HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964 03 03 Village Council Regular Minutes
Proceedings at Council Heeting
Vill~se of North Orlando, Florida
IvIarch 3, 1964
7:30 P.H.
The Village Council of the Village of North Orlando, Florida, mst in regalar
session on lfurch 3, 1964 at 7:30 o'clock, P.M.
The meeting was called to order
by l~yor Anderson. On roll call the followL~g members of the COilllCil ~ere present:
VanEepoel, Ferrin, Rhodes, Anderson, absent Hr. Stephenson.
The Invocation was siven by Mrs. Lucy Fairburn.
The minutes of the regular coun.cil meeting on February 'j.th, 1964, were approved
as read.
Hrs. Salter gave the treasurer';:; report ,'35 follovm:
Ba12nce en hand as of Pebruary 3
Paid out
Balance as of h'1rch 3rd
lvIrs. VanEepoel point"ld out th3.t of tlris balance ~1543. 00 r']2'.:'esentcd Road and
Bridge funds and it vms suggested thAt such fund should be k2~t in. a separc).te checking
account in the South Seminole Jauk.
Motion W2_S made by l1rs. VanEepoel thC't a
Village of North Orlando Road :ll?-':l, Br:ir1[':e Fund ?,ccount be sd up at the ':ouLL Sellinole
and thd the $1543.00 ue vnf.:,ndrcmn from tr:e reguls,-;, accr''l.t?nd deposit;:;,' J-{'8roin.
0'}11'.1 Notion '\'I'E,8 SG-:;onded 'lY Hr. Rh:Jdcs Cl,nd. UlVltLi.moasly approved ::J~T C:'l'ncil.
Hayor\rderSOil then read Resolution /126, daGer Febru:ll'] 10th, 1,;h<31'Gin GOLUlci1
North O-c1,mdo
approved donation of $75.00 froill Vill-lge Fund.s \'ot.he/Little Lectgue .ror c;,ssi: tmco in
meeting their financial obligations in the Little Lea.gue '\ssocic1tion.
CouncilneD Rhodes reportedt.hat bid3 had been received for 3. fOl~r-dr'lv;er, legal
size, lock type file cabinet c.nd that Sweeney! s of Sanford had i..mbmitted the lowest
price at $59.95.
1-lotion was made by Hr. RllOde,,:, seconded by 111'. Ferrin th::t
3\'Teeney's bid of ~?59. 95 for -ehe file cabinet be accepted. Un3.nLllously 'lpproved by
On motion of HI'S. Va,nEepoel, seconded by Hr. Rhodes, and unanimously approved
by Council, the following bills were passed for payment:
to Civic Association
~20. 00 to cover rentcil of Civic Building for
1?ire Department meetings April, 1963
through Jal1U'iry 1964
- 2 -
Hr. Rhodes suggested th"lt, inasmuch a.s ti1e Village Council is not in a position
to coatra.ct for street lights a.t this time, a letter be drafted to Mr. Tom ,stone
advising him of the situation -,dth the possibility that the North Orlando Company
interests might v/ish to negotiate directly with the Florida POltIer Corporation and
make their own arrangements for lighting. Council agreed to send such letter to
Nr. Stone.
Mrs. VanEepoel reported that the Florida League of Municipalities will hold
a Conference for 14ayors, Councihuen and Municipal attorntes in Orlando March 12th
through 14th, and suggested that represent2tives from North Orlando s11O'~ld attend.
She further suggested that the registration fee for any'one attending should be
underwritten by the Village. On motion of Mr. Ferrin, seconded by Mr. Rhodes,
council approved pa;yment of the $5.00 registr3.tion fee for any council member wishing
to attend the conference.
Mrs. VanEepoel reported tlnt the North Orlando Comp3.n;f has a surplus Royal
typewriter in good condition that has been offered for sale to the Village at such
time as negotiations on office equipment with the new interest3 are completed.
l>1rs. VanEepoel lnade a motion that approval be given for purchase of this typevlriter
at a price not to exceed $50.00, if and when available. Motion was seconded
by Mr. Ferrin and unanimously approved by Council.
Reg3.rding request for zoning variance in the ranches by l.lr. Kronk, Mrs.
VanEepoel will make arrangGlcnts for a Zoning B03.rd hearing and so advi'ce COllDcil.
At the stated time Mr. Kronk will be invited to appear and present his request.
Hr. Rhodes reported on the North Orlando Little League and stressed the urgent
need for men to work v:ith the various leagues. He asked that any men, college boys,
or high school boys vTho can work Hith the village boys get in touch with the Little
League officials at once. He further reported thc,t there is 3. need for an 3d.ditional
field and f3quipment.
Inasmuch as Hr~). Lucy Fairburn, who had becm previously appointed to the
election board, has since qualified as a candidate, council Has asked to appoint
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for her on such board.
On motion of Mr. Ferrin, seconded by Mr. Rhodes and unaniniously
approved by Council, Mrs. Robert Dean was appoL~ted to serve as li~spector on the
Election Board on March 17.
\N'iti:l regard to the election, Nayor ;\nderson called attention to Florida
Statutes paragraphs 104.31 through 104.34 pertaining to election activities.
l'J:ayor Anderson then stated that as t his was the last mceti..l1g at which he
would preside as Mayor, he wished to thank everyone who had worked with hi~ on the
Council and he gave a short resume of the accomplishments of t!:le Village government
within the past year.
Vice-Mayor Ferrin then thanked Mayor Anderson for his services and suggested
that a rotu'1d of applause be given l-'lr. Anderson in '3.ppreciation and to v.-ish h:iJll Hell
in his future endeavors.
r'k. Charles B. l'~clntosh was recognized from the floor and he stated that
he would like to offer to the C01.Ulcil his services as a qualified commercial insurance
account specialist ~without charge.
He was advised that he will be considered when
further insurance m,;.tters arise.
1-11'. Hahn, in reporting fer the Volunteer Fire Dep8rtment, suggested that a.
sufficient number of copies of the Fire Prevention Code be purchased for distribution
to all residents.
Mr. Hahn also requested that consideration be given to entering into a l:lutu3.1
Aid agreement with surrounding areas.
Inasmuch as such an agreenrEmt mU.3t be approved
and signed bJ'- the Vilb,ge Council, I-Ir. Hahn vJaS requested to investi:c;::te '3.11 requirements
of such A mutual aid agreement vd,thin the limits of our insurance coverage and report
back to co~~cil.
He further reported that he had received from the Florida Inspection and
list of
Rating Bureau/necessary Fire Department requirements before the Village can qualify
for 10vier fire insurance rates. It was his suggestion that a long-term plan and
bugget be set up toward an eventual goal of qualifying for such reduced insurance rates.
page 4.
20 hour
Hr. Hahn reported that he h8.s completed the/State Fire School Course in
Altamonte Springs and has received his certificate.
It was reported that Hrs. K:wia Derum will take OYer the duties of
reporter for the Orlando Sentinel.
Mr. Tony Krecek expressed the thanks of the Little League to the Coundl
for the $75.00 donation.
On l;lotion of I\lIr. Ferrin, seconded by Lr. Rhodes, the meeting ',/as adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Vill2ge Clerk