HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964 12 07 Village Council Regular Minutes
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~ 7.. 1964 7:30 Pd.
!he Village Council of tht,Village of North Orlando.. Florida, met in regular
session on December 7, 1964, at 7t'0 PtJI.
The meeting was calJ.ed to order by Mayor VanEepoe1. On roll call, the
follO'W':1.Dg council members were present: VanEepoel, Rhodes" 1'Uson, Wetz and Brown.
Hinutes of the regular Council meeting on November 10, 1964, were approved
as read.
.lppo1D:tIlent of Councilman Jay A. Wets as Commissioner of Health, Wel:tare
and Recreation .tras approved by Council.
Hr. Brown, in reporting on Roads & Bridges" stated that South Edgemon had
been 'graded and till added as needed and that North Edgemon would require fill aDd
gra.ding. He also reported that the drainage ditch between Fairfax and Devon bad
been cleaned up and put in good condition. However, in working in this area.. sane minor
dallage had been done by the dragline to the telephone wire and a corner batten board on
the property ot Hr. J. R. Creek.. 64 S. Fairfax. .Atter discussion on this, JDOtion was
made by lfr. Rhodes that Hr. Bro'WD make arrangements to bave this minor dama.gerepaired
and have the Village billed. Motion was seconded by HI'. Wetz and llt')AnjplQus17 approved
b1 CouncU.
Mr. Brown reported that he had not yet been able to get bids on JIOwing the
,tghts of way in the Village. He further stated that !Ir. Kemory will try edging the
cu:rbs with North Orlando Compa.l\y ecpipllent. It this is found to be practical, he will
do all necessary curbing clean-up, but will advise approximate cost betore doing so.
Mr. BrollBreported that bids were received trom five compa.nies on needed Village
signs and posts" and a copy ot comparative quotations received was given to eacl1l181Jlber
or the _uaeil for review. Hotion was made by Hr. 1'ilson that aluminulll sigas with 7i
foot po$t$''i?e ordered from John H. Warren of' Mobile" Alabama, at a cost ot $271.74, plus
ah:ipp~ cb&rges ot approximately $27.00. Motion was seconded by Hr. Rhodes and
unanimousq approved by Council.
Kr. Rhodes advised that the school crossing traffic signs had been installed
but. thattne hours posted were not correct. He stated that he bad called Hr. Hilwe
conce~ this and was assured that correct hours 1I)uld be posted.
..1'l1e Treasury report was given as follows:
Balance }lov. 10" 1964
Checks drawn
Balance - General Fund
Balance Road & Bridge Fund
1'he following bills were then submitted for payment _
Clanton's Gas &tation 6.03
1'own Garage - repairs to police car 15.92
County property' tax on Village
property ~o.s3
{ ,
- 2 -
Hation was made by HI". Brown, seconded by Mr. Wetz to pay these bills as
submitted. Motion unammously approved by Council.
Motion. was made by Hr. Tilson to accept Attorney orville Johnson's legal
f_ schedule as set .forth in his letter to Councll dated October 27, 1964. ,. Motion
was seconded by lfr. Brcnm and unanimously approved by Council. Mr. Jolmson will be
asked to bill the Village mon:thly.
Inasmuch as no word has been received .from Hr. Ward relative to accepting
appointment as Civil Defense Director, Motion was made by Hr. Tilson to rescind
resolution 143 mak:1ng such appointment and vacate the number. !lotion was seconded
by Hr. Rhodes and unanimousl1' approved by Councll.
Mayor VanEepoel read resolution 147 authorizing a donation of $25.00
to the Korth Orlando Garden Club in connection with their Christmas Home Decorating
Contest. Xotion was made by Hr. Bas to approve Resolution 1147 and seconded by
Mr. Tllson. Motion carried by unanimous approval of Councu.
Hr. Sullivan reported that he is closing out his business op9ration as of
December 31, 1nasllD1ch as he is going to Em-ope for five or six months on a tour of duty.
He, therefore, will be unable to do the tape recording of the council meetings. He
will, however, try to arrange for someone else to take over.
Mrs. VanEepoel stated that there is a need for two more school bus shelters,
,,""" OM on South Edgemon and the other in the Corcmado hCDeS. She read a letter received
from Mr. Be Hrs. Fuller explaining the need in the Coronado area. It was ~d that
_.shelters areJlecessa17 and there was a discussion on the materials to be used and
afProxdJnate costs. It was the opinion that TOlunteer labor of interested residents
c~ be enlisted 1n building such shelters. Motion was made by Mr. Tilson that
Co1ib.cil proceed liith arrangements for the erection of two school bus shelters at an
approximate cost of $200.00 each. Motion was seconded by Mr. Rhodes and U1'l8lilinously
approved by Councll.
Mrs. VanEepoel read a letter .frOOl Hr. Harvey Grenjea requesting a leave of
absence .from the Police Department inaSlllUeb as he bas taken a part-t1me job and felt
he could not therefore tultill t he requirements of his position as policeman, such
leave to be effective November 24, 1964. There was a discussion on this request,
inasmch as no t1me for return to duty was specU'ied.
:Motion was made by Hr. Tilson to suspend Hr. Grenjea fran the Police Department
iDasmch as he has taken a second job and cannot fulfill his duties as policeman.
Motion was seconded by Hr. Brolll. On roll call. vote - voted "no. - Rhodes, Wetz and
VanEepoel, voted "yes" Tilson and Brown. No majority in favor, theretore motion did
not carry.
Motion was then made by Hr. Tilson that Hr. Grenjea be granted a leave of
absence with his resumption of duty and sal.ary being subject to the approval of the
Council and subject to his ,. !. I. card and fingerprint card being on file in the
Village office, such information to be maintained in the confidential file and subject
to perusal only by the Village CouncU. Hotion was seconded by Hr. Rhodes and
unanimously approved by Councll.
Ht-s. VanEepoel then reported on the Seminole County :Beautification Jl" ogram
luncheon meeting wlich she attended. She stated that this is to be a cleaning-up
clearing-up and planting program ror a 11 Seminole Oounty and that low-cost, low-
maintenance p1antings will be made available to interested groups in the county.
More details or plans will be available later.
Hr. Wetz suggested that additional streeting lighting is needed in various
areas or the Village. Mr. Rhodes proposed that someone check at night to dete1"lldne
just where in the Village such additiona.llighting is needed and that definite action
be held in abeyance until the end or the year when a more definite Village rinancial
picture is aTa.i1ahle. Mr. Brown and Mr. Wetz will make the survey.
Hr. Tilson made a motion to grant Mr. Earl Showers, 833 Orange Ave., Longwood,
a speciallS.OO per year occupational license as a pedlar or tresh produce, such
license to be renewed at the option or the Council. Motion was seconded by Hr. Brown
and unanimously approved by Council.
Mr. Rhodes: suggested that a committee be appoinf,ed to work with Attorney
Jolmson on charter amendments to be submitted to the next session or the legislature.
.A.fter discusnon, it 'Was agreed to ask}ho. Jolmson to prepare and submit to Council
a suggested list or such amendments, inasmuQh as he is faPIiliar with the subject due
to his work with the "Charter Board.
Hr. Rhodes brought up the subject of Liability Insurance for the Village,
and the advisability or obtaining Sam! was discussed. Hr. Tilson will cbeck into this
.tter and inform Council.
Hr. Tilson reported that there is a lot between two houses on Fairrax which
is heavily overgrown with weeds and presents a hazard. This propert1' ~
belongs to the North Orlando COl1~. Mr. Wetz will contact Hr. Fasula about
having this cleaned up.
Mr. Wilcox- reported on the meeting of the new Seminole County Humane Society
which he attended. He stated that progress: is at a standstill until runds can be
raised ror a building. However, Seminole Oounty will donate land ror such a building.
Matter or poss.1b1e financial contribution to the Societ1' was held in abey'ance until
sOl1eth1ng more derinite is acO)mplished.
There was a discussion on the advisabilit 7 or purchasing a replacement for the
present police car, Which is continuaJ.ly requiring repairs. C01mcil agreed to obtain
rurther infarmation and prices on such a replacement.
On motion of Hr. Tilson, meeting was adjourned.
RespectfulJJ' sub.l1litted. ,1]-
~~-'tc/ 't !/~
Village Clerk