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December 5, 1963
~. Letter to the Editor:
As councilman of North Orlando in charge of recreation, I h8ve
been workine.; diligently in the name of tl16 neonle to obtain the
recrea.tion area for the village.
This 'Oroject was begun several months ago, but until recently
we received no acknowledgement. In the meantime, I heve been
worki~g on a nrogram but the council doesn't feel that the
village should nut money into the recreation area until it belongs
to the 'Oeonle. This is understandable.
On December fourth I had a meeting with Mr. Kenneth Frank, and
as the renresentative of his com~any, he has assured me that it
will be deeded over tc the village. Our meeting was amiable
and both Mr. Frank and I feel that with a little neaotiation
between the council and himself, we can be certain of a much more
friendly relationship tban we have bad with any form.r arbitrators.
As'to,;the recreation nrogra.m I have in mind, I hone to have a
committee of sincerely interested neonle, some of whom have already
been contacted and have accented the resnonsibility. These peonle
will work out a good year around nrogram a~1d will take into
consideration all age groups, the budget they have to work with,
and immediate necessities. High on the list is some heavy nlay.
r- ground equinment, bleachers for t~e ball field, and shellinp: or
/ uaving the uarking area. Money is our nrimary problen of course,
and the recreation urogram cannot 'be nut into full effect o'ver-
nisht. But if this committee starts it, there will be smoother
sailing in the future.
As your first fully elected council in the village, we have
inherited many nroblems not of our choosing, and many situations
have arisen which need much consideration on our 'Oart.
Some of our inherited 'Oroblems are bad roads and ouen ditches;
we are workins towards cOl'recting these things, but again time
and money nlay the imDortant roles.
/"", .".....
However, as a council we have not been idle as seems to be the
general consensus. I would like to enumerate some of our
activities in the nast few months: We have
(1) Given you a four man Dollce force which has worked endless
hours and the men have tal~en sne cial traininp;. They have done
this for the good of the communlty--abd 1rHTHOUT nay-
(2) Dassed many ordinances--all of Wilicr. have taken hours of
time and hard work for research and 80 forth.
(3) given you an eauinned fire denartment--with much more on
this to be done.
(4) given a franchise to Florida nower.
(5) ~i7en a franchise to Suburban Rulane Gas Co.
(6) given a franchise to a telenhone comnany.
(7) nassed a small tax on utilities to raise revenue for necessary
city exnenses.
(8) gi'Jen the villaGe a 'Dart time villaGe clerk--at a very nominal
(9) 2""1......o1.nted a buildinc; end electrical insnGctor.
(10) n8id of debts thEt we inherited.
(11) erected siSns lndtcatine; trash dumns.
Pa.ge 2
Heny other routine business metters h2ve been undel'taken--each
matter time-consuming and involved to some degree. All of tuis
- ground,,,,ork "fill simnlify council matter for the future cO<.lncils
of this village.
~J[uch of the work of the Dr8sent council has been done in the face
of bad nublicity--originating from a few unhappy residents with
minor grievances and imaginary comnlaints--and the animosity of
the same few neoula. vihen the school teachers, who teach our
children every day, ask what is wrong in this community--when
new residents and neighbors who have never attended a council
meeting, and in many cases know nothing of the council work, and
have never seen the councilmen and do not know them, make state-
ments that they "hate this c01.4ncil" for what it has done--it is
a-ona:ca,nt that a vicious element is at \-lork undermining .very
good work we hone to accomnlish.
I wonder if theee vicious peonle know that when they spread
these slanderous remarks they are in effect slandering themselves
and the whole village--creating a bad image of the village and
thereby causing property values to go down?
If these same n80ple used these energies to work together with
the council and build un the community, we could have a 'Progressive
and forward moving town--a nlace we are proud and happy to live
in, a fine place to rear our children, and a peaceful community
of congenial neighbors.
/' 1v;e need the sunnort of every c1 t izen in a community this size
in order to build it up and put it on the map. We ask your
indulgence; we welcome your suggestions; we are onen to con-
structive criticlsm. 'de abhor unpleasant pUblicity, and state-
ments that border on slander and libel.
Remember, a good word for North Orlando will be to your advantage.
You live here and your children are growing up here. Make this
a good place to live--,"!l1ih harmony and tolers.nce.
,..".... .,-.