964. Yours truly, ~/,.. ~ ROBERT M. WARE Captain, U. S. Navy Commanding Officer . -"*~,.."." ,:..: .~ .. Y, ...1 ti;.,...... ..?:. , ',i.: r. ~. . ---=-; ~i~.:-;: - - -=, .1 e - ~._-~:-~~...,..~'~~~...-':-~~~.......,.,.....-:-~.--_.~:-.,."'""""~"- e 1I.I..1A.6I.1J I' . . . ,~i'''''nfij. (',.n~JJI.'tt1,....tt.. .... ...1.".'. ...m,. ..~...1",...,..... ..JT "'LI._1Vl~:' "'pir,.TI1 ...:~..(... ..'. ,::,..; ---: ,,~,;t}, " ,_.: - " , : _ _ _ _ ' " ;~._ . ......... ..Jl~JlTllU...~illqu_ -..~'lt .~..U.. "f1i'",l,' -... .... ....... .............. ...'...'...'............. ..".... '~.fI........... .... .... .......... "'.1 .t~...... ..:r~- ..as, .,,, II....>.,.....-w.. '1lII,1", -.inllla,_ ....mo.'. ..........' 11.."....:,;: '. , . .... . 1 1~.f~.M it__=::::__ .'JI~~~ .,..,,,, ,.. ..."..,.... ....I...:~.llilN.._jl"~l'..... ...,.U... .. ..............'; eM' ..""rr'Jn."...... ..;,.,........~l.. tnJ!.i..I'!U"'~III..' -,.. .... . ""',.; ~. .' ~l;; i.~, - ~n(I..di..1t...u ...~..t.I.J..~.".jl(r..I1......,.,~,..L..'... .t.t'M~' " ...........',. ...... 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'Ai" . . ~'i"J III ..........".11 LillT ......lltlIIr. -;."~~'lIII ........, ~,... "~".".~', ..... ". '.' . J,,;,./ ........',. ~~, .. .........2W,.'tir"...........,........,.r...t...; e4.fIl=:r:"#~f ~'='==i't...;.........~, - ! ~,- - "-~ ~ -------=. ~ , ,;;j- ,J.~(~.~~~ .. II m'.lILI, o.J ",-<-~.,,, li-~' ..~,--'" ""'"~"'''''?''''''''.''''''-'"'''7''~-'''-'.-",...''~- - "".~.- "',.....___'t."_ _".,..H._~.. ...., .._~~. ~ 0_.' ,",-:.:".:,.-~:...::-:t'f"'"';:&,~/!'N,_I!'I':~''''._ ~,7R"?P'?~~^~"",-, . e - HANNA. CLOSSON AGENCY GENERAL INSURANCE & SURETY BONDS "Quality Doesn't Cost... It Pays" 414 North Mills Street Telephone: 424-8531 ORLANDO, FLA. Apri 1 22, 1964 VI n.-.ge of Nerth Orl ando c/o 231 Tradewinds Road North Orlando, Florida Attention: Mrs. Jrene Van Eepoel Re: VQlunteer Police Accident Policy Expiring 6/5/64 Dear Mrs. Van Eepoel: e This letter is to advise th..t the captioned policy wilJ expire 6/5/64. This Is the policy which COVers the pol ice only. Our agency wi II take no action I n regards to the ren__~l of this policy if it so be the wishes of your City Council. I, personally, feel we were slandered unjustly by another agent In one of your recent meetings. We do not want to make an I ssueof what Is now water over the dam, nor lower our standards in a childish fuss. As stated some time ago, we are most wi 11 ing to be of service at any time we are called upon to advise on insurance matters. We will await your call. Very truly yours, HANNA-C~OSSON AGENCY i~~~ JDC:gp . AGENTS METROPOllT AN UNDERWRITERS OF THE UNITED STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO.