HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964 01 18 Village Council Special Minutes
Proceedings at Special Council Meeting
Village of North Orlando
Janua.ry 18th, 1964
11:00 A. IJ{.
The Village COUJlcil of the Vilh.ge of North Orlando, Florida, met in
Special Session on January 18th, 1964, at ll:OO o'clock A. H. The meeting was
called to order by Nayor Anderson. On roll call the follovJing members of the
Council were present: H. H. Anderson, I. E. VanEepoel, Arthur Ferrin, A. D. Rhodes;
absent R. E. Stephenson.
The minutes of the regul3.r Cou.n.cil Meeting on January 7th, 1964, were
approved as read.
}fuyor Anderson read a Resolution calling tor an election to elect
a five member Charter Board to review and suggest revisions, deletions or additions
to the Village of North Orlando, Florida, Charter. This Resolution is attached to
and made a part of these minutes.
Hayor Anderson called for action on the Resolution and motion was made by
l:fr. Ferrin to accept the resolution as read. I'lotion seconded by Mrs. VanEepoel.
The motion '^las then unanimously approved b;y- Council and became effective immediately
upon passage.
Mr. Anderson then called for a motion to place on the Agenda for second
and third readings by title only Ordinances 3l-B and #36.
Motion made by I'ir. Ferrin,
seconded by Mr. Rhodes to place on agenda for second a.n.d third readings, by title
only, Ordinances #3l=B and #36. Motion unanimously approved by Council.
Ordinance .N()~36 entitled:
"An Ordin811Ce to Amend Section 10 of the City Occupational License F88
Schedule attached. to and G.. part of the Village of North Orlando,
Florida, Ordinance No.2, fixing fees in relation to the granting of
a City Occupational License to any person, person8, partnership,
and/or Corpor9.tion as a condition to engaging in any business,
profession or OCcup?tion \^lithin the limits of the Village of North
Orlando, and providi..'1g for an effective date for such amendment. II
was then rec..d by title only.
Page 2.
Motion was made by M:r. Ferri.'1, seconded by lvks. VanEepoel to accept
Ordinm1ce #36 on second reading.
Motion unanimously approved by Council and
Ordinance #36 was therefore approved on second reading.
Mayor Anderson then read Ordinance #36 for the third and final time,
by title only.
Motion was made by l-'lr. Ferrin, seconded by Hr. Rhodes that
Ordinance #36 be accepted for third and final reading. 1>lotion was UIlan:imously
approved by Council. Vihereupon Ordinance #36 ,vas declared passed and adopted
by Council.
Ordinance #3l-B entitled:
"An Ordinance establishing a Pltmlbing Code for the Village of North
Orlando, Florida; adopting a certain code otherwise known as the
'plumbing Code of Seminole County' and all current am.endments and
additions; establishing terminology; providing for separability,
repealing all laws in conflict therewith; and providing an effective
was then read by title only.
l.fotion was made by I-h's. VanEepoel, seconded
by Hr. Ferrin to accept Ordinance #3l-B on second reading. lv10tion was 1.Ulanimously
approved by Council and Ordinance #3l-B was therefore approved for second reading.
Mayor Anderson then read Ordina..l'lce #31-B for the third and final time,
by title only.
Motion was made by IvIr. Rhodes, seconded by Mrs. VfmEepoel th3.t
Ordinance #31-B be accepted for third and final reading. Motion unanimously
approved. ?herefore Ordinance #3l-B was declared passed and Eldopted by the Council.
Mayor Anderson called for a motion to place on the Age..'1da for first
reading Ordinance #37 entitled:
"An Ordinance of the Village of North Orlando I Florida, setting
up an election code for the Village; deterndning dates for
elections; providing for notice of elections; setting forth
aualifications of electors; providing for registration; providing
for adoption of General Election Statutes of the state of Florida
when not otherw~se specified; providing qualifications for
cffi1didates for office; providing for adoption of State Absentee
Voting Law; and Providing for an effective date. II
Hotion ~s made by Mr. Ferrin, Seconded by Mr. Rhodes to place on Asenda. for
page 3.
first reading Ordi.nence #37. Hotion .vms unanimously approved and Ordinance #37
was read i..'1. its entirety. Motion was made by l-ir. Ferrin, seconded by Mr. Rhodes
to accept Ordinance #37 for first reading.
Notion was unanilYl0usly approv-ed
by Council and Ordinance #37 was therefore accepted for first reading.
Mc,yor Anderson then advised that a new group of people 'H'ere in the process
of taking over the North Orle..ndo Company's interests and that the Council had
received several proposals on which an indication or CO~'1.cills viewo was need~d
One proposal was the purchas~ b;y the Village of the Iiatcr and
Sewage plant by a Rev-cnue Bond Issue, such bond j.ssue to be financed and totally
held by the principal involved in the nC'i'T ovmel"ship of the North Orlando Co.
l\. second proposal was a Hunicipal Improvement Bond issue to be handled similarly.
There foll01ved a lengthy discussion of the various issues jL'1.volved
in the proposals made to ComlCil.
Altr,ough all members of the Council had
explored the subject 1118.tter as thoroughly as possible in the short time since
receiving the proposals, it was agreed by all present that no indication for or
against such proposals could be given at this time, and that legal and engineering
opinions of qualified authorities sho1..lld be obtained. It vTas further stated
,that the ~p~Q)lai or any bond issue would be subject to apprmral under q: bond
Regarding the matter of tu.rning on certain of the lights in the Vilb.ge,
1>1ayor Anderson advised that Mr. Johnson of the Florida ~oHer Corporation had called
and vr.tshed to correct the estir,lated cost he had previousl;y- given. Hr. Johnson
stated the follo\dng rates would apply:
1st 5000K'il
next 5000 to 15000 ID'I'
over 15,000, ro-;
per K\.'I
" "
He further stated that the average bill for the 50 lights showed approximately 7500
K VI used and on this basis the cost wOllld be/5000 ID'l at 2.185 per kw and 2500 at
1.815 per kttr i'iith a smalllllonthly ad.justment rate.
On the basis of these rates, Council will further discuss witp the
North Orlando Company the question of the lights.
On motion of J:.1r. Ferrin, seconded by l1r. Rhodes, the meeting was
Respectfully subn1itt~d,
Villa.ge Clerk