HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964 05 05 Village Council Regular Minutes
May 5, 1964 8: 00 P. I'.:.
The Village Council of the Village of North Orlando, Florida met in regular
session May 5, 1964 at 8 O'clock P.M. The meeting was called to order by Mayor
The Invocation was given b;y Mrs. Lucy Fairburn.
On roll call the follow-lng members of the Council were present: Van Eepoel,
Ferrin, Grinstead, Tilson, absent - Rhodes.
The minutes of the re~tlar Council meeting of April 7, 1964 were approved
as read with point of clarification, on reading of Ordina.nce #38 motion not
rr,ade to accept its reading. The minutes of Special jICeeting April 17, 1964 wel'e
approved as read. The mi:r..'ltes of Special Meeting of April 30, 1964 were ap-
proved as read with one correction. Yx. Tilson cii.dnot make motion for appoint-
ing Mr. Ward and Er. Wilcox Volunteer Policemen.
Mayor VanEepoel ask each Council member if they knew who the Informer was,
herself included, she also ask the residents. No one knew who the Informer
was, and.l.layor VanEepoel stated 3ne dldnot. consider "L,h-~_s city business.
IEayor VanEepoel read the rules of procedure" as follows:
".!l:,'1Y business to come before C01.L'1cil must be submitted to the proper
Commissioners in time for that Comrr~ssioner to report to me not less th~l
three days prior to a meeting. If this is not done the matter will not be
put on the Agenda. and wi th exception of visiting officials attending our
meetings I will follow the Agenda strictly. Vrhen the Council Nlembers have
items of b~siness for De to put on the hgenda, they too will do so at
least three days before a meeting.
Audience discussion on occasion ydll be lirrdted depending on the press
of necessary business. If the chair does not recognize you and you are
Page 2
oJ.t of order. Xe vall try to haye a policeman to serve as sergeant at arms
to all J.:leetings and I vall not hesti tate to use his services be you. friend
or no t.
IvIayor VanEepoel read an excerpt from the Charter as follows:
"All meetings 01' the Council shall be open to the PQblic and the rules
of the Council shall provide that the citizens of the Village shall have
a reasonable opportunity to be heard at SQch meetings in regard to any
matter pertaining to the Village.
Kr. Tilson stated he does not feel these rules of proceedings are in order.
He does not agree with the procedure.
:ayor VanEepoel stated the rules of procedure were accepted '.Jefore, they
ca.'1no t be changed cons tan t1y.
:.:r:::;. Grinstead stated the rules are contrary to the Village Charter.
Reading from the Charter IErs. Grinstead pointed out that all meetings of the
Council are to be open to the public citizens, that said ci t.izens are anti tied.
to be ;leard on aay matter and that only the full Council is given power to de-
terlane rules of order for the meetings.
Mr. Ferrin stated the Council must have r~les.
Er. Anderson asI~ the Council to take a -vrote on whether the Informer is
Gi t:r business. There I,a;,) discu::;sion.
L.r. Anderson ask the Council aOOLtt a bill frou 2cono Painting. The bill
VlaS for having the :Police car painted. I"a:;mr "lfanEeFoel ask I,ll'. G::cea:n;ya to
explain the bill. lir. G:l:'8anya ste,tcd he took the Police car to have it painted
on approval of :.Iayor Van"!:.:epoel and Ivlr. Tils-Ju. Fr. Greanya 3tated. Leona tcld
him the paint .1O'11d not :!'laId ;.;,p, it needed scmding and minor body repair.
Mr. Tilson didnot give authority to '<-lave Folice car painted, l)rior to that
time I"r. Tilson discussed wi th l.f.r. Greanya :101, to have bod,j' repairs done iJJ car.
fage 3
},':r. Anderson read the follovrlng petition -
To the Council of the'/illage of Korth Crlando, Florida
','fE, the undersigned citizens and ta)qJayers of this municipali ty--
by virtue of the authori t;}r granted us in our Charter-and the Con-
sti tution of the Great state of Florida and of the United states of
America, DO, HERE,'iITH,
Charge you ~~rs. Irene VanEepoel and You, Mr. Arthur Ferrin,
wi th gross abuse of office by your dual complicity in the mis-
appropiation of public funds... by causing you signatures to be-
come affixed on two checks against j'v1unicipal funds completely
unbeknown to the governing body whose authority it is to issue
such documents... and that in so doing you did improperly ob-
ligate the city.. and you jointly did far exceed your authority
granted you in the Charter, therefore violating that which each of
;{OU teok a solenm oath to protect and defend....
NOH, T:dEEt;}i'OIE:
We, have no alternative but to demand your joint aDrogation from
this body poli tic, said removal to be at the earliest moment con-
sistent ynth a fair and just time to defend yourselves from these
We, also, demand that the accused shall be denied the right of vote
on their O1ffi conduct. We agree to accept your resignations in lieu
of this action.
Mr. .c'\nderson ask that tne Council take action to set hearing immediately.
Mr. Tilson read Article III Section from the Charter.
Mr. Tilson made a motion to consider the charges, Mrs. Grinstead seconded
the motion.
Mr. Tilson made a motion to set hearing for next regular Council Meeting,
June 2, 1964, seconded by ~Irs, Grinstead. 1~. Tilson ask if this was agreeable.
=Lrs. Krecek stated she is carrJi-.i.ng a peti tion which reads as follows:
Ir\'{e, the undersigned residents of the Village of North Orlando do
hereby demand by this petition the Council of the Village of North
Orlando to request proper legislative action for the repeal of the
special legislative act, HO,lse Bill 2474, Chapter 59-1614, adopted
June 26, 1959 by the state of Florida Legislative session in which
the present North Orlando Village Charter was approved.
Health, ilelfare and Recreation COITunissioner - Mrs. Grinstead bave the following
A recreation program mow being planned for the summer. Thanked Mr.
Page 4.
Smart for m01fn.ng the grass at Recreat-:_on Area, ,<r. \rilcox for supervising the
laying of the water pipes and all yrbo helped. Lirs. Grinstead read a letter from
North Orlando Co. stating the:;" will clean up the property bet\'leen Fairfa.x and
Devon. Checked roads for trash and had 50hle residents clean their trash up, more
to check and contact. Contacted Garbage Co. about the complaints from residents
about the garbage men leaving garbage along the streets.
1::rs. Grinstead reported a complaint from a resident about a very dangerous
ditch on the South Side, ask the Council to consider doing something about it.
1'11'. Watson ask Mrs. Grinstead to check &. clay pit in the Ranch Area, people
are using it for a dump.
1irs. Grove stated she thinks dogs are dragging much of the garbage over the
Flre ~1d Police Co~rassioner - 1~. Tilson stated the Council has full
au thori ty over the policemen, he has no au thori ty wi t.hou t the Council voting
giving him authority.
Mr. Tilson requested a contingency fund be set up for the Fire Department,
Police Department and anything else the Council might deem necessary.
Mr. Tilson made a motion to set up this special fund, seconded Mrs. Grin-
stead. votes, Yes, Grinstead, Ferrin, Tilson.
Mr. Tilson suggested treasurer be authorized to disperse of this fund at
the consent of the Village Council, tangible city business. Resolution bearing
all five COll..'1cilmen signatures or a public meeting. Mr. Tilson made motion,
seconded Mrs. Grinstead. Votes, Yes, Grinstead, Ferrin, Tilson.
Discussion on old Fire Truck. The Forestry Service has offered a four
wheel drive tru.ck to the Village. Discussion on taking tank off of old Fire
Truck and putting it on Forestry Service truck. Mr. Ferrin made a motion to
accept truck and take tank from I<~re Truck and put on it. Motion seconded Mrs.
Grinstead. Votes, Yes, Grinstead, Ferrin, Tilson.
Mr. Tilson presented a complaint from ~XS. Elridge against a Volunteer
Page 5
Policeman. The complaint conduct bn becorring an officer. Also his wife inter-
ferred in Police business.
W~. Tilson n~de a motion to suspend vdth Volunteer Policemen since we have
a Town Marshall, make them Auxiliary Policemen. They will not carry a g'J.n, badge
or drive police car alone, unless at y~. Brewers request. Mr. Ferrin seconded
the motion. Votes, Yes, Grinstead, Ferrin, Tilson.
Finance Commissioner - 1~. Ferrin read a letter from Hanna-Closson Agency
concerning Insurance.
Treasurers report -
Balance April 6, 1964
Deposits made
Bills paid
Transfer Road & Bridge Fund
Balance as of May .5, 1964
Bills presented -
Lew Arnold
2 emblems 15.20
1 flashlite
(Police car)
Insurance - Liability 256.17
and Property damage
Relocating base 12.00
Sargent-Sowell, Inc.
Roy Lewis
Discussion on bills, no action taken. Bills held.
Mayor VanEepoel ask for motion to place on Agenda Ordinance #38. y~. Ferrin
made a motion to omit error in reading of Ordinance #38 in its entirety.
Mrs. Grinstead made a n,otion Ordinance #38 be read in its entirety on third
Ordinance #3B entitled:
"An Ordinance providing for the levying of taxes against the comsumer
of public utili ties wi thin the corporate hili ts of North Orlando, pro-
viding for the collection thereof by the seller, payment thereof by the
seller to the Village of North Orla.."ldo, and providing a penalty for the
violation thereof by the seller or purchaser."
was read in its entirety on third reading.
Motion 'l'TaS made by Mr. :Ferrin, seconded by W.rs. Grinstead to accept Ordinance
#3B on third reading. Votes - Yes, Frinstead, Ferrin, Tilson.
..age 6
Mayor VanEepoel introduced Air. Brewer, Town Marshall to the residents.
Mrs. Grinstead ask for a motion to have au tho ri ty to look into the problems
of the drainage ditch on the South Side. 1:Ir. Ferrj.n made motion, seconded Mr.
Tilson. Votes - Yes, Tilson, Ferrin, Grinstead.
Mr. Ferrin made a motion giving Mrs. Grinstead authority to have the old
Ij':i.re Truck and gas tank moved so the corner of Fairfax and Devon can be cleaned
up. Mr. Tilson seconded the IfDtion. Votes - Yes, Ferrin, Tilson, Grinstead.
Mr. Ferrin made a motion for a check to be written for ~~15.00 - petty cash
Village Office, Seconded Mr. Tilson. Votes - Yes, Grinstead, Tilson, Ferrin.
Mr. McIntosh gave a.n Insura.YJ.ce report. Mr. Tilson stated he thinks the
Council should consider the Insurance. There was discussiun.
.L\'i.I. .
Brewer ask Council to keep Mr. Greanya on as a Volunteer Policem~.
Mr. Tilson stated he will abide by the motion. Mr. Brown stated he thinks there
should be a policeman on du.ty at night. There '-las discussion.
Mayor VanEepoel adm:Lnistered the Oath of Office to Mr. Ward and Mr. Yfilcox,
as Auxiliary Policemen.
Mayor VanEepoel read an Armed Service Day Proclronation.
Mr. J. T. Wadsworth ask to speak in behalf of Mr. & Mrs. Cronk about their
property and building. He informed the Council if there is any more trouble they
, I
will put up a for sale sign on their property and sell to the first nigger that
comes along. Mr. Wadsworth stated he wou.lc. like a copy of the minutes and was
willing to pay for a copy.
Mrs. Watson stated she is not in favor of a trailer being moved into the
Ranch Area and never was. N;rs. Grinstead was in error when she reported the
Watsons vote as Yes.
liir. Watson stated his views.
There being no f~rther business Mr. Ferrin mad8 a motion to adjourn,
seconded by Mr. Tilson. This :.:otion was approved by the Council and the meeting
declared adjOUrne~y the Mayor.
Approved by:
.',' ,~l
ige 7
Respectfully Lbmi. tted,
GJ~ (l ~
Irene E. VanEepoel
;F '~