HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964 06 02 Village Council Regular Minutes
June 2, 1964 8:00 P.~.
The meeting was called to order by Hayor Van Eepoel.
Roll was called by l~s. Pike, acting clerk. Present were council
members Van Eepoel, Tilson, Hhodes, FerrL"1 and Grinstead and Hr.
Johnson, Village Attorney. Hr. Brelrer was present as Sgt. at Arms.
The L"1vocation was read by }~s. Lucy Fairburn.
fhe minutes of the May 5, 1964, meeting were read and one correction
was made to l.dt: 11111'. Tilson did not give authority to have the
Police car paintedlt was struck from the minutes after discussion
between Hr. Tilson and Hr. Rhodes. The corrected minutes were
approved unanimously.
Mayor Van Eepoel gave the chair to Vice Mayor Rhodes and asked for
the floor. Nayor Van Eepoel vTaS recognized by the chair and proceeded
to read a motion to quash the charges made by i/r. ~'l. Anderson et ale
plaintiffs vs. Irene Van Eepoel, defendant.
The chair was then turned back over to 11ayor Van Eepoel and she resumed
the meeting. Councilman Ferrin was recognized by the chair = and proceeded
to read a motion to quash the charges made by W. W. Anderson et ale
plaintiffs vs. Arthur Ferrin, defendant.
Councilman Rhodes made a motion to quash the charges preferred against
}~s. Va"1 Eepoel, seconded by P~. Ferrin. Discussion followed.
Mr. Rhodes then made a motion to quash the charges preferred against }tr.
Ferrin, seconded ~r }~s. Van Eepoel. Discussion followed.
Council Heeting
Page 2
ne 2, 1964
Y~. Tilson and Mrs. Grinstead asked for a postponen~nt of the matter
until a determination of the legality of the rights of }~. Ferrin and
}trs. Van Eepoel to vote on their own motions was established. This
was approved by council.
11r. Anderson was recognized by the chair. He didn't understand why his
name appeared as plaintiff when there were 30 names on the petition.
The village attorney explained to Hr. Anderson the meaning of the phrase
"et al." in the motions to quash.
Hr. Tilson stated that he had an appointment with a promi."1ent Sanford
attorney and a judge to advise him on the legality of the charges pending.
Mrs. Van Eepoel read sections of the charter specifically stating the
manruir in which a legal document may be served. She asked !vtr. Ferrin
if he had been served in such a manner. He had not. }frs. Van Eepoel
stated that she had received no such service.
I'Tr. Tilson suggested a special council meeting be held within the
month to ~esolve the matter of the charges against l1rs. Van Eepoel
and 1>11'. Ferrin and the subsequent motions to quash. Council agreed
to set up a date at a later time.
Treasurer's Report: Bills due: 1. Clanton's Esso Station ~ 3.50
(oil change for Police car)
2. Hr. Brewer 69.68
(final check for services rendered)
3. Sargent-5owell, Inc. 15.20
(2 emblems & flashlight for Police Car)
4. Law Arnold Agency 256.17
(Insurance & liablility)
5. Roy Lewis 12.00
(Relocated Base Station)
$ 356.55
All bills approved for payment.
Hr. liard questioned the bill for the radio equipment. YJr. Greanyea
explained the charges.
Counci.l l1eeting
Page 3
June 2, 1964
IT. Rhodes made a motion to allOiv lTr. Charles l'~clntosh, A North Orlando
resident, an ppportunity to bid on ~~y future insurance needs of the
village. He also asked t:r~t all village residents be given equal
opportunity to bid on future village business.
Hr. Ferrin seconded the
motion. Hotion carried unanimously.
1. Resignations were tendered by: x'Tr. Greanyea
Hr. ~il"ilcox
}fr. Brewer
Council accepted all resignations.
2. }~s. Van Eepoel stated that the village needs a post office box
for village mail. }~. Tilson moved that a P.O. Box be rented
and Vll's. Grinstead se conded. Carried unanimously.
3. }1rs-. Elkins requested a permit to install a well on her property.
Council approved.
4. }jr. Ferrin gave a fin~~cial report. ViD.age receipts were reported
as follows: $300.59. Balance on hand ~2705.81 plus the Road and
Bridge Fund.
5. ttrs. Grinstead reported on Health, lielfare and Recreation. The
summer recreation program for the children of tllli cOnIDlunity is under
wxy. HI'S. Grinstead listed the needed equipment for the program
and asked for help. Hr. Sullivan volunteered to help move heavy
equipment needed in the play area.
6. Hr. Ferrin !!equested that the iJorth Orlando Co. remove the Fire
Truck, etc., and clean up the area on the main road (North Orlando
Blvd.) for a recreation area. Council agreed.
7. lIr. Tilson reported on Fire lihief Hahn. He stated that Hahh has
put in a total of 16 hours, inspected the civic building, etc.
8. Hr. BrOlffi prepared a map of fire hydrants. One copy is in the
Village Office and one is in the recreation area.
9. l1'rs. Van Eepoel thanked lIre Sullivan for replacemg a missing
ffi1tenna from the Police car.
10. Hr. Tilson requested a fully volunteer fire department. This was
tabled for the next council meeting to study Hays and means.
Council I-Ieeting
Page 4
Junl , 1964
NEil BUSINESS (Cont.):
11. Police Department report:
1. ~farnings given
2. No arrests
3. Marshall resigned
}tr. Tilson stated that he doesn't recognize the authority to hire
Village Policemen accordL"1g to the charter. After discussion as
to which council member should be responsible for the police
business, it was agreed by full council that responsiblity for
all police activities shall be retained by full council until
further disposition.
Ita-. ~Jard requested 15 days to vTOrk out a feasible program for
a volunteer police department. Council granted l1r.'ilarcl his
12. Hr. Rhodes made a motion to buy one or two locks to replace the
locks on the city gas taru<s. f~. Ferrin seconded the motion.
Carried unanilnously.
13. As 60mmissioner of }loads and Bridges, IvIr. Rhodes stated that he is
much concerned about the ~4,460. Road and Bridge Fund which has
been allotted to the Village since 1962. He said the fund was
short betlreen ~300. and ~~500. when the full council took over in
April of 1963.
YlI'. Rhodes then made a motion to have the council employ a
Certified Public Accountant immediately to go over the past records
as far back as necessary a"1d to have the report submi ttecl to
council at the first regular meetL"1g following such investigation.
HI'S. Grinstead seconded the motion. Carried unanimously.
Hr. Rhodes made a motion to have the village roads checked
as soon as possible and to have bids submitted on repairs of damaged
areas. Hr. Ferrin seconded the motion. Carried unanimously.
}tr. Rhodes made a motion to contact the North Orlando Co. and
have the ranch roads graded~ wl1ere necessary. HI'S. Grinstead
seconded the motion. Carried unanimously.
l1rs. Pllce took the oath of office for Village Clerk (acting) retroactive
as of 7:30 P.H. June 2, 1964.
}trs. Krecek submitted a bill to be paid.
Fir. Ferrin moved the council adjourn~ seconded by HI'S. Grinstead. Council
'~ {;, (//) . 1>1
"/.. '(1.,.u//O, 1-,fILf2-
! ane G. rike
Acting Village Clerk
Approved by: # /Un-~ d. Y) {lR- t~ ^t-oV
Irene E. Van Eepoel, lIaYOr'-~ '-
June 2, 1964
o : 00 P .li.
At Recreation Center
The Village Council of the Village of North Orlando, Florida met
in regular session on June 2, 1964 at 8 P.E.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Irene Van Eepoel.
Hr. AFthur Johnson, attorney for the Village, was present. All
Councilmembers were present at Roll Call by our IIayor. Hr. Brew_er,
Sgt of Arms, was present.
The Invocation was by Mrs. Lucy Fairburn.
The Vinutes of Hay 5, 1964, were read and one correction was made
to lIstrike from the Hinutesll to wit: lINr. Tilson did not give authority
to have the Police car painted, prior to the tiJr.e Yu-. Tilson discussed
with Hr. Greanya not to have the body repairs to the car.lI
Councilman Tilson after being questioned by Councilman Rhodes,
agreed to strike out the minutes that he (C~uncin Tilson) knew nothing
about the permission to paint the Police Car. .A.lso, the tail lights
were replaced. l'ge Ninutes of Ielay 5th. 1964, were then un81niously
:lYIayor Irene Van Eepoel gave the chair to Councilman Rhodes and
asked for the floor, it was granted. Hayor Van Eepoel read a c~
to quash H. Ii. Anderson, ET EL. 11a,yor VaT'l.Eepoel than took back the chair
andresu~ed the meeting; giving the floor to CpQ"1cilman Ferrin. Council-
man Ferrin, also read a complaint from H. H. Anderson vs Councilman Ferrin
als.g read a ~~t... to quash ',J. ide Anderson vs Councilman Arthur Ferrin.
Counci]~an Rhodes made a moy~on to quash charges against Irene
Van Eeppel, seconded by Mr. Ferrin. No action taken
Page 2
Council ;'leeting
June 2, 1964
Council Rhodes made another motion to quash the charges against
Arthur Ferrin, sceonded by Irene Van Eepoel. l~. Tilson and I'~s. Grinstead
asked for a postponement for further legality of the rights of the two
Council I'Iembers to vote. This was approved by the Council.
CounciJJnan Bona Grinstead asked permission to study the motions.
Request granted.
Hr. Anderson asked to be acknowledr,ed to take the floor in defense
pf his name as Plajntiff. He was granted his request why his name appeared
alone as plaintiff. ~.r. Johnson, Village lavJYer, explained IIET FLll after
the first name meant lI'all involvedll on a petition vlaS acceptable by Lau.
Treasurer's Report:
Bills due -- 1. Clanton's Esso Station
(Oil change for Police car)
2. Hr. BreHer 69.68
(Final check for services rendered)
3. Sargent-Sowell, Inc. 15.20
(2 emblems & in flashlight for Police Car)
4. LevJ Arnold AgencJr 256.17
(InsuraJ1ce & Liability)
5. Rov Lewis 12.00
(R~located Base Station)
TOTAL #356.55
(All bills approved for payment)
/f 3 . 50
/ /....
\,?) Hr. Harvey Greanya and Hr. Eugene Brewer asked to be heard. Request granted.
Radio equipment questioned from the floor by:Hr. Henry '\vard.
1~. Arthur Rhodes moved to let Mr. Charles }~clntosh, a North Orlando
resident, to have a chance to bid on any insurance needed for the Village.
Also, all other citizens of North Orlando should be considered first in
all expenditures.
Page 3.
Council Heeting
June 2, 1964
NETI~ BUSINESS: 1. Resignations tendered by J-Ir. Greanya
1fT. Vo.n Eepoel
l'1r. :Vilcox
Hr. Brewer
Council accepted.
2. The Village needs a Post Office Box for Council business.
l~. Tilson moved tha a P.O.Box be ~cquired, ~TS. Grinstead
seconded; Council agreed to get a P.O.Box.
3. ~~s. Elkins wants to put in a l~ll for her property.
A ~2.00 permit is needed, pauable Council. Mr. Rhodes,
r,Trs. Grinstead and IvTr. Tilson voted t1YEStI - permission geanted.
4. Report on Recreation Center by Hrs. Hona Grinstead; she
: also reported on Health & ~velfare and Garbage Detail and
the Recreation Center~
it will be open during June - July - August;
3 days a Vleek; hours 9 A.H. to 3:30 PoH.
rffiEDED: Volley Balls, Basket Balls, Soft Balls and
Ping-pon Balls and some quiet games.
~TS. Grinstead asks that the Bulletin publish the dates of
hours open, with supervision. Help will be needed by others.
A truck or trailer is needed to move the signs behind the
Recreation Center until they can be used. L"T. Sullivan
5. tT. Ferrin requested that the TJorth Orlando Co. remove the
Fire Truck, tank, etcetera and clean up this spot for
recreation. }'f,r. Rhodes moved that this be requested of ttle
North Orlando Co. Voted yes: :Hr. Tilson, T'TS. Grinstead
and Arthur Rhodes.
6. t''rom the Floor: Tony Krecek asked for soft and hard balls
that are needed at the Recreation Center.
7. IT. Tilson reported on Chief Hahn of the Fire Department,
he has put in a total of 16 hours, Inspected the Recrea-
tion House, the Civic Center, etc.
8. Hr. Brm'ffi prepared a map of Fire HydDants. One copy in
Village Office and onein the Recreation Center.
9. T.rrs. Van Eepoel reported jmat an antenna vIaS missing on the
Police Car and has been replaced by Hr. Sullivan.
10. r.tr. Tilson requested: 1. For a full Volunteer Dept.
2. The Volunteers elect their own
Chief and other positions. This
will enable the Fire Dept. to func-
tion more efficiently. It will
return the Dept. to its former status.
(This was shelved for the next Council TvTeeting to get all the
facts and weigh means and wa;ys.)
Pase 4.
Council Neeting
June 2,1964
New Business continued:
11. The Police Departr.~nt reported:
1. Only one member
2. No arrests
3. Some warnings given, and were obeyed.
4. lir. Brewer resigned from the Police Dept.
5. E~ Van Eepoel interviewed a man for the
position. Itr. VanEepoel reported that Casselberry ha
has two county cars to cover Casselberry, Long-
wood, and IJorth C'rlando.
6. Hr. :vard requested 15 days to try and find some-
one who can help us as a Volunteer Policeman on
a temporary basis.
12. Nr. Rhodes "\dll check on all of our dirt roads and
determine the upkeep on them. The authonity for
J'fr. Rhodes to do this. It vTaS passed unanimously.
(Hr. Tilson :i:lbved, it Has secondE':d).
J.3. Florida State Board of Health requests North Orlando
Village submit a report on the large, black flies
situation. This requires each citizen rerorting
if and vlhere the flies 'Vlere seen. Report this
inforrration Mo Mr. Van Eepoel.
A retrotract motion that Hrs. Jane Pike be sworn in as a temporary Clerk
for North Orlando Village was passed by the Council and she was S1>10rn into
office at once.
fxs. George lUrecek submitted a bill to be paid. Granted.
Under Items of Interest: Altamonte Springs is changing from a
Mayor to a City Manager, was reported by Hr. Ferrin.
Hr. Ferrin moved the Council adjoin, seccnded, adjourned.
C?espe ctfully submitted,
Jane G. Pike
Acting Village Clerk
Approved by:-
Irene E. Van Eepoel, T~ayor