HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964 04 30 Village Council Special Minutes
APRIL 30, 1964 6:00 P.n.
The Village Council of the Village of North Orlando, Florida met in special
session on April 30, 1964 at 6 o'clock P.M. The meeting was called to order by
i1ayor VanEepoel.
The regular procedure was dispensed with. On roll call the following members
of the Council were present: VanEepoel, Ferrin, Grinstead, Rhodes, Tilson.
Mayor VanEepoel ask for a motion to hire }1r. E. Brewer as Town Marshall. l~.
Ferrin made a motion, seconded by 1;Tr. Rhodes to hire Hr. Brewer as Town Harshall.
t~. Tilson ask for discussion on the matter and also stated his position.
He said he is not opposed to hiring a police~an, he is in favor of it. He is
opposed to a volunteer police department. He has nothing against 11r. Brewer as
a man. He is opposed to the matter in which it came abo.t and the way it was
~'1rs. Grinstead stated she didnot disapprove of hiring a policeman, but she
thinks the residents of the Village should have an opportunity to apply for the
Mayor Van Eepoel stated ~~. E. Bre,~rs qualified to be a policeman. The
Sheriffs Department gave him a very high recommendation. He will serve the
Village for ~75.00 a month.
The residents made suggestions and cO~~2nts on the hiring of the policeman.
The mayor called for a vote to hire l'11'. Brel-rer as Town l1arshall. Votes-
Ferri::1, Yes; Grinstead, No; Rhodes:, Yes; Tilson, No. l1ayor Van Eepoels vote was
Yes. 1-11'. E. Brewer was hired as Town Harshall by a majority vote.
The mayor declared the meeting adjourned.
At the request of !~r. Tilson the meeting was agai:1 called to order by
}1a~Tor VanEepoel.
On motion by Hr. Tilson, seconded by ?ilr. Ferrin, l'Tr. Henry Hard and 1'1r.
Fage 2
Donald :Jilcox l-rere appointed Volilllteer t'olicemen. Votes - Yes, Ferrin, Rhodes,
Grinstead, Tilson.
}tt. Rhodes stated !~. Ward needs two crystals for his radio to operate with
the Village radioes. On motion by Hr. Ferrin, seconded by Hr. Rhodes to pay for them
out of petty cash. Votes - Yes, Ferrin, Rhodes, Grinstead, Tilson.
On motion by }Tr. Ferrin, seconded by I'Tr. Rhodes the meeting was declared
adjourned by the Mayor.
Respectfully Submitted,
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Elizabeth E, Atchison
Village Clerk
,Approved by:
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Irene E. VanEepoel