HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964 02 04 Village Council Regular Minutes
Proceedings at Council Heeting
Village of NOl~t.h Orld.ndo, Floric.a
FebrQ~ry 4, 1964
7:30 P.M.
The Vill~ge Council of the Village of North Orlando, Florida, met in regular
session on February 4th, 1964 at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
The iJ1eeting was called to order
by Vice-Hayor Ferrin in t.he absence of IYlayor Anderson. On roll call the follovfing
mer.l0ers of t.he co~~cil were present: Van Eepocl, Stephenson, Ferrin.
The invocation \18.6 giV{;l1 hy Hrs. Fairburn.
The minutes of the Special Cooocil IYfeeting on Janlt:-~ry 18th, 1964, i~-ere approved as
l-frs. SeIter gave the treasurer's report as folloi'is:
Balance on hand January 4th
Paid out
Balance on hand as of Feb. 3
l1r. Ferrin asked for 3. l~lotion to pl.:.ce en tfle Agenda for second and third re8.dings
Ordinance #37 setting an election code. 1010tion was made by Nrs. VanEepoel and seconded
by f~~. Stephenson and unanimously approved.
Therefore Ordinance #37, entitled:
"An Ordina.nce of the Village of North Orlando, Florida, setting up an
election code for the Village; determining da.tes for elections; providing
for notice of elections; setting forth qualifications of electors;
providing for registration; providing for conduct of elections; providing
qualifications for candidates for office; providing for adoption of state
absentee voting law; 8..'1d providing for 3...Yl effective date."
11as then read in its entirety. On motion of l>1rs. VanEepoel, seconded by Lr. Stephenson,
and unanirnousl;;r approved bJ Council, ordinance #37 was accepted for second reading.
Ordins.n.ce #37 "<\'"as then read by title only for the third and final time. On
motion of Mr. Stephenson, seconded by Mrs. VanEepoel, andunqnimously approved by
-~ouncil Ordin2nce ://37 vTas accepted on third and final rCC1ding. Ordinance hf37 was
therefore declared passed and adopted.
Mr. Ferrin then advised that efforts to contact Hr. Hoffm,3n of \'linter Park to
consumate the sale of the old fire truck had been ",Iitl1out result. HovlevGr, a similar
page 2.
on b.::half .
ffer of $150.00 had been made jOfl-ir. Tom Stone of the North Orlando Co;npany.
Hotion was
made by ~tr. Stephenson, seconded JY Mrs. VcillEepoel, that council accept Mr. Stone's bid
if he is still interested.
Motion unanL~ously approved.
Hr. Ferrin th~n brought up the subject of the street lighting through the village.
He reported that the new interests in the North Orlando Company had agreed to underwrite
the cost of the complete lighting fro;n KW'J 17-92 through the village, plus twelve additional
lights, by advancing a check for the cost monthly in advance, emd, in fact, had already
given the Village a check for the first month's lightinG. Hr. Stone had also Given the
Village a letter to this effect, but such letter was not considered specific and did not
cover any defined period.
However, the Florida P~Ner Corporation presented a five-year
contract,for signature by Vill'i.ge officials, -whici': i:auld have to 2ua.rantee a minimum
monthly pa~lment of $150.00. Florida Power maintaj_ns thctt such 2, contract is mrmdatory in a
illunicipalit~,. for the first five ;years ?J1d then a yerJ.r-to-J'~ear contract is substituted. After
lscu8sion it was consensus of opulion of Council that no contract, no matter hOvT few
lights were invol.vea, coul.a be enterea into unaer present l'inancial. curcumstances, ana thn.t
the matter or turning on any lights ill the V:I..l..Lage SYiould be held ill abeyance unt~.L such
t.1.me as a budget is worked out and adopted. I-fr. Ferrin vTill so advise the North Or19ncJo
Regarding the proposal that the Village enter into negotiations for a bond issue to
purchas~ the water and. sewer plant, Hr. Ferrin reported that P. meeting was held "lith
accredited bond brokers and very c8pable lawyers, ~1d that the subject had been explored ~t
length. He pointed out th?t there are 3. ;;reat ffi.o.ny legal. points involved in such a.
~unic~pal bona ~ssue and certain financial requirements would, at this time, appear to
preclude consumation of such a purchase by the Village. tfowever, he sb.ted that the
North Orlando Company people Cl,re 3ti.LL go~ng ahea.Cl Wit;h o!)ta~nJ.ng a Ieas~[)J..J...ll..Y report
--'"Od further discussions W'OlUu probabl.y behel.a..
lliirs. Van .1!.ipoe.L present.eo t.he l'O.L.LOid~ng b~.u.s lor pa;Y1Uent.:
()Ol1n l... ua.l.loway, Tax vOJ...l.eco.l.'
E..1!.i.~ngl.es for police insignias
Gls.nton's :8sso ;Station
;,p;G. .L"-
page 3.
To Robert Stephenson _
filing fee for FCC license for car radio
To Robert Stephenson
for purchase of 3 police hats
Lou Arnold Insurance - last payment
On motion of HI'S. Van Eepoel, seconded by 1-11'. Stephenson, and unan::iJnously approved
by Council" the above bills 'lere passed for payment.
On motion of }1r. Stephenson, seconded by Hrs. Ve.nEepoel, council approved payment,
of $7.50 to the ~futor V~hicle Bureau for purchase of 1964 tags for the Police car and
fire truck.
policy Covered no 'set
JYIr. Hahn in reporti..'1g on Fire Department insurance coverage" stated ths.t present
one time. The area of operation was defined as III the Village itself and ~~ediately
number of firemcl - but only covered injuries to tvTelve at any
surrounding areas , ho-wever, su.rrounding areas are only covered if 3. call is made to the
Village fire department for help. The limit of liability is death benefit of $5,,000,
~d $50.00 for 104 weeks for disability but there are no hospitalization or medical benefits.
It w-as sta.too that at a cost of ;~125.00 a year !ifor!\lnen's compenss.tion insurance could be
obtained to COver both the police and fire departments and this would cover hospitalization
and medical care.
It H2.S decided to investigate whether present policies could be
eA~anded for further coverage at an increase in cost rather than consider dorlqnents
Compensation msurance at this time.
1-lr. Hahn further reported that the fire truck required rewiring, and this has been
done. He also requested assistm1ce from the Council on the matter of money due for the
that the Fire Department subridt an itemized staterllent on ti:,is at the ne:h."t meetinE.
Use of the Civic building by the Fire Department i'or their meetings. Mr. Ferrin requested
for the power mower had been mispl,;.ced. In order to close out the Sanford Atlantic bank
]).1r. Henry ~'Jard reported that a previous check for $3.$0 given to him for gasoline
"--~ccount, a motion was made by I'll'S. VanEepoel to void t,he original check e.nd reissue a check
to Mr. liard for $3.80.
lv'"J.Ction was seconded by Hr. Stephenson 2nd approved by council.
Mrs. VanEepoel reported that Mr. Hahn had gotten an estiuk'1.te for necessary lumber
to build a children's bus shelter on South Edgen~n Avenue. The cost for such materials"
page 4.
even without the concrete base, would be $301.48. Council agreed to hold in abeyance
any action on tile bus shelter.
There was a discussion concerning the fact that when the English Estates school is
opened, North Orlando children living on the southside of Longvrood-Oviedo road will be
sent to one school, and those living on the north side will attend ai'lother. It was
suggested that }ir. l1ilwee, Superintendent of 3chools be contacted concerning this to
ascertain vihether anything can be done to have all North Orlando Children att~end one
Mr. Ferrin then presented a Resolution endorsing the proposed Metropolitan Tele-
phone Service. Mrs. VanEepoel made a motion to accert the resolution as read. Motion
was seconded by:foil'. Stephenson and una,nimously s.pproved by Council.
The subject of an election boe.rd for the lifA.rch 17th elections WH.S discussed end
the follovdng n~es were submitted for ~pprova1 _
Mrs. Helen Green, Director, Y~s.
Lucy Fairburn - ltIrs. Ually Salter - and lk. '\lilliam l1acIntosh, inspectors.
On motion
of Mr. Stephenson, seconded by Mrs. Van Eepoel, and unanimously approved, ~tts. Groen
l'frs. Fairburn:;nd }fITs. Salter were appointed tc the election board and Itt. Haclntosh
WEts tentativel:;- appointed, dependert ul)on his accepts.nce.
On motlOl1 of H::s. VanEepoel, seconded by Hr. Stephenson, it W'V; Ul1animously
approved to pa~ the illenmers of the election board ~l.OO per hour.
Motion was w.ade by Nr3. VanEepcel to use a Seminole County voting m8.chine on
March 17th at an appro;;:imate c;:;st of ~22.00. llotion was seconded by Hr. Stephenson
and unanimouslj- approved by council.
l'~. Ferrin tlE'nked H:~. Bill Hahn, on 'Cd1alf of the cO',.mcil, for the table he
made :md donp.tod to th.: Vill ~.ge office.
A letter lr,-~; then re3.d from a Hr. Krcl1k '1skinS .:'.'cr a. zoning vD.rL:"'YJ.ce to pl.?ce
for not "lOre th:.n one ye2r
a house ~rJilcr/0n the proporty he o;ms in the R'O:..llC:ICS, lJ'hile his hOine is being con-
struc ted. He furth.er st"",tcd the.t the trc.iler itT~_ll be removed vrhen the house is livable.
This lilatter is to be tu:cned over to Hr. Rhodes for further investigs.tion.
On motion of Hr. Stephenson, the meeting ''''-0.3 adjOUrned./~ x:? ~
Respectfully S~r.'1itted, Villae~ ClcTk: