HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964 04 06 Village Council Reorganizational Minutes
April 6, 1964 7:30 P.M.
The meeting \vas called to order by :Hayor ~l. \'1. Anderson. He introduced
1vIrs. Elizabeth Atchison as temporary assistant village clerk to the Council
and residents.
Nrs. l1arjorie Sheppard ask for the floor for a matter of minutes. The
Council unanimously agreed to grant her time to speak. She stated she is run-
ning for tax collector of Seminole County. 1'1rs. Sheppard told the Council and
residents her qualifications for the job.
The next order of business /..as the swearing into office IvIrs. 110na Grinstead
Councilwoman, Group 4, !v1r. David Tilson - Councilman, Group 2. Judge Orville
Johnson administered the oath of office to the two Council Hembers.
llayor Anderson ask the five Council11embers to cast their secret ballots
for a new Hayor. The first ballot was;
i'1r. Arthur Ferrin 3 votes
Hr. David Tilson a votes
Hr. Arthur Ferrin declined the office, stating he didnot have the time to
act as l1a.yor. His declination was accepted by the Council. VJ.a.yor Anderson
ask the Council to cast a second secret ballot. The second ballot was:
HI'S. Irene Eepoel 3 votes
}1r. David Tilson 2 votes
l'Irs. Irene VanEepoel was sworn in as l'layor of the Village of North Orlando,
Fla. by Judge Orville Johnson. Mr. Anderson congratulated VJ.a.yor VanEepoel and
turned the gavel over to her.
Hayor VanEepoel called the meeting to order. She ask the Council to cast
a secret ballot for Vice }~yor. The first ballot \iaS:
Hr. Arthur Rhodes 3 votes
April 6, 1964
Page 2
I/'l1'. David Tilson
1 vote
Mrs. 1,10na Grinstead
1 vote
Hr. Arthur Rhosaes was sworn in as Vice Hayor by Judge Orville Johnson. The
oath taken is as follows: I do solemnly swear that I will support and protect
and defend the Constitution and Government of the United States of America and
of' the State of Florida against all enemies, domestic and foreign, and that I
will bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the same; and that I will, to
the beat of my ability and knowledge, faithfully perform all the duties of the
Offlhce of Vice l1ayor of the Village of North Orlando, Florida, upon which I am
about to enter, so help me God.
The next order of business was the nomination for a Vil~age Clerk. }1r.
Arthur Ferrin nominated l'1rs. Elizabeth Atchison, Hr. David Tilson seconded the
nomination. The C011..Ylcil unanimously elected YJrs. Elizabeth Atchison as Vil~age
Clerk. Mrs. Elizabeth l~tchison 'h'aS administered the oath of office as Village
Clerk by Judge Orville Johnson, the oath given was the same as previously
mentioned in the I11inutes.
Nr. Arthur Ferr':hn read a Resolution appointing 1'1rs. Irene VanEepoel as
Hayor of the Village of North Orlando, Florida. It was signed by the five
Council Members.
Hr. David Tilson ask for the floor and stated, he vTould serve the people
to the best of his ability. If at any tline the citizens become dissatisfied
with his performance as Councilman, he would be glad to,.. them the benefit of a
recall election, even though at present there is no provisions for one~in the
charter. If a petition bearing as many names as he had votes in the election,
he will comply.
There being no further business Nr. Arthur Ferrin made a motion to adjourn
the meeting, seconded by Mr. David Tilson. This motion was approved by the
Council and the meeting was declared adjourned by the Mayor.
JI.pril 6, 1964
Approved by:
.J)U,nL. t tlO/lL t ~
}1ayor Irene E. VanEepoel
Respectfully Submitted,
Village Clerk
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Elizabeth E. Atchison
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