HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964 04 07 Village Council Regular Minutes
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Proceedings at Council Meeting
Village of North Orlando, Florida
April 7, 1964
7:30 P.M.
The Village Council of the Village of North Orlando, Florida, met in regular
session on April 7, 1964 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. The meeting was called to order by
Maypr VanEepoel. On roll call the following members of the Council 'Were present:
Ferrin, Grinstead, VanEepoel, Rhodes, Tilson.
The Invocation was given by Mrs. Lucy Fairburn.
The minutes of the regular council meeting March 3rd., 1964 'Were approved as
The following resignations were accepted by the Council:
Mrs. Barbara Peters
Mr. Andrew Ferrin
Mrs. Mally I. Salters
Mr. Robert E. Stephenson
Mr. Harold Be ske
Village Clerk
Police Chief
Police Lieutenant
The Council incorporated the offices of Village Clerk, Tax Collector, Tax
Assessor and Treasurer, until such time as she would request additional help.
On motion by Mr. Ferrin, seconded by YJI's. Grinstead. Approved unanimously by the
Captain Vince Holmwood of the Maitland Police Department, presented the Council
with Police Schooling Certificates for the following men:
Mr. Robert Stephenson
Mr. Andrew Ferrin
Mr. Harvey Greanya
Mr. Harold Beske
Positions to be filled by residents of the village. Mr. Bill Hahn was
appointed. Fire Chief on motion by Mr. Tilson, seconded by Mrs. Grinstead. Un-
animously approved by Council. The Council incorporated zoning board with
Building Inspector for the present time. The Building Inspector is Mr. Donald
The following appointments were made by the Mayor:
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Commissioner of Health, lielfare
and Recreation
T'Trs. Hona Grinstead
Commissioner of Legal Affairs,
Finance and Franchises
Hr. Arthur Ferrin
Commissioner of Roads and
Mr. Arthur Rhodes
Co~~ssioner of Fire and
Mr. David Tilson
Mayor VanEepoel called for motion to place on Agenda for first reading
Ordinance #38 entitled~
"An Ordinance providing for the levying of taxes against the consumer of
public utilities within the corporate limits of North Orlando, pro-
viding for the collection thereof by the seller, payment thereof by the
seller to the Village of North Orlando, and providing a penalty for the
violation thereof by the seller or purchaser.1t
On motion by Hr. Ferrin, seconded by }1r. Rhodes, to place on Agenda for
first reading in its entirety Ordinance #38. On roll call the vote was ttIes"
Ferrin, Grinstead, Rhodes, VanEepoel, UNo" Tilson.
There was discussion on the Ordinance. First reading of the ordinance was
passed by a majority vote. The second and third readings were tabled until the
next meeting.
Bills were tabled until next meeting.
Office hours set for the Village Office - 9:00 A.N. to 12 :00 P.M., IiIonday,
Tuesday and lvednesdaJ~' 1:00 P.N. to 5:00 P.:H., Thursday and Friday.
Mayor Van Eepoel suggested a check in and out system for the office.
Discussion of a minograph machine, it was decided to borrow one when needed
at the present time on Hr. Tilsons suggestion.
A request from Florida_Gas Co. for an occupational license was discussed by
the Council because an error was made on the original fee quoted. Motion by }1r.
Ferrin to accept the Check for $15.00 for Occupational Li.cense; Tax lfrom Florida
Gas Co., seconded by l-Tr. Tils on. It was unanimously approved by Council.
Ordinance #28 - Suburban Propane Gas Franchise, read for the benefit of
several residents who 'tdshed to hear its reading.
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I'1ayor VanEepoel then presented a standard Bank Resolution from the South
Seminole Bank of Fern Park, Florida.
The Resolution was read in its entirety, on motion by }~. Ferrin, seconded
by :rlI'S. Grinstead the Resolution was unanimously accepted by the Council.
l'Ir. Charles NcIntosh was recognized from the floor. He ask the Council for
a'letter of authority for thirty days to make a survey of the insurance the
Village now holds. After discussion, on motion by 11r. Tilson, seconded by }Tr.
Rhodes the Council unanimously approved his request.
rIr. Krecek invited the Council and residents to the Little League baseball
games. He ask the Council and residents for help with the ball field. 1111'.
Krecek ask the Council for $50.00 to put the boys ages 13, 14, 15 years old in
the league association. Notion was made by I:Tr. Ferrin, seconded by 1.11'. Tilson
to pay the ~p50.00 to the Little League. It liaS approved unanimously by the
HI's. Kre cek asl<: the Council to consider fixing the road from Edgemon Ave.
to the Community Building.
:rJr. & }1rs. Allen R. Cronk ask the Council permission to place a trailer on
their ranch area property for a one year period. After general discussion, }Ir.
Tilson made a motion that 111'. &. }Irs. Cronk be allowed to place their trailer
on their property for one year from date trailer is placed on property. Seconded
by 111'. Rhodes, voted on and passed. Votes nYesll Ferrin, Grinstead, Rhodes, Tilson.
It was stated that North Orlando Company, developer of the area which
according to the charter, holds restricting Covenants on the lands involved
until 1975.
I'Ir. Bill Hahn, in reporting for the Volunteer Fire Department, stated he
would like the Council to allot the Department money, then he could set up a
budget. There was discussion.
11r. Hahn reported no fires, sixteen man schooling hours. Need of men to
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join the fire department.
On motion by VJr. Tilson, seconded by Hr. Rhodes there will be keys for all
CotL.'1cil members, Fire Chief and Chief of Police to the Village Office. Approved
unanimously by Council.
On motion by JV'11'. Tilson, seconded by lcIr. Ferrin the meeting was declared.
adjourned by the Hayor.
Respectfully Submitted,
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Elizabeth E. Atchison
Village Clerk
Approved by:
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Hayor Irene E. VanEepoel