HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 12 10 Village Council Special Minutes
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Proceedings at Special Council Meeting
Village of North Orlando, Florida
December 10, 1963
7:30 P.M.
The Village Council of the Village of North Orlando, Florida, met
in special s:ession on December 10, 1963. The meeting was called to order at
7:30 P.M. by Mayor Anderson. On roll call the following members of the Council
were present - I.E. VanEepoel, R. Stephenson, A. Ferrin, A. Rhodes and W. W.
The minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on December 3 were accepted
as read.
Mr. Ferrin reported that North Edgemon Avenue to sa 419 is to be
curbed and surfaced by the North Orlando Company. Bids are out and work should
start shortly.
Motion was made by Mrs. VanEepoel that the balance of $100.00 be paid
to A. B. C. Fire Equipnent Co. Motion was seconded by Mr. Stephenson and unan-
imously approved.
Motion was made by Mrs. VanEepoel that the following,,'payments be made:
$65.00 to Hanna Clossen Agency
$50.00 to Lou Arnold. Insurance
Motion was seconded by Mr. Ferrin and unanimously approved.
Mr. Beske reported that Panama Road in the ranches had not been put in
usable condition by the Florida Power Company. Mrs. VanEepoel explained that the
poor condition of this road existed prior to the power line installation and they
had not used that roaa.; further, that 'While they were willing to grade it, it kad been
determined that the road had never had. a hard bed and correcting this would be an
extensive and expensive operation.
It was suggested that the toad. be closed to
traffic and signs posted showing it impassable. This will be done.
Mr. Rhodes stated that in reply to a letter relative to the recreation
area which he had directed to the new President of the North Orlando Company,
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Mr. Kenneth Franks had asked him to ~all at the office. In a discussion" Hr.
Franks stated that the Recreation area would be dedicated to the Village" and
, that he would like to meet with the full Council shortly after the first of the
year for review of existing problEmS IlDd possible solutions.
. Councilman Rhodes then read an open letter to the Citizens of North
Orlando" which he personally had written" wherein he enumerated the projects
accomplished by the Council since April. He also outlined some proposed plans for
future action and asked the support and cooperation ot the Citizens in improving
con4itions and atmosphere in the Village.
Discussion followed on a proposed bus shelter tor children on South
Edgemon and Lombardy. It was felt that dOllf4ted bank shelters are too small to
accommodate the 25-30 children involved and that it would be more practical to
build one. Council was assured that the Civic Association would donate the labor
if necessary material .. b~ secured. Mrs. VanEepoel will get an estimate for required
lumber. Council will investigate suitable location and obtain permission to situate
the bus shelter thereon.
Motion was made by Mr. Rhode. to have a telephone installed in the
Village Oftice, purchase three single drawer files and rent a typewriter at $6.00
per month. Motion seconded by Mrs. VanEepoel and unanimously approved. Council
will also check into the cost of a three drawer locked file cabinet and two
additional chairs.
Village Clerk sta.ted. that ottice hours will be 9 - 12 A. M Monday,
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Tuesday and Wednesday" and 1 - 5 P.M. Thursday and Friday.
Mr. Stephenson questioned whether anything could be done to eliminate
the School bus stopping on Highway 434 to discharge children. It was suggested
that this be cheeked with the Superintendent of Schools and principal ot the school.
Mr. Rhodes asked whether the Civic Association was promoting a
"House Decoration" contest this Christmas. When iDCormed that no plans were made
for such contest this year, Mr. Rhodes stated that he hoped Citizens would lflecorate
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because of the fine effect last year.
Mr. Rowell stated that a Christmas Party for the Village children would be
held at the Recreation area from 2 - 5 p.m. on Sunday, DecEl1lber 15th, with entertainment
and gifts for the children.
Mr. Stephenson, as Fire Commissioner, then read a letter requesting Mr. Bill
Hahn as fire chief, to report on the training, capabilities and established routines of
the Volunteer Fire Department and to demonstrate physically their abilities at a
specified time. Mr. Hahn agreed to the request and was accorded ample time to reply
to all questions contained in the letter.
Question was brought up of availability of the services of the Police and
Fire Department. Cotmcil agreed to draw up and place in the hands of all residents
notification of police and fire department EI1lergency procedures.
On the question of non-posting of speed limit signs within the Village,
Hr. Beske stated it was his understanding that after the first of January 1964-
State Traffic Authority, under the Uniform Traf"fic Law, will post such sp,ed limit
and traffic signs. Mr. Ferrin will check with the attorney concerning this.
Relative to the old fire engine, Kayor Anderson, on behalf of William Harris,
entered a bid of $50.00. Hr. Henry Ward stated that he believed he could obtain a
better bid. Possibility of placing the engine in the Recreation Area as playground
equipment was voiced. The :entire matter was placed in abeyance for further investigation.
Mr. Rhodes reported there will be a temporary branch of the Post Office in
Room 4 of the North Orlando Company building December 16th to 24th from 10 A.M. till
12 noon.
The matter of the proposal of a Charter Board election was then introduced.
Mayor Anderson stated that the purpose of a Charter Board is to study the
existing Charter and suggest changes that might be beneficial. He said there were
two ways in which this Charter Board election could be brought about - 1. by passage
of a voluntary Resolution by the Council calling for a special election to elect a
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tive member Charter Board; (2.) by a Citizens' Petition bearing signatures ot 20%
ot the registered voters ot the Village. Such petition would make mandatory the
passage ot a resolution calling tor a Charter Board Election within a specified time.
There tollowed a lengthy open discussion regarding the present charter
and any necessity tor changes therein, with members ot the Council reviewing their
stands regarding same.
Mayor Anderson then read a proposed resolution calling tor election ot
a Charter Board to make additions, deletions or corrections in the existing Charter,
atter which he stated he would accept a motion as to disposition ot this Resolution.
The Resolution died tor lack ot motion.
Mrs. Grinstead advised that a petition was in process ot being circulated
in the Village tor a Resolution tor the election ot a Charter Board, that half
the required number ot signatures had been obtained and that as soon as the necessary
number were obtained, petition would be presented to Council.
Following turther open discussions, the Resolution calling tor a Charter
Board election was again read in its entirety. Motion was made by Mrs. VanEepoel to
accept the Resolution. There was no second to the motion and the Resolution died
tor lack ot action.
On motion ot Mr. Ferrin, meeting was adjourned.
Village Clerk
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