HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964 07 07 Village Council Regular Minutes
July 7, 1964 at
7:30 P.H.
The meeting was called to order by Hayor Van Eepoel.
The Village Clerk called the roll. Present: Van Eepoel, Tilson, Ferrin
and Rhodes and Attorney Johnson. Absent: }'1rs. Grinstead.
The minutes of the June 2, 1964, fleeting were read and approved.
The minutes of the special couhcil meeting of June 25, 1964, v-Iere read and
Committee reports were given as follows:
}f,r. Ferrin on J:i'inance:
Since a councilman may hold more than one office simultaneously, Hr. Ferrin
suggested that }fuyor Van Eepoel appoint one council member as temporary
treasurer to take cioI'e of the Village business since 'We are at present
without a treasurer. MISe Van Eepoel stated that this is not necessary since
HI's. Peters has agreed to return in the capacity of Village Clerk, treasurer
and tax collector l.dthin the next two weeks.
11r. Ferrin reported a check for ~200.63 cigarette tax had been received.
The following bills were submitted for payment:
Civic Association:
(April, l1ay ~~d June rental for
Council meetings, Fire Dept.
meetings and Charter Board
Recreation Program:
(Bills submitted from various shops)
North Orlando Co.
(Grading ranch roads)
Attorney Orville Johnson
to be made
out in two
N. O. Co. $44.00
c. Nemory 36.00
Dave Tilson
Mr. Ferrin made a motion that all bills be paid as submitted. Yll'. Tilson
seconded the motion. Motion was carried unanimously.
Mr. Ferrin submitted a budget for the current year. Village income will
be approximately ;8860. and the expenditures will be approximately $2732.
He suggested that the Council give some thought to the idea of setting
aside at least a portion of the remaining funds with the idea in mind of
building a Village Hall at some future date.
July 7, 1964
Page 2
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Hr.. Rhodes on Roads and Bridges:
The ranch roads have been graded and will be checked into further at the
request of Mayor Van Eepoel.
Yi.I'. Rhodes has requested bids from two companies for estimates on repairs
of holes in paved roads throughout the area. He is waiting for the bids
to present to council. i'1r. Brovm reported two manholes that have sunk
from 6 to 8 inches on Lombardy Road. }1'r. Rhodes agreed to look into the
matter within the next "Week. for the period prior to the fully elected council,
}1r. Rhodes took the Village Book' to a Certified Public Accountant and
was advised that they \-rere in "pretty bad shapell. Since he wants no
publicity at this time on this matter, he refrained from going into it
Mr. l'ilson on the Eire Department:
:Hr. Tilson asked Fire Chief Hahn for a report. Hr. Hahn asked that the
doors be kept clear in case of fire. He reported that the fire department
is dow to six volunteers and he cannot build the department up because it
is under the Council's jurisdiction. He asked that the fire department
be allowed to raise-their ow funds, however, he stated that they would
like financial assistance from the 60uncil.
.~ Mr. Ferrin asked I-1r. F.alm if he had ever had any opposition from :the
Council so far as the Fire Department .-JaS concerned. !<Tr. Hahn said he had not.
l'Tr. Rhodes asked r-Ir. Hahn how he proposed to support the Fire Department,
and 111'. Tilson asked how much the Council was expected to subsidize. 111'.
Hahn had no program worked out.
Mrs. Van Eepoel asked Mr. Hahn to work out a program and submit it at the
next meeting for Council consideration.
}Tr. Achord stated that "We have been paying taxes for a year and have poor
fire service.
Mr. Ferrin said that the tax 'Was originally levied, .-.;,.. to sustain the town,
.~ because the Village was over $10,000. in debt. Since putting on the
35~ utility tax the Village has paid all outstanding debts that were inherited,
or has negotiated to have them wiped out, and the Village is now operating in
a creditable condition. I'll'. Ferrin informed the people that our Charter could
have been lifted if we continued to operate "in the red.1f
Attorney Johnson was asked the interpretation of the Charter on maintaining
a Fire Department. He said the Village ttm~tt maintain a department but it is
not a requirement.
Nr. Halm stated that he dicl..'1' t receive enough money to operate with. 111'.
Ferrin explained to IvIr. Hahn~that he had received over :jjilOOO. in equipment
vmich had been the allottment L'1 the budget.
1.1'r. Hahn suggested collecting money from each resident to support the Fire
Department. l1rs. Green said this had been tried and her checks had been
cashed in questionable places and she didn't feel she would like to support
a Fire Department in that manner again.
July 7, 1964
Pc.~,.; 3
ltr~ Stephenson asked if this plan could wean additional taxes.
Mrs. Van Eepoel said no.
}"1!'. Ferrin made a motion to put on the agenda for second reading ordinance
#39. Nr. Tilson seconded the motion. Carried unanimously.
Mrs. Van Eepoel read Qrdinance #39 b;)r title only. Ordinance 1/39 is an
orQinance creating a Village Planning and Zoning Board.
~:1r. Ferrin made a motion to accept Ordinance #39. l'lr. Tilson seconded
the motion. Carried unanimously.
Mr. I<~errin made a motion to put on the agenda for third reading Ordinance
#39. ltr. Rhodes seconded. l1r. Tilson opposed third reading immediately
following second reading. Voted yes: Ferrin, Rhodes, Van Eepoel. Voted
no: Tilson. Carried by majority vote.
Mrs. Van Eepoel read Ordinance #39 by title only for third reading. }fr.
Ferrin made a motion to accept Ordinance #39. Hr. Rhodes seconded the
motion. There was discussion.
Nr. Johnson explained that the plannin;g and zoning ordinance #39 is a
standard type of ordinance protecting the town in years to come from
having factories or undesirable business built next to residential areal.
}frs. Van Eepoel said the board will consist of five people who will be
appointed by the Council and help is available from the Florida League
of 1-funicipalities to help these people at arry time.
Mrs . Van Eepoel asked for a vote. I t was carried unanimously.
Mr. Ferrin made a motion that the~~~J?oard Election as of July 13th
be set aside in that not enoug~niePWaS given as required by law at the
time of the election. Mr. Rhodes seconded the motion.
Discussion follo'V1ed: ~'fr. Johnson asked when the first notice appeared in
the newspaper. 1-1'r,. Van Eepoel stated that it appeared Jl.Ule 19, 1964J
Mr. Johnson said that the notice was required to appear not less than 25
days prior to the day of the election and the 19th of June occurred only
24 days prior. He stated that no newspaper is published within the Village
limits of North Orlando, and the notice is required by law to be poseed
in three different places, one of which must be the Village Hall. He
asked if a notice is placed in or on the Civic Building which has been
designated in the July 1963 minutes to be the Village Hall. The notice
was not posted.
A resident asked if the Election date can be moved forward and give the
board time to comply with the requirements. l'Tr. Johnson said that it
is not lawful. He stated that he had given the Charter Board a memo
(a copy of 'Which he ex..l-J.ibited) of rules of procedure and if they had not
complied to the letter of the law, the Charter Board was illegal. He
said that the proposed changes can be submitted to legislature and will be
considered at the next legislative session. He said the other alternative
is to wait the required two years and elect another Charter Board. 1-fr.
Johns6fr4h~~~advised the Charter Board to present the changes to Council
as a matter of courtesy since the Village is responsible for the debts
incurred by the Charter Board. However, this was not done.
~uly 7, 19tP4
Page 4
~..r, Tilson asked if the Charter Board is illegal.
Mr. Jolmson said that if the infoI1jation presented to him is correct, the
Charter Board is invalid.
Mrs. Van Eepoel said that there is evidence of other discrepencies.
Further discussion by the people.
roll call
Mrs. Van Eepoel called for a/vote bp motion.Voting"yes'! Ferrin, Rhodes and
Van Eepoel. Mr. Tilson voted a qualified no, stating that he will vote with
the Council on any illegality. The motion was carried by a majority vote.
Police Report:
l-'Tr. Henry 1l1ard submitted a report he had been authorized to prepare wlilD:.bh is
attached to these minutes.
The plans for a police department 'Were discussed.
Mrs. Van Eepoel asked that the police matter be set aside until later in
the meeting because 1'1r. Johnson had to leave and he 'Was needed for one
more matter on the agenda. Council agreed.
1'tI'. Ferrin made a motion to hire an attorney to break the water franchise
,-.. as it now exists. Mr. Rhodes seconded the motion. There was discussion.
:t-fr. Tilson suggested the Village retain Mr. Johnson to investigate the water
and sewage situation and to take legal action if necessary. Mr. Ferrin
said that we pay $60. a year for each of the 22 fire hydrants and no other
towns have this situation. He said the operation of the utility should
come under FHA, and it is an impDoper franchise.
Mr. Rhodes stated that he had studied the minutes of ITeetings prior to
un 1963 and so far as he has been able to determjne, all ordinances
were passed in one meeting. Mr. Ferrin stated that on three different
occasions, the North Orlando Company has assured us they will do something
about the water company.
YJrs. Van Eepoel called for a vote. Motion was carried unanimously.
The discussion on the police department was resumed. Mr. Ferrin asked for
a volunteer police department until a regular department can be established.
1.1r. 'viard is presently on the volunteer basis. Hr. Stephenson, Mr. Wilcox
and Hr. Greanya volunteered to be reinstated as patrolJnen. :t-Ir. Greanya
asked that l-11'. Stephenson be put in charge. 1.11'. Ferrin said the Police
can determine this among themselves.
Since the meeting was running longer than usual, 11rs. Van Eepoel suggested
that the police be sworn in at the Village Office at 7:00 P.:H. July 8th
which was the following evening. Council agreed.
!vir. Tilson said that Ylr. 1fard's proposals were basically sound but a little
ambitious for the Village at this time.
There was brief discussion on police training.
July 7, 1964
Page 5
Mr~ Ferrin made a motion that Hr. Stephenson take the police car and
have it put into operating condition, including tires if necessary
for any amount not exceeding $100. Hr. Tilson seconded the motion.
Carried unanimously.
fIr. Ferrin made a motion that l1r. "ivard be authorized to go to IvTrs.
Atchison's home" at her convenience, and remove the radio equipment for
storage in the office. l'lr. Tilson seconded the motion. Carried
unaniJnous ly .
Hr. Ferrin made a motion to have bids put out :immediately for insurance
for the police officers. Seconded by l1r. Tilson. Carried unaniJnously.
}'f.rs. Van Eepoel suggested that council make certain each insurance agent
was bidding on the same type of protection.
Nr. Rhodes reported that he had been notified of a dangerous condition in
front of 51 South Fairfax Ave. where the Garbage truck had allegedly
ttsqueesed1t grease mal\:ing a LX5 foot spot in the road and dribbling the
length of the street. He had tried unsaccessfully to contact the
garbage company about this condition.
Hr. Ferrin made a motion to send flowers to HI's. Grinstead vmo is
hospitalized. An amount of ~10. was agreed upon. l'lr. Tilson seconded
the motion. Carried unanimously.
Hr. Ferrin made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Rhodes. Meeting