HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964 09 16 Village Council Special Minutes r PROCEEDnms AT SPECIAL COUnCIL !>1EETING VILLAGE OF NORTH OR LAN'D 0 J FICRIDA SEP1'EMBER 16, 1964 at 7:30 P. }1. The Village Co~~cil of the Village of North Orlando, Florida, met in Special session on Wednes~, September 16th, 1964, at 7:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Mayor VanEepoel. On roll call the following Council members were present - VanEepoel, Grinstead, Ferrin, Rhodes _ Absent - P~. Tilson. The rrdnutes of the regular council meeting on September S, 1964, were approved as read. }~. Rhodes, Civil Defense Director for the Village, advised on activities and precautio~J measures t~~en before and during Hurricane Dora. HQ reported on various emergency calls and aid during the storm. Mr. R.~odes expressed thanJr..s to the several citizens 'tvho volunteered services if needed, to the Police Depa.rtment, particularly Mr. ;'lilcox vTho was out in the police car all day assisting people, and to l-lr. Henry 'liard who stood by with communications equipment in case of a telephone breakdown. - 111'. Rhodes, in reporting on Roads & Bridges, stated that a survey of damage to the roads uas made and it was found that the roads are in very bad condition, despite the fact tr.at about $300.00 had been spent on fixing them prior to the Hurricane. However it was reported that not much can be accomplished in correcting the situation until the ,vater stops running over them and they dry out somewhat. He further reported that on September 15th, to relieve the severe flooding in Casselberry, the County Road Department had to tear up roads leading to the ranches, since Gee Creek drains through North Orlando to Lake Jessup. On September 16th the County put two sluices on South Edgemon .so that it could be made p~ssable. As soon as the water goes douITl they l.nll make sure proper drainage is effec~on the other two roads. Councilman Rhodes then reported on tentative plans for a Conununity Build:L"1.[;. He adv-lsed that letters had been directed to }f..r. Ottma."1 of the North Orlando Company and to :Hr. Donofrio, requesting land for such a project. In replying, both gentlemen had requested meetings vrith Ur. Rhodes, Hayer VanEepoel and Finance Commissioner for further discussion. At the meeting with Mr. Ottman he told them that if they could send h:iJn a suggested building plan and financial responsibility statements of t he Village he would presGnt same before the Board of Silver Creek Precision in cormection with a request for property on which to build, as well as the recreation area. In the discussion ldth Nr. Donofrio, who owns the property at the corncr of Ionb"Wood-Oviedo and Moss Roads, hc advised that if nothing is done by Silver Creek on this - he lfOu.ld be clad to go into the matter further with the C01.Ulcil, luth respect to purchase of this property. Nothing further has been heard from either gentleman. -- r.:Tr. R...~odes then shovled a suggested plan for a steel building 40' x 60' which vlOuld cost approximately $12,000. It was his suggestion that if anything definite comes of the request for land on which to build, a committee of representatives of all departments ...iho would sllare the building, go into the plan in detail. l-tr. Rhodes further reported that he and l1ayor VanEepoel attended a meet:ing on Monday, September 14, at Sanford. Present were officials from National -- -2- -- Civil Defence office in Jacksonville, state Road Board, state Board of Health and Seminole County. It was reported that Seminole County will be designated a Disaster Area due to huge damage resulting from the Hurricane. North Orlando lias included in the estimate of damage figures and we will receive Federal aid for repairing damages. Mrs. VanEepoel menti.. oned that anyone having personal property damage ~dll bc able to file an application for federal aid loans for repair, at 3% interest, in a headquarters to t set up in Sanford. The Treasury report was given as follows: Balance September 8th Deposits Paid out Balance - General Funds 4150.10 819.14 1134.86 3834..38 1333.00 778.69 629.16 1482.53 Balance Road & Bridge Fund Deposits Paid out Balance Road & Bridge Fund l-1rs. Grinstead, in reporting on Health Welfare & Recreation stated that nothing had been done on the refuse clean-up situation due to the bad weather. Mrs. Grinstead further reported that a dangerous drainage situation exists on Lombardy road and there was a discussion on the best plan for correction of this. Mr. Brown and Mr. Hahn both suggested possible solutions. Since definite action cannot be taken until the water goes down somewhat, it was finally agreed that Mr. Rhodes will talk with tLe County Road and Bridge people as to the best solution at the time they come in to do the necessary county work. After he obtains their sug- gestions, a meeting will be held with all interested parties for planning for the correction of existing conditions, in that area. Mayor VanEepoel then read excerpts from a letter directed to Attorney Johnson from the Attorney General, Mr. James H. Kynes, regarding the Charter Board, in mich are listed errors and omissions in proper procedures that i'll'ere made. Attorney Johnson stated that he had recommended to the various members of Council that this coming year, when the legislature goes back in session, if the consensus of opinion in the Village is still in favor of the Charter changes, Council can pass an appropriate resolution incorporating same, and turn it over to Mr. Hack Cleveland to :tr esent to the legislature. He stated that Mr. Cleveland has advised he would be willing to do so and felt that the Legislature would act favorably on same. Mrs. VanEepoel then read in its entirety a Presentation prepared by the North Orlando Volunteer Fire Department wherein they set forth plans for the Volunteer Fire Department and details of a proposed building. ,---- l-1rs. Grinstead suggested that Council meet with Fire Chief Hahn to go into the sugg ested Fire Department plans at length before making any decisions. Such meeting was set for l1onday, S"eptember 21, at 8:00 P.l1. ~\lhen asked for a report on equipment and "purcha~es rnad~ by the D~partraent "ince January, YJ1O. Hahn stated that he had checked and round that a b.5t of equ~pmenti naeC been submitted, but since it cannot be located in the office, he will furnish another copy of same. He stated he v,'ill have a report on Fire Department purchases at the next regular meeting. Mr. Henry \roTaI'd brought up for discussion the question of personal expenses incurred by village officials in the performance of tasks requested by Council for the benefit of the community. Motion was made by Mr. Rhodes that any Village Official be reimbursed for personal expenses incurred while performing a task 1:'equested by -- ~ ..3-- by Council for the benefit of the Community, upon submission of a duly authenticated bill to the Council. Hotion was seconded by Mr. Ferrin, and unanimously approved by Council. There followed a discussion relative to the duties and responsibilities of a Police DepartlOOnt Administrator and whether or not there is a need for sane. Inasnmch as nothj,.ng could be resolved on this question, it v.Jas suggested that Council meet with Mr. vIard on this in the same manner as with the Fire Department, ~'1ith a date to be set later. Counc1,] agreed 40 this. The fol101,rinz bills 'Here presented for payment: It:'. ill.l.od.es - for gas for Civil Defense l;ork during Hurricane Blueprints H. S. Lew Arnold Premium due on Treasurer's Bond I. VanEepoel - rental recorder & tape PhotoSound mtg. June 2, 1964 3.30 1.44 20.00 19.98 Motion l.'laS made by Mr. Ferrin to approve bills as submitted. Motion was seconded by Mrs. Grinstead and unanimously approved by Council. - Mr. Grenyea submitted a list of items needed by the Police Department. After discussion it lias decided by Council that only urgently needed items liOuld be purchased at this time. Motion l-laS made by Mr. Rhodes to purchase ~ battery for police car J 12V Spotlight 9'/2 Raincoats - yelloN' 1 Dz. vmrnin~ torches ./ 2 Tires for police car at a cost not to exceed ~1l5.00. Motion Has seconded by Mr. Ferrin and unanimously approved by Council. lff,~. Gr~stead brought up the matter of the Police Department and Fire Department '-'. vfJi:: Ferrin made a motion that the Police Department coverage be renewed with the Hanna-Clossen Agency immediately. Hotion vias seconded by Mr. Rhodes and unanimously approved by Council. After additional discussion it was agreed that possibly Workman's Compensation insurance might afford better benefits and the Hanna-C:losson Agency should be authorized to renew the police coverage in this manner if figures showed this to be the case. Motion vias made by Mr. Ferrin to authorize the Hanna-Closson Agency to place Police Department coverage under Workmen's Compensation Insurance if this affords better benefits. Motion was seconded by Mr. Rhodes-and unanimously approved by Council. Mrs. VanEepoel will contact Hanna-Closson Agency. Hotion was made by Ifr'. Rhodes that Volunteer Fire Department insurance coverage be place with Mr. Hclntosh under Natiomn.de Insurance, if it is determined that such coverage vull be adequate and entirely satisfactory. Motion was seconded by Mr. Ferrin and unanimously approved by Council. l-fr. Rhodes will take care of this. ~ On motion of l-frs. Grinstead, seconded by Mr. Ferrin, meeting 1'1 as adjourned. ~~~~it~~ Village Clerk .