HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964 04 17 Village Council Special Minutes
APRIL 17, 1964
7:30 P.H.
The Village Council of the Village of North Orlando, Florida met in special
session on April 17, 1964 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. The meeting was called to order by
Mayor VanEepoel.
On roll call the following members of the Council were present: VanEepoel,
Ferrin, Grinstead, Rhodes and Tilson.
:Hayor VanEepoel stated that HI'S. Fairburn due to illness would not be able
to give the Invocation. 11ayor VanEepoel ask }trs. Rowell to give the Invocation.
Nrs. Rowell ask the Council and residents to repeat the Lord's Prayer.
Guest speakers were: }tr. Gore speaking in behalf of l'1r. Ylilwee, who is
running for Superintendent of Schools in Seminole County. l,1r. Sloan spoke, he is
running for Tax Collector in Seminole County.
Hayor Van Eepoel set up rules of procedure for future meetings.
The minutes of the reorganizational meeting on April 6, 1964 were approved as
read - Yes, J:i'errin, Grinstead, Rhodes, Tilson.
Health, Welfare and Recreation Commissioner - Nrs. Grinstead had no report.
Finance Commissioner - 1':Ir. Ferrin gave the
Balance on hand as of M?!,ch 3
Paid Out
Balance as of April 6, 1964
Treasurers Report as follows:
Mr. Ferrin said he talked with Suburban Propane Gas Co. about lower rates, they
plan to make a survey.
Hayor Van Eepoel th8llread Resolution #29, dated April 7, wherein Council
approved donation of $50.00 from Village Funds to the North Ornlando Little league
for assistance in meeting their financial obligations in the Little League Associa-
tion for the Senior Boys.
Police and Fire Commissioner - Mr. Tilson ask the Council to comsider setting
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up an allocation for the Fire Department, also the Fire truck should be painted.
Hr. Tilson also said the Police car should be painted, he understands that paint
is available and the spraying would be done at no cost. Mr. Tilson also stated
that he is opposed to a Volunteer Police Departwent, it hasn't worked in the past
and doesn't think it can work in the future. He suggested hiring a full time
1'1arshall, possibly a retired man who was formally a policeman.
Road and Bridge Commissioner - l'-1r. Rhodes said he checked all roads and some
are in need of repair, will give full report at next meeting.
There was more discussion on the police situation. Mr. Rhodes stated at
this time the budget does not permit a hired policeman. On motion by Hr. Rhodes
and seconded by Hr. Ferrin giving Hr. Tilson authority to have the police car
painted. Votes - yes, Ferrin, Grinstead, Rhodes, Tilson.
The following bill~ were presented:
The Sanford Herald Special Election Notice
Charter Board
Orville Johnson
Conference re utilities
Drafting Ordinance
Hr. Ferrin made a motion to pay these bills, seconded by YJ1's. Grinstead. Votes-
Yes. Ferrin, Grinstead, Rhodes, Tilson.
:Hayor Van Eepoel stated a renewal of bonding on the Hayor and Treasurer
would be made.
Ordinance #38 entitled:
"An Ordinance providing for the levying of taxes against the consumer of
public utilities within the corporate limits of North Orlando, pro-
viding for the collection thereof by the seller, payment thereof by the
seller to the Village of North Orlando, and providing a penalty for the
violation thereof by the seller or purchaser."
was read by title only.
Motion was made by}1f..r. Ferrin, seconded by Hr. Tilson to accept Ondinance #38
on second reading. Votes - Yes, l"errin Grinstead, Rhodes, Tilson. Ordinance #38
was therefore approved on second reading.
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A delegation from the Ranch Area asking why they weren't contacted about
a trailer being allowed to be moved into the Ranch Area. There was discussion
on the matter. 1'1rs. Grinstead said as far as she Imew the Council does not have
the authority to make this descision. It is understood North Orlando Company
has the authority over this area.
There was complaints about garbage along the streets. Nrs. Grinstead will
contact the Garbage Company.
Hr. Cassalou complained about the corner of South Devon being such a mess.
l11's. Grinstead will see what she can do about this matter.
Mayor Van Eepoel read a Proclamation from the Seminole County Chamber of
Commerce announcing the Industrial Exhibit April 24, 25 and 26.
1'1r. Cassalou complained about the dogs on the streets and at the school
bus stop. Hr. Tilson will notify the owners of the dogs.
There being no further business Hr. Ferrin made a motion to adjourn,
seconded by 111's. Grinstead. This motion was approved by the Council and the
meeting was declared adjourned by the p,ayor.
Respectfully Submitted,
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Elizabeth E. Atchison
Village ClerIc
J='G. (Jtw- Gr
Irene E, VanEepoel